Unique Cambodia - was the greatness and poverty


If you are lucky enough to relax in Pattaya more than nine - ten days, then it is quite possible to get new impressions on a sightseeing tour to neighboring Cambodia. That is exactly what I did - I bought a tour from one of the local travel agencies and went on a two-day journey to a completely new country for me. I must say that almost all travel agencies offer similar tours for two or three days. The cost of the tour for all agencies is almost no different - a two-day tour of Cambodia will cost $ 200, a three-day in 300, the price difference is insignificant (personally) +/- 10 dollars, although you can buy this and tour operator. And so - I chose the agency (on the recommendation of the neighbors of the hotel, who returned shortly before that, from Cambodia's excursion), I bought a tour and two days later, in the morning, even before dawn, I was waiting for the bus from the hotel in order to take the border city Aranjeprette.

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The passage of the border took not so much time, the Agency assumed all the problems with the design of documents, after which, with one transplant, the group was very quickly brought to one of the hotels in Siemreap.

Cambodia leaves about himself completely ambiguous impressions, from the moment of crossing the border. It is immediately clear that most of the local live very poorly, what is considered in this country "not rich", we would have been called hopeless poverty. But the exotics are even debugging, and amazing, but the locals manage to look quite happy, even being in such a distress.

On the first day, an excursion was planned according to the program in Southeast Asia to a fresh Lake Tonlesep. I do not know if it is possible to say that the excursion was fascinating, or more precisely to call it shocking - everyone judges as his perception, but it seems to me that it is worth seeing. On yellow, almost no transparent water, there are several hundred families. Live in conditions that cannot be called suitable for housing, in floating houses or houses built on piles, without stepping on the shore. Although, people and here built their own life so that there was all a little less need for life nearby - there is a floating school, and shops, and the temple on the water and even a police station. It seems not fishing, but "Van Dollar", scheduling or awarded from a tourist and makes up the main income of the residents of Lake Tonlesiap. The dollar is trying to earn all the inhabitants of the floating houses, without exception. Sometimes it just annoys. The impressions of this trip were pretty bright, but very contradictory.

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Almost the next day was allocated for inspecting Angcard. I really liked this place, I even regretted that I did not buy a three-day tour - there is a study of Angcard more detailed and more time is given to it. The whole complex is impressive by a scope, its territory is huge and from one sight to the other we moved by bus. Everyone, seen the temple can be described separately, each in its own way is beautiful and absolutely can not believe that this is the creation of human imagination and hands. Tha Prokm is the most unusual temple of the complex, all in the fancy shifting roots of trees, strange and mystical, luxurious Angkor, impressive Bayon and more. It is not surprising that almost all tourists visiting Cambodia are going to see this place.

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There are many people on the territory of the complex, both foreigners and locals, local, mostly, or engaged in trade, or begging, and in some temples can even meet monks. By the way, it was in an Angkore that I bought almost all souvenirs - here they cost much cheaper than in the shops and stores, which brought our group of guides, for example, a dozen of pretty magnets with motifs and images of the complex cost 100 Thai Bat.

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In addition to the above excursions, there was still a visit to the crocodile farm, a silk factory and souvenir shops. There are no special memories of these events, therefore, they do not want to describe in detail. The only thing that can be noted is the thrust of Cambodians to the bright colors - such a variety of poisonous yellow, raspberry, alo-red and other screaming colors, as in the store with a silk factory I have not seen before this nowhere.

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