Shopping in Havana: What is worth buying?


Despite the fact that Cuba's area is chosen to rest tourists, visiting Havana is a mandatory part of the program. If you spend a vacation somewhere on Varadero, but never got into Havana, it means that you did not see this Cuban color.

Walking along the capital of Cuba, will involuntarily visit the thoughts on the purchase of real cigars, Roma and souvenirs with symbols of Che Guevara. I will not encourage that it will be cheap. But prices are available in combination with excellent quality.

Cuban Rom Long gained the love of Russian tourists. Be sure to get acquainted with the rules to export, as they change with enviable constancy. This is for your own good so that there are no problems on the border. Most often it is 2 liters.

Souvenir products with legendary che In popularity among tourists is one of the first places, and maybe the first. Magnets, caps, T-shirts, paintings - what you just do not meet with the image of Cuban Che Guevara in shops, shops and in the markets. Travelers who buy clothing objects with such symbols cannot be kept, and, as a rule, immediately fall in new clothes. Thus, bringing to true Cubans.

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Cigars Will become a great gift for tobacco connoisseurs. Now the fight against smoking is renewed, ban on smoking in public places and the struggle for a healthy lifestyle. But who can not fight with a bad habit of smoke, let him give a high-quality cigar and will be pleasure than to smoke every lots. Buying Cuban cigars, always take a check. It may be necessary when leaving the country. Cigars, like any popular product, can be fake. In order not to get caught on fraudulent fake, when buying, pay attention to the presence of "Cuban Handmade" on the box (Hecho in Cuba TotalMehte a mano). The best cigar variety is recognized by Cohiba.

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For loved women, the best gift from the Havana will be Black coral ornaments . Since such products are valuable, then when buying, ask the receipt of the acquisition and check for the export from the country.

Wood products Very popular in Cuba. They are sold on market collaps, and in shopping centers, but there are twice as expensive there. As the basis, most often artisans use cedar. Not only amateur masters are engaged in the manufacture of wooden statues, but there are industrial flows. Which product is more valuable and choosing you. But it is common that industrial wooden souvenirs are higher than (accordingly the price above), and recommend buying them. But the product of the customer-individual can be in a single copy, and you will become the owner of a unique thing that no one else will.

A very unusual set of wooden dominoes: chips neat, nice to hold them in their hands. Perhaps cedar has a positive energy - playing with such chips, touching them, get a certain dose of relax from tactile contact with them. Therefore, if Domino gets - buy - a great gift.

Cuban coffee Delicious and fragrant. You can export it from the country in any quantities, so reserve the future.

If the place for shopping will be chosen by Havanian markets, then boldly trample. Sellers in the communication process can reduce the price twice. The popular market among tourists is the market located at Parque Central Mercado De Artesanias Havana. This is a street market with affordable prices. Works daily. The range is very extensive: jewelry, paintings, textile, straw and wooden products, cigars and much more.

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Galerías de Paseo Shopping Center (at the very beginning of Paseo Avenue) - a good place for shopping, there is where to have a snack during the purchase of purchases. The shopping center works every day, but on Sunday only in the morning.

Havana is not a place to buy branded things, but she has a lot of local goods that it can boast, and which should certainly take care of them.

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