What excursions to choose in Luxembourg?


The main tourist routes of Luxembourg are concentrated in the capital of the Great Duchy; Attractions are located compactly, if you look at the card, but on the area it turns out as in the saying: it was smooth on paper, but forgot about ravines. In the case of Luxembourg, these are not ravines, but picturesque gorges and valleys that cut the stony plateau. Based on your own experience, I have scheduled the routes of three pedestrian excursions that can be passed with a guide or independently.

Excursion to the top (old) city

The top or old city is most like guides and, perhaps, the first attraction seek to show those who arrived in Luxembourg is the so-called European balcony. The balcony is the street laid along the edge of the plateau. On the one hand, houses are built on the other hand, one large observation deck stretched from where a stunning view of the lower city, bridges, river and valley. Photographs made from this point are called card and predictable, but tourists do not stop before imprinted the Luxembourg landscape again and again.

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Passing up the balcony (this street goes under a small angle), we fall into the old town itself. It is located at an altitude of 334 meters above sea level, but the height difference with the lower city, or grind, is no more than a hundred meters. Below the two small rivers - Alzette and Petryuss. Now, turning to the right, we will get to the place where Luxembourg started - the rock rotten tooth. In the 10th century, in this place, the fortress of Siegfried, Count Mozelgue and Ardennengau, the first Graph of Luxembourg and the Rodonachal of the first Luxembourg house. The stones are not preserved, the oldest walls at this place are dated the XIII century. In the XVII century, one more attraction was added to the caasemates in the depths of the fortress: the stone chambers of different magnitude, both tightly closed for sunlight and opening panoramic windows to magnificent views of the surroundings; Corridors and loopholes. To pass them all, it will be necessary, probably not one hour, but to make a quick impression, enough and a quarter of an hour.

On the bridge we return to the balcony and from there to the old town. His heart is the area of ​​Guillaume, named after the ruling dynasty, and the Ducal Palace. The remaining architectural symbols of the city here, nearby: the Cathedral of the Notre Dame of the XVII century, the Church and the Cathedral of St. Michael XV and the XVII centuries. If these cult facilities are open, be sure to go inside.

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Finally, in the old town on Square Clairfonten, a monument is a monument to the Great Duchess Charlotte. It is very lyric and gentle, but most importantly - the whole essence of the modern European monarchy affected it. The Duchess rises above the crowd, but - not thanks to the pedestal or huge sizes: the figure is only slightly increased in comparison with the usual human growth, the pedestal is not like that - to Charlotte you can climb the steps and get up to the challotte. She even stretches his hand as if offering to climb her.

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Excursion to the Lower Code (Ground)

In GRAND, tourist groups do not always get. Here is the concentration of attractions much lower than in the upper city; Basically, residential buildings look neatly here, but our Russian taste is modestly.

In the middle between the Upper City and Grind in the rock is Saint-Kiren Church (St. Quirin). She was knocked out in a rock earlier than Siegfried came to lay the first fortress of Luxembourg - in the 6th century, and in the XV century it was given the current appearance. It seems that it would be the easiest way to go down to her from the Old Town, than infinitely climbing the steps the span for the span of the soil, but there is no other way. In addition to the church, the lower city adorns the Abbey of Neumunster.

The impression of Luxembourg will not be complete, if you do not go to the embankments of her little rivers. The river beds are submerged in the thickets of trees, as if they still flow through the impassable forest. Stone paths are laid along the water. Rivers looped among residential buildings. A walk along the river is also acquainted with the life of simple Luxembourgs. However, is it possible to call them simple, if the earth in this city is fabulously expensive?

Excursion to the Kirchberg Plateau (Kirchberg)

The third area of ​​Luxembourg is Plateau Kirchberg. It began to settle only after 1970, and nevertheless represents interest to a tourist, because many administrative buildings of the United Europe authorities are located here. Here are the business centers, hotels, the railway passes. The Museum of Contemporary Art is also here.

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