Is the Kostroma for recreation with children?


There is some kind of cute charm in modest Russian cities. Modest in size, the number of residents, world achievements and other loud parameters. Although, on the other hand, it is difficult to attribute to those of those cities that are included in the Golden Ring of Russia. For example, Kostroma. It was laid in ancient times on the greatest river - the Volga and to this day remains quite large port. And yet: modest. The number of local residents does not reach up to 300 thousand, and residential areas are actually three. So is it worth dragging here yourself, and also drag still and your child? Certainly - worth it. If you dug deep and look closely, it will be discovered that, being a full link in the Russian "Golden Ring", Kostroma is largely unique or, as is customary to express - exclusive.

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The location of Kostroma is such that attending it nice to any weather. Despite the proximity to the capital (Moscow - literally in three hundred kilometers) it has a softer climate. This is the positive effect of the Atlantic Ocean. In winter, the air temperature keeps around -10, and in the summer - about +20, so you can travel with your child throughout the city without fear of getting a sun blow or freeze. Another question - where exactly to go? It is curious that in Kostroma it is interesting for children of different ages. Those who shame will gladly go on a family journey to take a look at the behavior of the legendary Snow Maiden with their own eyes (it's not for nothing more increasingly gaining the popularity of a local turbine called "Kostroma and Berendevo Kingdom - the birthplace of Snow Maiden"). Older Chad is more willingly "pecking" on such a tourist brand as "Kostroma - Jewelry Capital of Russia." No less curious the fact that the city was famous for the gray antiquity, the city was famous for its textile production, for the most part of the linen products again. It will be very successful about the trip just here, if parents want to introduce their child, so to speak, face to face with an old Russian architecture: Kostroma has the official status of the "Historical settlement" and in fact, his whole old part is an exclusive, a monument of architecture of 16-19 centuries . And what Russian child does not like pyrotechnic things? But every year at the end of the summer, "Silver Lady" is celebrated here - the Kostroma Fireworks festival will envy any overseas show. It is especially well resting here those who were born, grew up and worked in a noisy, smoky, fussy megalopolis: in the Volga shores, life flows slowly, stepwise, tastefully ... a certain plus such a tour also in the fact that medical services in case of need (And when traveling with children, no one is insured against this) will not be difficult, since on the whole Russian territory, in principle, the same rules, norms and requirements apply. And, of course, send the favorite New Year holidays in a purely Russian national spirit is the best here too (not all to ride the great Ustyug!): A huge Christmas tree on Susaninskaya Square with wise snow slides, completed by local craftsmen; Hot pancakes; Russian Troika with Bubarens; Psemy, games and dances ...

Is the Kostroma for recreation with children? 15499_2

Once all Soviet cities assigned a significant part of their territories for children's requests: rollers, sports grounds, squares, parks, cinemas - just do not list. Today, the landmark has shifted somewhat - in priority entertainment for adults. Nevertheless, its small guests of Kostroma can offer a lot of interesting places, some of which remained from the time of the USSR: a cultural park "on Nikitskaya" with children's attractions, cafes, walks for walking, for example. From the new - TRC "Collage", where in addition to the cinema, slot machines and many snack bars for children at the weekend are still comfortable and matinees. There is in Kostroma and its circus - on the avenue of the world, and their puppet theater - on Ostrovsky Street. You can go to the snack in the children's café - "Limpopo", "Visiting a fairy tale" (animators), Pizzeria "Pinocchio" and others.

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Most importantly, family travel, of course, this is a place of temporary residence, because children require special conditions. Since tourism remains one of the priority economic lines of Kostroma, then Caring for a hotel service here is quite serious . The choice of city guests is wide enough: about two dozen hotels, increasingly popular private guest houses and mini hotels, as well as hostels for young people. For the most part, all this is designed for the middle class. However, travelers with children are better to take care of the refuge, let the more expensive, but with a more expensive list of services. So, for example, in the city center there is a hotel complex with a fabulous name - "Snow Maiden". Among the 55 rooms have "suites", "Standard" and "Comfort". It is convenient that the whole complex for family guests has been developed here: on request, tourists in the room will be delivered to the crib, high chairs, and bathing toys in the bathroom, and also supply a special children's menu and a special high highchair in the restaurant. Right on the territory of the complex is the timing of Snow Maiden, where the game program for children and adults is held.

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