What excursions to choose in Ivanovo?


Speaking about Ivanovo, many immediately arise associations with the city of the First Council. Yes, this is really a lot of confirmations in the form of architectural monuments, memorial complexes, one of which is known as the "Red Tall". Not only Ivanovo was the center of the Bolshevik movement. Now this is a modern urbanized city, which over the past few years has greatly changed its face and is almost unrecognizable. There are many interesting and commemorative places here, which for tourists are inquisitive. No wonder Ivanovo included the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. But I would like to tell about one amazing town, which from Ivanovo only only one hour ride by car and slightly more on the bus. To get into it, of course, you can book a tour in any tourist firm of the city, such as Koi.ru, Travel Tour and others, but it's best to drive yourself and for a couple of days. Obviously one day is not enough, and two are optimal for familiarization. We are talking about the city of Plesa.

This city is known in the annals quite a long time, in about 1141, and learned about him thanks to the power of the Spirit of Russian warriors, who prevented the passage of deep into Russia's Tatar-Mongolian troops. Ples became an obstacle for the enemy. There are still huge bulk shafts that have been erected several centuries ago. Now the most famous such shaft is called the Mountain of Freedom or Cathedral Mountain. On its very top there is an observation deck. If you are traveling by car or bus, then just stop at the bus station building, inspect the ensemble of Troitskaya and the introduction of churches dating from about 1808, and then walk on the track and do not go down moving down in the direction of the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Holy Virgin and immediately come out on the observation platform. It is good here at any time of the year and any time of the day. Ples is good and in winter, and in the summer, and in the fall he acquires his special beauty due to the golden leaves on the birch, there are many here. Here at the Cathedral Mount there is its own birch grove.

What excursions to choose in Ivanovo? 15652_1

After visiting the Mountain of Freedom, you can go down to the merchant area. On the left side, if you look face on the Volga, you will see the Church of the Resurrection of Christ, and on the right - the famous shopping street called Kalashna. By the way, the church, that here on the square, until recently, literally 4-5 years ago, was in complete launch. It was a sad sight. Dilapidate, with dark domes, dilapidated walls. Now she was renovated and she became completely different. It is the temple that adds a festive look throughout. I advise you to like both trading rows, as well as look at the Kalashnaya Street.

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Without souvenirs you will not leave. Here, in addition to traditional magnets, spoons, you can buy products from natural flax, hand-painted batik, as well as handmade toys, mittens, slippers, dolls and more. The contest of designers is regularly held in the Plesa, which represents clothing models from flax. Therefore, it is possible to buy clothes from environmentally friendly raw materials.

If you are traveling in the summer in the summer, it will certainly be worth visiting a local beach. To do this, from the shopping area it is necessary to turn left and go a little further for the round of the WTO base by the original building, decorated with all sorts of emblems of the USSR. For cultural enrichment, which is also possible in the Plea, you should choose the opposite direction and go to the right side by the famous "Tourburo and Ship" building in the city. Here directly not far from him the shop where the fish is traded. I am very advised to try. The varieties of fish caught in the Volga are different. Perhaps the most delicious catfish. Well, the taste and color, as they say. The choice is yours. Prices are also different. Maybe not quite cheap, but very tasty.

How and where can I culturally get rich in the city? Here lived and worked I. Levitan. His works are presented in the art gallery, there is also a house-museum of the artist. You should go along the promenade and no museum you do not miss. At the very end of the foot of the embankment there will be a museum of the landscape. For lovers of painting here have something to see. A visit to museums will be interesting and children, especially school age. After all, it is through the viewing of pictorial canvases, as well as photographic images, you can find out, to see the ancient history of the splas, as well as Russia. After all, Ples is the original-Russian ancient city.

Several earlier it was a provincial town, with an absolutely undeveloped tourist infrastructure. Now everything is done here for tourists and tourism. A lot of guest houses are open, the turbases. Each vacationer can choose a place of stay according to its needs and wallet. Right near the building of the bus station, literally behind it, there is a "Natalie" a turbase. This is the Sovdeopovsky type of building. Here are standard rooms, not too high fee and excellent food. For students, as well as simply active tourists who arrived for a couple of days - the most. For those who want to get the maximum comfort, there is a guest house whose owner is French. He is immediately near the bus station. A day there are about 6 thousand rubles. From those who want there is no postboy. My friend celebrated the wedding there. Everything is very cozy and homely.

Much a lot of churches. Some of them are already listed, there are a number of others. All of them acting. May I come in.

What excursions to choose in Ivanovo? 15652_3

Every year there is a congestion with the involvement of choral groups from different cities that perform religious works. Very impressive spectacle.

I would advise the Ples as a weekend tour. This is a city for relax. If this is completely needed, then come here in winter or in the fall, when there are practically no tourists. My girlfriend brought me in February after defending the thesis. She wanted peace. She got him here. Tourists in the city was very small. Walking on the embankment it was possible to meet two or three people. The hotel is generally emptiness. Two days we had enough. More people from active metropolis can not withstand.

Ples is good for family holidays. There are always many children here. There is always something to take yourself, there is something to see. Surprisingly beautiful city, with unique buildings. This seems to be in a last year, in which there is no fuss, hurry. Life is quiet and measured. I love this city very much. Now here comes a large number of tourists from different parts of Russia. There are many jewelry stores in Plesa, in which the cost of precious metals is much lower than in major cities. Sell ​​everything without surcharge, because the production is local. So you can combine rest and pleasant purchases.

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