Rest in Legiana: Tips and recommendations


Bali is one of the most pleasant tourist destinations. In Bali is simply impossible not to fall in love! However, if you fly to the island for the first time, here are some tips to help you navigate during holidays in Legiana:

1) Take a lightweight clothing from natural, breathable fabrics. As a rule, the temperature in Legiana keeps at 27-28 degrees, and even higher, so, there is always always hot. Shorts-T-shirts for the day and something more elegant for bar or restaurant. Although in Legiana, even in the most steep restaurants, the people comes in shorts and dodgers - why not be just beautiful?

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2) Take at least two swimsuits. Believe me, it does not hurt. SPF 30+ or ​​50+ sunscreen - be sure! You will fly to the Equator area, so the sun here is very burning. Even at 5-6 pm.

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3) Take something against insect bites, as well as the means after bites. Unfortunately, this is a problem in Indonesia, and the damned mosquitoes and midges can break your sleep. In some hotels with this problem, they are successfully fighting, but in some places they will have to try themselves.

4) Be sure to pack with you the first aid kit. Yes, next to you, most likely, there will be a pharmacy, but the proven funds are always better. Mandatory antihistamines and something that will help to cope with the abdominal pain - you never know how the body will behave in a new environment and with a new meal.

5) You can use your credit cards almost everywhere - cash is needed to pay a taxi driver and maybe in the markets. Exchanges in Legiana everywhere. Only you are most likely entangled in these thousands and millions of rupees and feel like a millionaire. So, do not forget to take a bigger wallet who could put a lot of bills.

6) Wi-Fi is almost every Legian hotel. True, it does not work equally everywhere well. In the hotels in abruptly, access can be in all rooms, and in hotels easier - only in the lobby near the reception. But in most Cafes and Lagian restaurants there are free Wi-Fi. Just order a drink or meal and ask for a password.

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7) For convenience, you can buy a Balinese prepaid SIM card, but I would, honestly, advised just to throw the phone away to the very departure.

8) Legian enough safe place. Compared to Kuhat, there is a little less than the parties and other shusters on the streets, so the evenings are not so scary here. Before most important sights of the island and some important objects, by the way, you will check bags - precautions after an explosion in one of the cute bars.

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9) If you are traveling to Legian with children, shifty a very useful site - everything that can come in handy for families with children: restaurants, babysitting, shops for children and much more.

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10) Tipping. Generally speaking, there is no special culture of tip on the island. In principle, you should not give tips, as the hotel prices and the restaurant include service fee. Nevertheless, when you encountered a really good service or when you asked some extra-service, it is better to leave tips. The price depends on the satisfaction of the guest of this service.

You can cite approximate amounts of tip:

-A restaurant. There is no need to leave tips in restaurants, since most restaurants usually include a service fee (5-10%). But, depending on the type of restaurant, you can add from the RP10,000 (well, the RP.5,000 is also not bad) to 10% of the check amount, well, and round in favor of the waiter, if not sorry. Alternatively, you can leave the tips just on the table for your waiter. Cheaper Varungi does not charge a service fee, so any tips are welcome.

-There and SPA. Porters and cleaners at the hotel, as well as masseurs, you can throw approximately RP.10,000-20,000. Services in many hotels are indicated with 21% VAT. 10% -Chentable government tax, the remaining 11% - legally legitimate service charges. So, the tips are not mandatory.

-Taxi. Almost all taxis in Legiana and on the island are equipped with meters, but many drivers do not have small money or bills for passing. Well, or they say so. So many passengers are not frustrated and just round the amount of order, so the taxi driver will take a trip to himself. For example, if your taxi counter shows RP27,750, then you can round the sum of the trip to RP 30,000. The difference is small, he will not hit the pocket, and a taxis is nice. Here are tips!

-Personal driver. Yes, maybe you hired a personal driver for a whole day, in order to ride on the island or Legian and admire the beauty. Its services are already paid, so tips are also not mandatory. However, if his work satisfied you, thump at least RP10,000 is appropriate and pleasant. (But if the driver catches you all day, then do not miss - give him more tips)

-Golf. There is a special policy. If you go to play golf, then prepare cash. One owner of the Golf Center on Bali somehow said: "On Bali, the magnitude of the tip is fixed: rp.50,000 for 9 holes and RP.100,000 for 18 holes." And hinted that give RP.100,000 as a tip - a normal phenomenon. I do not know, fat somehow, but, maybe there are tips here are so big, because golf is a sport gentlemen.

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11) Language. Everything is simple here. Everyone speak English. Legian is a very tourist place, and most tourists from Australia, so local Balinese got used to and humbly learned English. Of course, few people speak in the pure "fluient" English, but there should be no problems with communication. Although there may be problems with inglishers in tiny hotel companies. In any case, it will be useful to capture the Indonesian phrasebook with you - and you will see how much a smile can do and a couple of phrases in their native language! By the way, in addition to Indonesian, they are also talking here at Bali language (Bahasa Indonesia). Moreover, Balinese is already used as if used less often, and youth prefers Indonesian. If you want to shift, here are some useful words and phrases in Balinese, which can be used in communicating with local (truth, translation in English, but I think such simple words know everything).

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