What you need to know going to rest on Lombok?


Lombok is beautiful and terribly interesting from a cultural point of view Island in the province of Western small probe islands, which in turn are part of the archipelago small probe islands. The second major island of the archipelago - Sumbawa.

Lombok areas:

Western Lombok (Bangsal, Lembar, Matami, Tanjung, Senjigi) -dentist center, famous beaches and the overwhelming majority of the tourist infrastructure of the island here

Northern Lombok (Rindjani, Senar) is a mighty volcano Rindjani, waterfalls, beautiful views and unique traditions of cotton body.

Central and Eastern Lombok (Praia, Labuchan Lombok, Selong, TetaBatoo) -tichy rural settlements and beaches, as well as ferries going to the east to Sumbava and then on Flores Island.

South Lombok (Kuta, Skolong, Tanjung Acan) - Oricapny secluded beaches and paradise for surf lovers

Gili Islands (Gili Meno, Guili Eir and Gili Travangan) - tiny islands at the west coast, popular among divers and Asian backpackers (now among tourists from all countries)

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Here are the main cities of the island:

Mataram (Mataram) - The capital of the province of Western Small Sunda Islands and the largest city of the island

Kuta (Kuta) - Surfing-Mecca and the namesake of the Bali Resort (but this Kuta is not like this Kuta at all)

Praia (Praya) - the second largest city of Lombok Island and the closest to the airport Bandara Internasional Lombok City

Selong (Selong) - the capital of East Lombok

Sengigi (Senggigi) is the main tourist bar with a wide range of hotels, resorts and villas, restaurants and bars. Includes the town of Senjigi and the coast from Senggigi Beach to the Beach Mangrich in the North and Batu Lair in the south

Tanjung (Tanjung) is a small town in the north-west, the administrative capital of Northern Lombok. The city lies at the foot of the Rindjani Volcano slopes, and the neighboring Med and Siera can offer some of the best resorts and luxurious villas on the island.

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Other equally popular destinations among tourists: Gili Islands, Bangsal (a small beach, from where and where the ferries come to the island), LEMBAR. (the main trading port with a large passenger capacity, as well as a car ferry on Bali), Rindjani. (Part of the National Park), Senar (villages in Rindjani, with large waterfalls and other impressive natural landscapes), Skolong (In Western Lombok, this area today becomes a new tourist center), Tanjung An. (incredibly beautiful isolated bay in the south-east, which is aimed at development as a high-end resort), Telebatu (Village on the southern edge of Rindjani Mount National Park with beautiful landscapes).

Now let's talk about the people inhabiting the island and their customs.

Lombok has a rich and stable culture of indigenous peoples, which has withstood the pressure of modernity is surprisingly good. The culture of Sasakov is one of the many unique sights of the island. About 85% of the inhabitants of the island are indigenous sussaki, which, presumably, arrived on Lombok from Java in the first millennium BC.

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Other residents: 10-15% of Balinese, with a small percentage is the Yavavans and Arab Indonesians. In general, these Sasaki culturally and linguistically are closely connected with Balinese, but unlike Hindu residents of Bali, most of Lomboktsev are practicing Islam. As you understand, it affects the appearance of the island culture and predetermines the manner of behavior - more compromised, dear!

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Before Arrival Islam, Lombok was worried about the long period of Hindu and Buddhist influence, which came from Java. To this day, the culture of Hindus is strong enough on Lombok.

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All major Hindu religious rites are held on Lombok, as well as on the island there are many villages with a practically completely Hindu population. If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit them.

The Christian minority is also on Lombok - these are people of Chinese origin and other Indonesians (especially from Eastern Nusa Tugar).

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There is also a small Arab community on Lombock - descendants of Yemen merchants. A small community inhabited mainly in Amprenne, the old port of Mataram and retains many of their most interesting traditions. What else is interesting: Iraqis live on the island, which arrived in Lombok in accordance with the provisions of the UNHCR Program. Many of the displaced persons wished to move to neighboring Australia or another place, but were not heard, so they were not upset, began to marry local girls and made their own notes on the most interesting plexus of Lombok cultures. And, of course, there is Europeans, Australians and New Zealanders, who have already become residents of Lombok. Many of them are pensioners, others become entrepreneurs, and some are busy in the mining industry on the archipelago. In general, if I wanted "native" individuals and good English, then you are on the coastal areas of Western Lombok.

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Interesting, of course, Sasaki. Sasaki- Animists, that is, they believe in the existence of the soul and spirits and in the animation of all of nature. Magic rituals are practiced broadly - to drive evil and illness, find good luck or assist in resolving disputes. Naturally, you are safe (while you behave well! :)

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Main Local Language - Bahaz Sasak (Bahasa Sasak), Native Sasakov language. In this language they speak all Lomboku and he has two main dialects, between which you, of course, are unlikely to feel the difference. In Indonesian, they also say or at least understand many locals and, as a rule, it is used in government agencies, large stores and enterprises. In more distant and undeveloped areas of Lomboka, Indonesian is practically not used and if you suddenly start to pour into indonesian, local residents, especially the elderly, simply, simply will not understand you.

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But do not worry: English is quite common in resort zones, and sometimes people involved in the sphere of tourism can speak some other European languages ​​(French, German). Somehow, yes, I speak, I think.

Here is such an interesting canvas of cultures, languages ​​and morals! It will not be boring!

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