Rest with children in Miramare: Is it worth going?


Without fuss. Perhaps it is in such a brief form that is characterized by rest on this so small on its scale, but such an overwhelming Argentine resort. That's it - the locals themselves prefer to spend their idle hours in Miramar, and this is perhaps the best recommendation. When mentioning Argentina, many Europeans immediately in front of the inner gaze arises hot tango, bright clothes and expressive fast speech. But Miramar, initially equipped as a family resort, lives on his own schedule - measured , aimed only for gorgeous clean beaches and therefore somewhat sleepy. The trip here will not become informative - there are no archaeological monuments here, a significant sights of the sights or museum-museums with loud names. And yet in Miramar, in addition to the relaxing beach of Noschelia, younger family members can show some of the interests if the whole family went to the tour.

Rest with children in Miramare: Is it worth going? 15560_1

Of course, first of all, the colorful impressions of children will receive from a completely different than on Eurasian mainland, nature. And tropical thickets, and large-caliber sand dunes, and coniferous forests will make adults to respond to the emerging issues of young tourists. Supporters of active recreation will be happy with the whole family to walk along pedestrian routes to nearby mountains or engage in sea fishing in Laguna La Belenener, rent a yacht or to show the kids local AeroLub (it seems, flights over the resort are allowed only for adults, but let the kids enjoy And small, but real airplanes, in addition, there is a souvenir shop in the aeroslobe). In addition to this Miramar, hospitably smashes the doors of the natural historical museum - "Punta Hermenga". A somewhat unexpected is an invitation to Miramar agricultural school, but it was this establishment that became a kind of "business card" of the town: after the end of World War II for learning children over 12 years old, now it has become one of the most visited tourists. This school will show and tell how the environmentally friendly fruit and vegetable harvest is grown, will introduce the production of various home products, then all this can be distributed and in conclusion - to buy you like in a school store. In short, and the benefits, and pleasure for the younger generation. Not yet in the sandy sand! By the way, Well-groomed, the purest sandy beaches of Miramar stretch at 20 kilometers, so there is enough space for rest all . To bring kids to a coniferous forest, which actually protects the resort from all sides, between diving in a wave and sunbathing on a generous Argentinean sun is also a very good idea. Moreover, with this forest, local residents associate various mysterious legends, which are willing to share ingenous guests.

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Oddly enough but Rest with Russian children on Miramar is best in winter school holidays . From December to February, the air temperature here ranges from +24 to +26 (respectively, this is the most sunny period), but in the summer barely reaching +14. So a family breech with the goal to tan and boil in the Miramak waters is better to plan on the segment "Mid-November-mid-March". A significant remoteness of the American continent, on which Argentina settled, dictates and special rules: somewhere in a couple of months before the trip, you should consult with a pediatrician about preventive vaccinations for your child - what are you needed and needed at all? As for the issue of medical care in the resort, it is necessary to remember: "There is no ambulance as such in the country, there is Guardia, which is different from us to" urgent "by the fact that it needs to be coming. Injury, pain or cold at the very beginning - these are the most common reasons for contacting Guardia. This type of medical care is free and round-the-closure, but is available only with major medical institutions. Help also will also provide assistance in the branches of the Argentine Red Cross. There are both paid and free medicine in the country, and both at the level of the clinic are long - in the sense of expectations of your turn.

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Since at one time the resort immediately thought about a place for a family holiday, then difficulties with the choice of hotel, as a rule, does not occur , moreover, prices here are by no means biting. The most expensive refuge - directly on the first coastline. But even three-star are equipped in every room of their bathroom and can offer, for example, nanny services. Such, let's say, Hotel Ideal. And yet, for accommodation with the child, it is better to take the apartments of the level of at least 4 stars. For example, Alto Miramar Resort & Spa is focused on both business travelers and families with children: the apartment has its own kitchen with all necessary home appliances, you can order supervision services for the child, the hotel has a children's playground, in the courtyard - swimming pool, etc. For adults - spa treatments, sauna, massage room, cort for playing tennis, gym.

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