Rest in Tikirov: where to eat and how much does it cost?


In Tekirova, almost all major hotels have the category '' five stars '', and they work according to the program '' everything is turned on '', so you will not die with hunger. Most likely the opposite, you will arrive home after vacation with extra kilograms. But, nevertheless, many tourists periodically visit the restaurants located outside the hotels to sit and taste those dishes that they will try to try in the hotel.

There are no expensive and luxurious restaurants in the village, so you will not have to wear tuxedo and evening dresses. It is quite suitable for a slight form of clothing, that is, shorts and a T-shirt, unless of course you relax in late October or November and decided to sit in the restaurant in the evening. In this case, you have to get dressed. All cafes and restaurants can not describe the point, I will tell only about those who, in my opinion, can be visited.

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Restaurant '' Dallas ''. The name is intriguing, but of course to Dallas, he is far as in principle to a luxury restaurant. But they are preparing here. You can enjoy various dishes of Turkish and European cuisine, several types of kebabs, chicken, baked on the grill, Turkish pizza - PIDE and still a number of different dishes for your taste. In addition, they prepare several types of soups or as they are called in Turkey - Chorba. If you wanted a soup, I advise you to try the Mergek, correctly pronounced through the letter J that is Merjmek. This is perhaps one of the most favorite soups in Turkey and at home you probably will not try it.

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The cost of such a soup is about two or three dollars. You can order a Turkish pizza - PIDE. It happens in many versions, as in principle, and the usual pizza. But if you are not a lover of sharp dishes, then specify the waiter immediately, since there are options with considerable pepper content. The PIDE price depends on the components that were used for its preparation, but on average four to ten dollars.

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I personally like a dish called "Taque Kelebek". Translated as a chicken butterfly or a moth. This dish is prepared from the baked chicken back and it resembles the shape of a butterfly. It comes in a set with a side disk, which you can choose, whether rice, potatoes or something else, and with a salad of fresh vegetables and greenery. They can also additionally provide acute sauce and sauce from yogurt with the addition of spices.

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There is such a dish from five to eight dollars. A good dish called '' hundred ''. It includes green peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, potatoes and meat, on your choice, chicken, beef or lamb. Externally, this dish looks like a stew. The price also depends on the meat chosen. The chicken is the cheapest, and the lamb is the most expensive. The cost is also about four to seven dollars.

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I want to immediately warn all tourists that in Turkey, the spirits are not cheap, but in restaurants and is suppressed. For example, a bottle of beer Ephesus 0.330 grams in a cafe or restaurant costs at least three dollars.

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And drinking drinks will be even more expensive. Therefore, before ordering, check the price in the menu or by the waiter. From drinks that do not contain alcohol usually prefer '' Ayran '', it is something like a kefir of goat milk, but rather tasty and useful. By the way, if it is difficult for you to fall asleep, then after two cups of Ayran, such relaxation comes that the eyes themselves begin to close. A proven method, so at work I try Ayran not to drink, so that you do not fight with a dream. Standing Ayran in a restaurant one dollar.

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There is a restaurant "Dallas" at the beginning of the central square, almost opposite the Gencarmery building. At prices, it is slightly higher than other restaurants, but local merchants for the most part ordered food in this restaurant, referring to what they are preparing better than others.

You can mark the restaurant '' Mimosa ''. It is located down the street, in the center '' of the 3-Neck Passage ''. You can focus on the parking lot of a taxi, which is located almost opposite. In addition to the above dishes, you can enjoy a fresh trout that they will catch on your eyes from a small pool in which it floats. The cost of serving roasted trout and beer bottle is fifteen dollars.

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And most importantly, the other restaurant does not boast, so these are lobsters that also live in a small aquarium and you can choose from any of them. Cost, however, such a dish can vary from one hundred fifty to two hundred dollars, depending on the size of this crustacean. Resting in the 'Mimos'' I advise you to carefully treat the amount of the order, because there are often cases when when counting the amount, it is not bad for the price. This season I saw some tourists with bewilderment tried to calculate the price of eaten by them when they brought an expert on eight hundred dollars. The lobster campaign was with golden clamshes.

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If you just wanted to taste the Turkish cuisine, without restaurant cheating, you can eat in a small restaurant, in the same passage where Mimosa, but only on the reverse side, that is, from behind. There are mainly prepared for the Turkish domestic cuisine, for traders and hotel guides who live on the next street. Eating here you can be delicious and inexpensive. I have repeatedly fed in this institution during this season. For comparison, I can say that 'Tuvuk Sothet' 'or chicken stew with a side disk, salad and ajran will cost you four dollars.

Going down the street, closer to the sea, the restaurant '' Ali Baba '' is located. The range in it is about the same as in other restaurants and prices approximately the same as in '' mimose '', so there is nothing particularly to allocate.

I want to repeat that these are only a few places where you can eat and relax, and you can find other places that you will like. I just talked about those who were tested not in one season and me personally.

And if you want something unusual, you can go to one of the restaurants in Ulupinar, not far from Tekirova, which are located not only on the bank of the mountain river, but also on the river itself.

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To do this, you can either buy an excursion '' Picnic Fishing '', which costs the thirty-forty dollars, or to go on a taxi.

I wish you a pleasant appetite.

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