Why is Side suitable for recreation with children?


Side is the resort of Turkey, located on the Mediterranean Sea. This place has indisputable benefits for recreation here with children of different ages. Therefore, Side is a popular city with tourists.

My family and I rested in Side at the end of September and were able to make sure the popularity of the resort, and also evaluate the charms of rest here with children. So, I will try to describe the most significant advantages.

Distance to Antalya

First, the city of Side is at a distance of 60-75 km from Antalya Airport. Only Belek is closer, but it is an expensive resort as opposed to Side. A relatively close location to the airport and the largest city on the Antalya coast is, in my opinion, a very important advantage, especially if you travel with children. A shuttle bus on the bus from the tour operator was about an hour. For me it was one of the main points when choosing a hotel for recreation. After all, the tedious flight negatively affects adults, not to mention the kids. Therefore, I did not want to overcome large distances to the hotel after 4 hours of flight.

Sand beaches

Secondly, in Side sandy beaches. This was also an important point when choosing a resort. I think everyone will agree that much more pleasant to walk through the warm sand barefoot than suffering from pain, jumping on pebbles.

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Plus, for kids of preschool age, sand on the beach is an additional source of games. Someone digs of pits, pouring them with water, others build sandy locks, the third "bake of the kulichiki". The children are happy to do "case", and the parents have time to pass. Moms and dads of small kids will understand me))

Pine and eucalyptus forests

Thirdly, Side is an excellent place to improve. In addition to salted sea air and warm sand, this resort is rich in fresh healing air. And this is understandable, because pines and eucalyptus grow around you everywhere. The main thing is to fix health and strengthen the immune system, especially do not need to do anything, it should simply relax and inhale the air with full breasts. Nature itself will do everything for you. Parents with children will accurately appreciate this "gift", when for a long time they will be able to forget about the cold and cough.

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Architecture and entertainment in the city

Fourth, Side is not only a beach holiday. The city itself is the historical heritage of an ancient civilization. This is a truly open-air museum. What kind of child over 5 years old does not want to get into the fantastic world, which existed a thousand years ago?

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In addition to the preserved and restored ancient structures, Side is a very cozy place, convenient for walking, gathering in a cafe or shopping. The advantage is the location of the Old Town, because of any hotel resort there can be reached on city transport - Dolmoshe.

I also note that in almost every cafe of the city there is a small children's corner, as a rule, from minihood, swings and other devices. Therefore, while adults enjoy a delicious dinner at a local restaurant, their children will find how fun to spend time.


I do not know whether it is worth writing that there are so many hotels in Side, which specialize in vacation with children. The main thing is to correctly make a choice and then your vacation will pass on perfectly. As an example, I can bring our hotel. Considering that we arrived with two kids under 5 years old, I was interested in a specific set of services provided by the hotel. That is why I focused on the search for those places where we were able to provide a player bed, a children's chair in a restaurant, children's or dietary food, children's animation (including miniclubes and minidiscoteg), a children's playground. All this I found and the quality of services remained quite pleased.

Baby food

Separately, I want to pay attention to food in hotels. Usually food in hotels is designed for adults, and therefore it has a sharp taste. Therefore, feed the kids from the general table is not easy. In our hotel, for example, for breakfast, they were given at least one kind of porridge, but at the same time she was too sweet for a two-way child, so knowing about this thanks to the hotel reviews We have been safely and took with you a soluble porridge for younger son. Senior to feed was easier, most importantly, pre-try themselves, so as not to give a child something too sharp. For lunch and dinner almost always had delicious soups puree. Our younger eat them with pleasure. Arriving in the season of ripening fruit, I think, neither in one hotel will not be left without vitamins. Usually for breakfast, lunch and dinner were given 3-4 types of fresh fruits, their range was different, and not always the same thing.

Some parents, of course, are carrying food from home, some are bought in local stores. But in my opinion, it is easier to choose a suitable hotel, and not carry extra load or spend money.

An ideal food option for children from 6 months to 2-3 years is dairy and mashed food, including meat and vegetables. Therefore, when choosing a hotel, I advise your parents with kids to pay attention to the presence of milk, the time of its provision, as well as the presence of a blender. In our hotel, for example, milk was allowed only for breakfast, and the child drinks milk for the night, so we took the milk mixture with you. We also didn't have a blender, and I really lacked it, because it was not too convenient to mine food. Local sangs were very helpful, but a couple of times they were sharp, had to look for, how to feed the child.

Children's products

In any hotel, or in the trading orders of the nearby settlement there are shops for children. Here you can buy everything you need for recreation - diapers, creams for children, bottles, mixes, porridge, toys, shoes, clothes, bathing, for playing in sand and so on. But prices are designed for tourists, so do not hope to buy something cheaper. If the budget highlighted on vacation is limited and not too high, then it is better to take everything from home.


In general, if you still have doubts, go in Side with children or not, I advise you to forget about hesitations. Be sure to go and do not regret, because in Side rest with children is very interesting, comfortable and useful.

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