The most interesting places in Yonphyene.


If you arrived at the resort of Eongphan, in addition to the exercise of active sports, have the opportunity to join the actively developing environmental tourism in Korea. In the country of the morning freshness, there are twenty national parks that combine the picturesque coast, and mountainous areas with ancient temples and historical relics. All these parks have beautiful climbing trails, but consider that some of the routes can be closed on a periodic environmental restoration. The cost of entrance tickets, as a rule, varies in the range from 1300 to 3200 Korean Van. Let us dwell on several particularly popular tourist destinations today.

1. Chirisan National Park. Moving routes up and down the mountain peaks above 1500 meters above sea level, you can enjoy the views of the biggest and majestic mountains in Korea. This national park occupies an extensive territory, and its peaks, including Chonvanbon (more than 1900 heights), scattered immediately by three provinces of the country: South Chella, North Chella and South Kensan. In this national park there are several majestic and amazing beauty of mountain peaks. But climbing them is recommended only to climbers who have extensive experience of such ascent and necessarily with the necessary equipment. Chirisan with its stormy mountain streams flowing through impassable forests, and seas from the clouds that close it seems to be verth all the vertices, surprisingly picturesque. And the foot of the mountains are located several Buddhist monasteries. Among them, the most famous historical monuments are Monasteries Chhonns, Svangges and Hwaoma. The latter is the most revered among Buddhist monasteries Chirisan. His date of foundation refers to the 6th century AD. True, all the ancient buildings were erased from the face of the earth by fire. Those objects you can see now appeared only in the 17th century. To this day, the famous Korean architectural treasures have been preserved here. For example, Pavilion Kakhvanjon is a wooden structure of traditional for these places of type, as well as Pavilion Tehundjon. The legend says that under construction, not a single nail was used. Well, the landscapes of these places will not leave you indifferent, especially during the flowering of cherries and maples.

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2. Kerencan National Park. These mountains received their name - "Mountains of the Petushin Dragon" - for the form of one of its crests resembling a dragon with a cock head. For many centuries, they were the center of shamanism. Mountain trails here lead to the two main Buddhist temples of the region - a caps, which is especially beautiful in the fall against the background of yellowing foliage, and Tonhax, which is located on the picturesque oriental slope of the mountain.

3. Kenju National Park. This area occupies a huge territory and has the largest number of historical facilities and attractions that have tourist value. About the Millennium, he was the center of Silla State - one of the oldest on the territory of the Korean Peninsula. Many relics of that time have been preserved to this day and are available for inspecting visitors to this National Park. Today Kolejj turned into one of the largest cultural centers of the world. Archaeologists gave the name of this area - "Museum without walls." The reason is a huge number of all kinds of historical structures and objects that focus on this territory and as if flowing from one to another.

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4. National Sea Park Halle. It extends a wide stripe from east to west, covering both the coast and water space. Many tourists like sea cruises that are organized by local tourist companies around many local islands. Most of them are uninhabited. The cutting of the coastline has created many unusual rock formations and caves, and therefore sea walks are very spectacular here and allow many beautiful photos. In addition to natural beauty, there are significant historical places. It is here that the famous Korean Admiral Lee Sunxin defeated the Japanese fleet in a series of marine battles at the end of the 16th century. Admiral Lee is also known to the fact that the first in history applied ships in battle, which were trimmed by armor. Despite the numerical superiority of the Japanese fleet, these ships, called the "Turtles", proved their superiority. You can go to one of the mini cruises from ferry terminals in Tyuna, Kodja or Yosu.

5. Sonnisan National Park. This protected area is located in the mountains of the same name at an altitude of more than 1000 meters. It is rightfully considered to be the Pophus Monastery, founded in the middle of the 6th century of our era. Once he served as a house for several thousand Buddhist monks. On its territory there is one of the most majestic statues of the Korean Peninsula - the statue of the Buddha Maitrey (height - more than 30 meters). A surprising pine is growing near him called Choniphumon. There is a legend that she was once appointed to the post of minister of the country for their limitless wisdom. In this national park you can see the rock with a flat top of Mudzhande, as well as several picturesque valleys: Sonia, Hwa and Sushangok.

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6. Challasan National Park. Mount Halllasan (1950 meters) is located in the subtropical climatic zone and is almost completely covered with lush vegetation. Several species of rare and endangered plants grow here. Most of the routes in this national park lead to tourists to the top of the mountain Hallasan, where you can see one of the most beautiful lakes of the country of Pannokdam in the crater. At the foot of the mountain, endless fields, impassable forests, as well as traditional Korean settlements. A special "historic village" was created on the territory of this national park, where the buildings of different centuries were reconstructed and within the open-air museum expositions you can get acquainted with traditions, culture and life of their inhabitants. It is advisable to come here in the summer or early autumn. Then you will have the opportunity to fully enjoy the paints of local nature.

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