The most interesting places in Irkutsk.


The city of Irkutsk is interesting because he is an old town in Siberia, and also by the fact that many buildings in NM were built in the eighteenth century in a unique and unique style - Siberian Baroque. Traveling in Siberia is one pleasure, although only in the summer. In winter, here is certainly beautiful, but for such a greenhouse plant, like me, it is very cold here. In the summer, it is completely different, since there are no abnormal possess temperatures and there is no need to look for a saving shadow. In Irkutsk, my husband and I were this summer and my memories are still so fresh that I do not even wait with you a description of local attractions.

Show Baikal seal . Be sure to visit this show! This incredible view is held in the Baikal Nerper Aquarium, which is located on Zheleznodorozhny Street, 66. Sports are striking with their seamless, as they sing, dancing, playing with the ball and even demonstrate their knowledge in counting literacy. The star of the show, is a nerve named Tito, which can draw with a brush magnificent paintings. I do not know, I was in many dolphinarities and the performances of animals in them, I was not at least me, moreover, I feel sorry for the money that we paid for these ideas. Other business of the Baikal seal show! I am all the idea, promoted with an open mouth and slammed into your hands like a small child.

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Kazan church . Citizens, call this temple "Red Church". It was nicknamed so not just so, the thing is that the church of red brick is built and has a very attractive, even beautiful appearance. Violas and guides, in their descriptions of this church, make a significant emphasis on its grandeur and majestity. At the end of the nineteenth century, there were food warehouses on the spot of this magnificent temple, and the locals at the beginning were categorically against what they would be demolished and built the temple. The issue with warehouses helped to solve one merchant, who allocated funds to transfer warehouses to another place. Thus, everyone was satisfied and the city was able to start collecting money for the construction of the temple. The collection of funds for the construction of this church, began in one thousand eight hundred and eighty-fifth year. Surprisingly, not only local residents, but also residents of other Siberian cities responded to the call for money collection. The design of the iconostasis and the interior decoration of the church was fully completed accurately for Easter in one thousand eight hundred and ninety second year. In the same year, the temple was consecrated. One thousand nine hundred and seventy-fifth year, this church was included in the list of cultural heritage sites, so it is under the non-grade state.

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Cathedral of Epiphany . This is one of the most expressive architectural monuments in Irkutsk. The very first temple, was built in one thousand six hundred and ninety-year, from the tree. One thousand seven hundred and sixteenth year, the temple was completely destroyed by a flame that had arisen here. Two years later, after these sad events, in the same place, the construction of a new temple from stone began. Construction ended only one thousand seven hundred thirty-first year, since it was carried out with delays and breaks. The new cathedral, stood up much longer than the previous one, already on the floor of the century. The new cathedral was destroyed, not a fire, but an earthquake that destroyed the bell tent and one of the domes. One thousand eight hundred twelve year, began to build a new bell tower, in which planned to establish the largest bell. One thousand seven hundred and ninety seventh year, the bell really was cast and weighed it as many as twelve tons. It was not possible to hang it immediately, because at that time the construction of the bell tower was in full swing, and the bell was temporarily hanging on the pillars. His rightful place in the bell tower, this giant bell, took one thousand eight hundred and fifteenth months in March. With the arrival of Soviet power, many temples closed or destroyed, and this cathedral was no exception, it was closed in one thousand nine hundred thirty-fourth year. For quite a long time, the temple stood launched and closed, and he infected to such a fortune that the threat of destruction had hung over him. Everything has changed in the sixties of the past eighties of the last century, since he was decided to restore. The temple was safely restored and all residents and guests of the city can admire them in its original form.

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Triumphal Arch "Moscow Gate" . Irkutsk and here showed originality! The fact is that only in this city Siberia, risked to build a triumphal gate, and repeatedly. The very first triumphal arch, built one thousand seven hundred eighty-ninth year. A little later, namely, from one thousand eight hundred eleventh one thousand eight hundred and thirteenth, a magnificent "Moscow Gate" appeared. In the future, several more arches were built. Based on all this, it is possible to declare and boldly that Irkutsk triumphant architecture, it has rather rich and rich events, history. The Triumphal Arch "Moscow Gate" was built at the entrance to the city, next to the Moscow Zavod.

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The author of the project of this three-story magnificence is the architect Ya.A. Krugliks. The construction can be called ambitious and impressive, since height is equal to nineteen meters, the width is equal to seven meters, and in length she stretched out on a little more than sixteen meters. As I have already written, the arch consists of three floors, so in a certain period of time, the lower floor of the triumphal arch, used the quality of the economic premises for carriers through the hangar, and on the upper floor, the city archive was located. Facades Arches are decorated with stucco, there are also special niches in which the date "Twelfth March one thousand eight hundred eleven" is indicated. " These gates, boldly and not afraid to make mistakes, can be called a business card of the city of Irkutsk. They are very recognizable not only among our tourists, but also among foreign travelers.

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