What you need to know going to rest in Jurmala?


Jurmala seems to be a prosperous and safe place, but I would like warmer Everyone who is going to relax in this place. Home Danger Jurmala - Sea . Be extremely attentive! Baltika at first seems calm and quiet as the river; There is almost no high waves here, on the seaside - huge squares of small water, so you're easy to go, the shore is already far away, and the water is still knee. Stop! No need to get involved and look for a depth. Such, apparent safe small places - one of the most dangerous for swimsters. On my own experience, as well as from my acquaintances, I learned how much the Baltic was cunning. One of the main dangers is in itself a shallow water. When you go on my knee for a long time, you are surprisingly tired. It was ridiculous to remember, but after the first approach to the sea I had to go back on all fours - really there was no strength to straighten up. If you manage to walk to the depths of the chest, it is first easy to sail both in the river or pool, but then you notice that you do not nail to the shore, like, for example, on the Black Sea, and sucks somewhere towards Finland! Very terrible feeling, especially if you consider that the shore is almost not visible, and you are not visible from the shore too! Therefore, the main advice: Do not let go of the children, do not heroze yourself and do not try to beat this sea: one of the most terrible shipwrecks of our time also took place here!

As for the rest of the rest of the rest in this place, I did not notice any more dangers. Theft on the beach and in the cafe seems to be at all, or these cases are truly rare. Since the currency of the country - euros, there are no problems with exchanger. In local institutions, I left the standard 5% of tips, and it seems, the staff was completely satisfied. Russian speech is heard everywhere and understand it in almost every restaurant and shop.

And one more advice: try to visit Jurmala and warm, and in the cold season. In the summer it is good here and hang out, and in the winter - photographs. Desert beaches with rare walking and dark pines over them are very picturesque.

What you need to know going to rest in Jurmala? 15436_1

You can get into the "thicket" and remove from there.

What you need to know going to rest in Jurmala? 15436_2

And, of course, the best frames are obtained with seagulls, which winter will not be anxious resting rest!

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