What you need to know going to rest in Prague?


On stealing on the street and in transport

Prague can not be called a very prosperous city, if you have a conversation about personal security. Heavy crimes here are made infrequently, but here are small thefts and all sorts of "money divorces" - alas, not at all uncommon.

The main trouble Prague is pockets. In particular, it concerns such tourist destinations of the city, like Charles Bridge, Wenceslas and Old Town Square - there these guys "work" directly by whole groups. Basically in such a "team" from three to five people; The main purpose of these crooks is the visible or lost tourists. Often minors are also involved in these thieves groups - in case of catching, the court does not threaten them on local legislation.

Many pockets are traded next to CO with metro stations and in crowded public transport. The trouble can be involved with those who fall into the subway or in the tram - can steal the bag, it happens often. If anyone requires you to show a passport or a travel ticket, in turn, ask this person to present your certificate: it happens that the local Julieu "Kosit" in the subway under the controllers. Such individuals are "checking" at anyone unsuspecting a ticket of a ticket and say that he is invalid, after which they declare that you must pay a fine in seven krons (and if you lose it in a thousand). If you know that with the ticket everything is in order, offer the "controller" to call the police. That's where it will be possible to understand who he really is - a truly worker of the control service or just a plow.

By complying with the simplest security rules, you can avoid trouble during your stay in Prague. Close your bag or backpack well, keep it with yourself so that you can constantly see; Cash should be laid in different places, do not keep everything in one pocket and even more so - to no one to show money and values; Rear pocket pants should not be used to transport the wallet, it also applies to other places of your clothing, which are easily accessible for pockets.

About currency exchange fraud

When exchanging currency, care should also be taken: change only in a bank or official exchanger, or in a tourist office. On the street in dubious personalities, the currency is better not to acquire: you may be seduced by a more advantageous course, however, ultimately probably deceived.

By the way, exchangers are also not always honest, especially this concerns the places of tourists' accumulation - there you can also inflate, and, as they say, "beautifully". For example, an excellent currency exchange rate will be offered, but then it turns out that there is a stagnant - the minimum amount for such metabolism conditions is a thousand euros. And it is even written about it - only in a very small font, so after no time you do not adopt.

Furnish our brother of the tourist is also different: for this, the showcase of the exchange office indicates a profitable exchange rate of the currency and do not mention a disadvantageous purchase rate at all. If you found it already during the financial transaction and wish to cancel everything, the cashier will say that the score is already printed, and nothing will be done. If you ask for help from the police, you will most likely advise you to contact the Czech National Bank, which controls the activities of currency exchange points. It is clear that you will have nothing to lose at this time. So the Council is carefully read all the necessary information about the terms of exchange and the main thing - before the commission of this operation. The best option is that the cashier wrote you in advance on a piece of paper, what amount of currency you get on your hands after exchanging.

About communication with taxi drivers

Show vigilance when communicating with local taxiists, so that I didn't have to regret, paying too much for the trip. This is especially true of "collaborators" carriers. Pay attention only to specialized machines that are attached to the hotel or station, or order cars by phone in a company that specializes in providing such transport services. As a last resort, if the situation has developed that the driver put an incorrect account or does not give a receipt, say that they call the police - and the conversation will immediately go to adequate tone.

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Other dangers

In Prague, there is a problem of theft of cars, so do not leave valuable things in the car. It should also be prepared for the fact that in the Czech capital you will be treated everywhere, especially for tourist destinations. You can add you another dish in the score or simply to overstate it without a reason, so it will be impossible to understand without knowing the Czech language.

About Czech legislation and drug addicts

In the Czech Republic, quite tolerant belongs to people who use drugs, therefore citizens may be located in a cafe or restaurant, not only under alcohol "degree", but also under the other adolescent substances. Laws allow in the Czech Republic to have some drugs with them and even grow marijuana to local addicts and hallucinogenic fungi at home - in certain, limited quantities. Because of such a loyal attitude towards the "sticking" in the country, problems with AIDS and other similar charities may soon arise, which we usually accompany the clients of drug transparencyrs. You can condemn or take it with delight, simply consider the situation in the Czech Republic when visiting the nights of its capital.

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Actions in emergency situations

If a dangerous situation occurs, some of the corresponding emergency numbers should be recruited, which is important to record in advance or immediately after arriving in the country. Consider that the local police know only Czech language and, by the way, has the fame of almost the coarse in communication on the planet. If you need a medical care on a weekend or in the evening, contact Lekarna Palackeho, (Tel.: 224 946 982), or in a 24-hour pharmacy, which is located in a new city, at Palackeho, 5. If during a visit to the city Any additional questions arise, you can contact local tourist informbure.

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