The most interesting places in Smolensk.


Smolensk amazingly beautiful city. It is especially good in winter when it covers a thick layer of snow-white fluffy snow. The most magnificent spectacle and the incredible feelings that you found it or in a fairy tale, or in the past. Probably both, since Smolensk is not just beautiful, he is also very ancient. In memory of the age of the city, we reached the old attractions that need to be seen if you find yourself in Smolensk. All interesting places, we were not able to visit our spouse, but about those that we looked at, I'll write you now.

Smolensk fortress wall . This defensive structure was erected during the reign of the kings of Boris Godunov and Fedor John from one thousand five hundred and ninety-fifth one thousand six hundred and second year. The length of this ancient wall, which is very well preserved, is six and a half kilometers. In those distant times, she was very important in the defense of the Russian state. Unlike other defense walls of the state, this wall was much higher and more powerful. Here are a sudden yourself. All defense walls had two tiers of battle, while Smolensk's defense wall had them as much as three. In addition, the Smolensk fortress wall was equipped with a large number of towers, among which there was not a single one. In total, the towers, initially it was thirty-eight, but unfortunately to this day, they reached only eighteen, the rest were destroyed during enemy attacks. The incredible feeling when walking along this wall. You can fantasize and dream. I am in childhood, like most girls, dreamed of being a princess and marry a real prince. Gradually, my dream of a prince evaporated and forgotten, and near this very wall, she appeared again.

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Holy Assumption Cathedral . This temple is located at the Cathedral Mountain in the very center of Smolensk. He was erected in memory of Smolensk defense between one thousand six hundred and ninth one thousand six hundred and eleventh year. Earlier in this very place, the Cathedral of the Twelfth Century Concrete was located. It is impossible to call it a modest structure, since it was built in the best traditions of that time - the height of the building is equal to sixty nine meters, the length of the facade is fifty-two meters, and the width of the temple is equal to forty two and a half meters. The temple is striking with their power, especially when you are in close proximity to it. His successful location, allows you to admire this grand constructions from anywhere in the city. I advise, and I strongly advise, be sure to visit this temple.

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Thunder Tower . This is the most beautiful tower of the Smolensk Kremlin, who erected the architect Fedor Horse. Thunder Tower, was built in one thousand six hundred and ninth year. From other towers, it is characterized by the fact that there are four tiers and multifaceted walls. At the moment, it is completely renovated and looks exactly the same as many years ago at the time of his youth and youth. She has a very rich and rich story. I managed to find out that in the nineteenth century, the provincial archive was located in the walls of this tower, and in one thousand nine hundred and thirty-second year they opened the Museum of Socialist Construction. In the middle of the twentieth century, during the time of military and post-war ruin, the building was used as a housing. At the moment, no one lives in the tower, because it contains a museum that is dedicated to the combat history of the city. The museum collections are very informative, and here you can see the layout of the Smolensk Kremlin, old cards, stands that describe the defense of the city, as well as medieval banners and armor.

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Garden Blonier . The garden is the historic place Smolensk. The official and solemn discovery of it was held in the first half of the nineteenth century. Before the moment it was decided to smash the garden here, there was a place-parade area in this very place. But not the garden and not the square, are of great importance in the history of the city, but the place where it was all and is located. Initially, it may seem that the word "Blonier" has a French origin. Truth? And here is not! Since the scholars found out that this is the word Russian and marked it in the old days - the outskirts of the city, open space or suburb. The greatest popularity and fame, the garden felt one thousand eight hundred and eighty-fifth year, when a monument was established in the park a monument to the world famous composer M. I. Glinka.

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After the end of World War II, in the park as a trophy, a sculpture of bronze deer from Germany was brought. In the twentieth century, or rather, in the seventies of the last century, the composer was placed near the monument, columns were placed on the melodic sounds of his unforgettable works. I will tell you that for those times, it was a stunning know how! Our times, for the park is not so joyful, because in two thousand ninth year, the park was acquired by a forged fence, which was very much reflected in his appearance and he partially lost his external charm and appeal. Two thousand eleventh and two thousand and twelfth year, in the park there was a terrible, even Vanda event. The thing is that it is not clear to whose decree and the decision, the unique trees were cut down, the age of which was from one hundred to one hundred seventy years. Do you think they were dead? Not at all! According to local residents who witnessed this terrifying spectacle, the trees were more than viable and there was no slightened sign, duch or rot. You just imagine that I lost the park when he was deprived of these historical green plantings. He essentially lost his historical value! Now in the park, the famous monument to the composer, a deer sculpture and a beautiful fountain remained. For those who were hungry, a cafe works, which is called "Russian Yard". By the way, in this cafe is not a very bad kitchen, with quite acceptable prices, so if you want to have a snack, do not hesitate.

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