How to take yourself on vacation on Lombok?


Lombok, Alternative to Bali, and famous travelers, like "Bali" to commercialization, is one of the latest secrets of Indonesia. With an ideal almost all year round weather and beautiful intact beaches - Lombok is truly a paradise place.

Lombok beaches are covered with either white powdered or yellow large sand, and in some places in coastal waters are amazing blue corals and bright fish. The main wealth is the Vulcan of Rindjani, and at the same time one of the highest points in the country. And Lombok is forests and wonderful nature, as well as the most interesting culture.

Try the taste of chili pepper

The name is the island is translated as "Chile Pepper", so, to leave there and not try the perfumes simply. It's worth it! Try local pepper in the form of a sambal: burning and tasty sauce. Separately, Sambal makes no sense to burst, but in some dishes, type curry or fried meat, it looks very harmonious.

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Beach rest

Naturally, isn't it for this at all go to hot countries? Lie on the soft fine white sand on one of the secluded beaches of the island and forget about everything. With the exception of weekends and holidays, there are quite few people on the island, and at a certain point it will seem to you that you are generally alone on the whole island. Big difference with Bali! The most famous beaches of Lomboka Beach Kuta and Tanjung An in the south of the island, which many are considered more beautiful because of its remoteness from island civilization. But in other parts of the island you can find cute beaches. Yes, less well-known - real pearls! If you have time, be sure to taste the beaches of the tiny islands of Gili to the west of Lombok - an exclusive paradise!

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Explore the island on a motorcycle or scooter

Lombok can offer many attractions that would interest any curious traveler. Motorcycle rental (do not forget about the helmet, the terrain is mountainous, and the roads are bumpy) - one of the best ways to study all this good, since public transport is unreliable. And with "your" transport you have complete freedom to do what you like, without having to wait and bargain about the price (this is about a taxi now). Lombok - the island is relatively small, in principle, you can go around the day (just to drive around, of course, because if you start to stop everywhere - there is no enough week). The road at 21 kilometers from Sengigi to Pemesengu is very picturesque, well, and other smaller domestic roads will lead you to insulated waterfalls and huge rice fields.

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Join the Bau Nyale festival (Bau Nyale)

In February or March, every year hundreds of people go to Lombok to become the audience of a huge fishing festival. "Bau" means "calfs", and "NYALE" - from the types of sea worms that are swimming close to the shore at this time of year. Therefore, Bau Nyal is a solemn ceremony that attracts a large amount of zoo.

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Traditionally, the celebration takes place in the place appointed by the head of the Sasakian local self-government. But usually, to Kalianthan Beach, in the village of Potmongong, in the area of ​​East Lomboka. Locals believe that Nyal is not just ordinary worms, and the sacred beings that bring prosperity to those who honor them, or misfortune to those who ignore them.

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This faith is based on the legend about the princess of the mandal: they say, there was a wonderful princess, so beautiful that they knew about her in all countries, and many princes fell in love with her pulse. Their disputes about the arms and hearts of the princess saddled the ladies, she eager peace on earth. Therefore, one day the mandalian rushed into the sea. She was trying to save, but discovered instead of the body an abundance of sea worm-nail. So it is believed that the worms are the result of the reincarnation of the princess, and they say, once a year the princess goes closer to the shore to admire his people. This festival is a habitant chance to experience an exotic culture in a magnificent atmosphere of magical landscapes. The festival also includes traditional rowing contests, various artistic ideas, such as Vaang Kulit (Puppet Theater) and theatrical performances based on the legend of the princess.

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Hike to Mount Rindjani

The 3626-meter volcano is the second in the height of the volcano in Indonesia, and this is one of the most famous sightseeing among tourists. Maybe because of beauty, and also because it is not particularly difficult to climb to the top of the most more or less sports tourists.

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At an altitude of 2,700 meters, you slower, admiring the beautiful view of the crater lake - usually tourists stop here. After all, the next 1000 meters of ascent requires additional physical or mental strength - but you can see a truly inspiring real volcano! I think that stay in Lombok will not be complete without conquering Rindjani.

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Visible in local villages

Stay in one of the family in traditional villages or arrive for a couple of hours to just chat with locals and experience a unique lifestyle. You can make a pedestrian tour in the village of Senaru Village. Here you will learn about the history of Rindjani and the culture of Sasakov (the people inhabiting the island) - all this will bring more understanding the mystery of Lombok. You can find a weaving villages on the island that produce a beautiful tapestry. Or go to the "clay" village in order to admire the process of making ceramics. Naturally, you can buy ready-made goods everywhere, as well as try something to do something.

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Admire the beautiful waters of the village of Village Senar

Waterfalls hid in the depths of the village of Senar. Very beautiful, for example, Eir Terjun Sindang Gila (Air Terjun Sindang Gila), which is the most famous among the rest, because it falls from 50-meter height.

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If you want to swim or just admire more relaxed waterfalls, you can go to Eir Terjun JU KELEP (Air Terjun ţţu Kelep) - you can even swim with small children.

Relax during the traditional massage

Try new types of massage, traditional among Sasakov. You can find them in tourist areas such as Senggigi or Mangsit. These massages are not enough that are useful and pleasant, you will still be massaged under the noise of the surf ... mmm, buzz!

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