The most interesting places in the medator.


Many tourists prefer to come to Medan to cross the next to other cities on Sumatra. However, I am more than confident that the city is examined in more detail, let him not be so popular among Western tourists. Yes, the Medan is more chaotic and sufficiently dirty, looks at the sight than Jakarta or Denpasar. In addition, not so many people speak here in English, compared with the major cities of Indonesia, so a short list of beneficial expressions and words in Indonesian will have to be very useful.

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There are many very beautiful in the medal, although the smallness of the dilapidated, buildings in the Art Deco style are the result of the efforts of the Dutch colonists, the building of the old mayor's office, the post office, the Great Mosque and many business buildings in the JL area. Ahmad yani. Some of these structures are in a terrible state, but most of them retain their magnificence.

So, that's what sights can be viewed in Medan:

Maimoon / Maimun Palace (Maimoon / Maimun Palace, Indonesian Istana Maimun)

This is the Royal Palace, built by Sultan Macmun Al Rashid Percas Alaxiah in 1887-1891. The palace covers an area of ​​2772 square meters and in it 30 rooms.

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Today the Palace is a popular destination among tourists, not only because of his beautiful historical statues, but also because of the interior of the palace with his unique design - the most interesting mixing of elements of Malay, Spanish, Islamic, Indian and Italian styles.

Location: Bridjen Katamso Street

Temple of Vihara Gunung Timur (Vihara Gunung Timur)

This is the Chinese temple, the largest in the medator, and perhaps on the whole Sumatra. This temple was built in 1962. Partially surrounded by moat and walls, the temple has a very spacious main hall.

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This temple was considered the main temple in the Medan, and indeed the cultural icon of the Med. In the temple, there are always many praying, especially for holidays.

Location: on Jalan Hang Tuah, about 500 meters from the temple of Sri Mariamman, on the banks of the Babur River.

Great Mosque of Medan or Masjid Paradise Medan (Great Mosque of Medan or Masjid Raya Al Mashun)

This is perhaps one of the main attractions of the city. The mosque began to build in 1906, and the construction was completed in 1909. At the beginning of its creation, this mosque merges with the palace complex. Its architectural style is characterized by styles inherent in the Middle East, India and Spain.

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By the way, the mosque was built on the project of a Dutch architect, who also designed the Maulun Palace, although it was only at the very beginning - the construction process was led by local architects, because the Dutchman called for Java to recover the temple of Borobudur. But the mosque is generously gifted by imported building materials - marble for decoration from Italy, Germany and China, and glass in chandelier straight from France. The mosque has an octagonal form - a sort of Markkansky, European, Malay and Middle East styles. A unique interior is distinguished by this mosque from most mosques of the world.

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On the windows near the wooden dorand on the veranda, very beautiful stained glass windows - the fashion of the ar-nouveau period 1890-1914 years in combination with Islamic art. And in general, the walls, ceilings, columns, the arches of the mosque are richly decorated with ornaments on floral and vegetable topics.

The main dome of the mosque in the Turkish style is surrounded by four other smaller domes. Mihrab (Niche in the mosque wall) is made of marble, and minaret is a mixture of Egyptian, Iranian and Arab style.

Merdec Alley (Merdeka Walk)

Inspired by Singapores, this was created in the medant. It is essentially a whole range - fast food and cooler restaurants. And here you will find various entertainment institutions.

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Location: Lapangan Merdeka, JL Balai Kota, five minutes walk from Caesavan Square, opposite the Aston Hotel

Tondi Gallery (Tondi Gallery)

This is a non-profit gallery of contemporary art and shop. "Tondi2 means" spirit "or" soul "in the language of the Batakov (locals). The gallery was created to support the artists of North Sumatra and Indonesia as a whole.

Location: JL Keladi Buntu No. 6. (next to Jl Sriwijaya and University of Dharma Agung University)

Temple Sri Mariamman (SHRI Mariamman)

This is the oldest Hindu temple of the Med. This temple was built in 1881 to worship the goddess Mariamman. The temple is located in the area known as Campung Madras (Kampung Madras) or Little India Med (Little India).

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The gate is decorated with a gopuram (the garment tower in the temple fence of Hindu temples, especially popular in South India). This temple is the main place to celebrate Taoups (full moon on the Tamil calendar) and the Festival of Diwali (the main Indian and Hindu festival).

Location: Jalan Teuku Umar No 18, Medan Polonia


The two-storey mansion was built on the orders of the Chinese merchant, who was a very important person in the area, owned a large number of land and plantations in the Medan, and later he became "Majoor Der Chinezen" ("Chinese Leader") and contributed to the construction of the Medan-Belaban railway .

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The building was built in the Chinese-European-style Art Deco, and the construction was completed in 1900. In the colonial era, this building was called "Old Chinese House" ("Old Chinese House"). Pretty pretty Domishko!

Location: Kesawan Street

Caeswan Square (Kesawan Square)

This is the area in the west of the Med. The area is interesting for its historic buildings and the street Jalan Ahmad Yani, which is the oldest street in Medan (located next to the square). The history of the square is rooted in 1880, when the Chinese from Malacca and China settled in the Medan.

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After a terrible fire covered wooden houses of those Chinese in 1889, the Chinese began to build two-story houses, some of which remained so far. Currently, there are many restaurants on this area, and in general in the evening it is a good place for walking. Other historic buildings on Square - Old Hotel Natour Dharma Deli (Previously Hotel de Boer), South East Asia Bank Bank, Post Office, Railway Station and others.

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