What time is it better to rest in Oludenize?


As for specifically, Oludeniza, then you can raw the question. When is it better to rest and whether it is more interesting to rest? If we take into account the weather and natural conditions, then in May, here you can already come freely, because the temperature of the air and water to the sea is quite suitable for a full-fledged beach holiday. That is, the air will warm the air to + 25 + 26 degrees and the sea more plus twenty. But this is if you have a vacation time for this month. Of course, it is better to come from June, because in May evenings are still pretty cool. Apparently from the proximity of the mountains, which close Oludeniz from three sides, and at this time at the tops are still snowing. But since you arrived in May, it's better to go to the lagoon to the beach,

What time is it better to rest in Oludenize? 15460_1

Since water there warms up stronger and will be a bit warmer than on the central beach of Patars. With children in May, it is better not to go, since most likely they will not be able to keep in order not to climb into the sea, and for them such water temperature is still too low.

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As for the summer months, you can come at any time, including the hottest months, I mean July and August. There is a bit of not such a climate, as in the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, in the Antalya area. There are no such high temperatures here, so you will not die from the heat.

The hottest period falls on August when the air temperature exceeds the thirty-perdus mark, and water warms almost to thirty degrees. If you are a lover of the sea, the temperature of pair milk, then August for you will suit the most. Moreover, having children of school age, except July and August consider other options at all.

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For family holidays with young children, September is best. This month, the air temperature becomes lower, and the sea still remains quite warm, in about the area plus twenty-eight degrees, that is, almost corresponds to air temperature. You can not only sunbathe on the beach, but also nice to spend evenings on terraces of hotels or street restaurants that do not close to deep nights, rather performing the function of nightclubs than restaurants. In a word, in my opinion, September is the best month for rest.

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Now about why I spoke at the very beginning about interest during the rest. The fact is that Oludeniz attracts a large number of paragliders from different countries of the world, which is constantly filing in the sky above this resort. So, in October, there are colorful performances here, or rather, to say the festival according to this sport, where the paplan masters demonstrate all his skill and various acrobatic tricks. To see this sight, tourists are specially arrived. Thus, resting in October, you can combine your holiday with the appearance of this interesting and exciting spectacle.

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Moreover, the average air temperature in October is plus twenty-five degrees, with the same water temperature in the sea. As you can see, quite wonderful time for a beach holiday.

The summer beach season ends with the end of October, although the weather is sometimes leaving the warm sun and the sea until mid-November. True evenings at this time are already pretty cool and for the evening walk will have to get dressed. Some specially come in winter on vacation, since the water temperature below seventeen degrees does not go down, and often there are so warm days that you can even sunbathe. So you can choose the time for rest and the temperatures that you are more suitable.

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