Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation?


Weather in Number

Temperatures here, like Bali, high all year old - between 26 ° C and 29 ° C. However, the mountains are cooler. The average temperatures in the central mountains of the island - from 18 ° C to 24 ° C. In general, on Bali and on Lombok, the weather is approximately the same, although there is a couple of fear, and then less precipitation than Bali.

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_1

Rain season

The hot season of rain lasts from October to March, and sometimes shower there are quite long and strong. In the wet season, it rains almost daily, and most of all the rains - from December to February. In December and January, sudden and short thunderstorms occur in the afternoon, although the rain can sometimes go within a few days, flooding roads and forcing the river island to leave the banks. But most often the rains will not disturb you. After all, the rest of the day (with the exception of this rainy hour) shines the sun, and you can even manage to burn. Not that the humidity is unbearable. For example, overnight on the balcony, swimsuits will have time to dry, but Mikey will dry only in the afternoon in the sun. So, we reserve just in case and swimsuits, and light clothes.

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_2

Dry season

The dry season lasts from April to September, and this is more suitable for trips. In June and August, the temperature is a little lower, throwing behind the sleeves with long sleeves, but you will feel a refreshing cool breeze - and that's fine. Humidity, naturally, above the rainy season and below in the dry season. Popular dry season Locals are called "summer", although this is the southern hemisphere, and the "summer" is cooled and much more pleasant. This period is also considered a high season, together Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, when most hotels and villas, as well as travel agencies, increase the prices of accommodation and excursions.

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High and low seasons and peak season

Low: January 9 - June 30; September 16 - December 20 (the best time to find cheap accommodation or inexpensive batch vouchers in our travel agencies)

High: July; September 1 - September 15; Chinese New Year and Easter Week. Free hotels are more difficult to find and they are almost the same expensive as in the peak season.

Peak: August; December 20- January 9. Although the weather in August is cooler than the rest of the year, but very few precipitation. But the December weather is hot and wet. In the peak of the season of Lombok, stew from tourists. Although, of course, it's not to compare from Bali - there is no push there at all. Hotels, sometimes, increase the prices of rooms twice, and merchants are even more sohal.

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_4

Public holidays

Some major Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist holidays are also celebrated on Lombok, although, it is necessary to admit, not as magnificent and bright, like Bali. And not all. For example, Ninti, a beautiful holiday, the "day of silence", do not celebrate on Lombok. And yes, local residents and residents of neighboring countries can arrive on holidays and festivals on Lombok - many people are expected. So, that's what holidays happen on Lombok:


Muslim New Year: being predominantly Islamic islands, Lombok magnificently celebrates this event - the new year begins with prayers and readings. Some locals exchange cards and gifts.

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Chinese New Year: A small Chinese community of Lomboka is satisfied with a good show during his traditional New Year. Fireworks, many red and happy families fill the village of island. Locals come to visit their relatives and look like a little shopping.

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Gendang Beleq festival: Each village sends his team of musicians who perform traditional music, in one village, where it happens this interesting show.

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_7

Another celebration of Sampi (Male'an Sampi), cheerful and interesting.

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_8

Traditional Lombok fun. The word "Male'an" means "pursue" or "run for" in the Sasakov language, while Sampi means "cow". So literally the name of the festival means "cow run" or in a broad sense, "Race of livestock". The race comes after harvesting when farmers finally can breathe calmly and ride the organization of the holiday. As far as I know, Lombok is the only place where a similar holiday is held. Before the start of the race, the cows are decorated (beautiful collars, on the horns of flowers), and before that the cow runner is well fed, cherished and even apply a droplet of magic so that it is greasy and strong on the upcoming start. The action takes place on the main arena (100-meter highway, but not the usual racing track, but a wetland). And, in fact, the race!

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_9

The winner gets star ratings - the cow-prizence is set for sale: you can earn a lot of money!


Senggigi Festival (Senggigi Festival) - a weekly event occur on the main beach area of ​​the island, and the goal is to increase the level of tourism in the area and show visiting unique art and culture of Lombok.

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Martial Arts Festival (Stick Fighting Festival) : Senjigi is the best place to become the viewer of this annual event, where participants are fighting with sticks and shields, showing their strength and agility, as well as traditional combat techniques.

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Ramadan: One of the largest events of Islam. Local Muslims refuse food, water, sex, drinking and smoking during a sunny day. Many restaurants and shops are closed during this month. In 2015, Ramadan will end on July 17.

Eid Al-Fitr (IDUL FITRI): End of Ramadan, a festive event for Muslims - they buy new clothes, gather for a special family meal and exchange gifts (in 2015 celebrated July 18)

Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_12

Lebaran Topat: An important Muslim celebration is held on the seventh day after al-Fitr. Families are going together to enjoy traditional rice dishes to top. Beaches south of Sengigi becomes the most magnificent action.

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Independence Day (August 17): National holiday dedicated to Indonesia's freedom from colonialism. Funny rural games, dancing and songs, and other interesting events.


Mulang Pekelem (Mulang Pekelem): Balinese Hindus living on Lombock, make a pilgrimage to Lake Czegar Arak in a volcanic crater to put their gifts to the water (necessarily on the full moon) and swim in the lake.

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Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_15

Perang Topat (Perang Topat): Balinese and Sasaki are going together in the Lingxar Park to pray for the next good yield year, and then something like a battle occurs, during which the fighters throw to each other.

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Season relaxing on Lombok. When is it better to go to Lombok on vacation? 15548_17

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