What time is it better to go to rest in Mahmutlar?


The town of Mahmutlar is located on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, not far from Alanya. The climate and weather conditions, as well as in other resorts of this region, is no different here, so if you have previously rested in these parts, then you probably have general ideas about the weather. That is, dry, hot summer and windmill rainy winter.

Summer season in Makhmutlar begins with the second half of April. It cannot be said that this is the perfect time to relax, because it is not so hot, water in the sea is holding at + 18 + 19 degrees. Although the first tourists do not scare this fact. Who can resist while holding time on the beach and do not go to the sea. Many consider the temperature of the water quite suitable for swimming, and some are preheated in the bar, taking hot drinks. You should not focus on this account, because everyone rests as it can and as he wants.

But this period also has its advantages, perhaps, of which is a relatively low cost of vouchers, especially when early booking. Lovers of self-travel can cheap apartments near the sea. It pleases and natural contrast when resting on the beach and taking sunbathing, watching snow-covered tops of coastal mountains.

What time is it better to go to rest in Mahmutlar? 15253_1

The close proximity of the snow is the reason for the pretty cool nights so, take a walk in the evening light, will not succeed. It is not necessary to forget about it and it's better to grab any relevant things with you. Who does not scare this alignment, can safely plan his vacation at the end of April. In extreme cases, water procedures can be taken in the pool that warms up much better than the sea. If you plan to plan and visit the excursion except for a beach recreation, then this is how it is impossible by the way, because there is no heat that happens in the middle of the summer when hiking is endured extremely hard. Not delighted, probably there will be only lovers of rafting, which goes close to these places in the area of ​​the city of Manavgat, since the temperature of the water in the mountain rivers at this time does not exceed several degrees and in combination with not completely hot and warm air is a great pleasure. Does not bring. Although for lovers of extreme and sharp sensations, such a fact will be only on hand.

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Another advantage of this period is relatively low activity and a small number of tourists especially with children. It is felt not only in hotels, but also on the beach itself.

With the onset of May, the flow of tourists is increasing, especially those who came from Russia who are trying to conduct the May holidays on the seashore, resting from the winter just over. Many want to spend a long weekend and holidays, to subsequently do not spend the precious vacation time. After that, life at the resort calm downs, but at the end of May begins with a new force, because the next tourists begin to come, especially since this time the air temperature rises, the water in the sea becomes warmer and more suitable for swimming.

In June, you can safely come to rest with children, especially since at this time they already begin summer holidays. Water in the sea is heated to plus 24 + 25 degrees, and water comes to plus 30.

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The hottest period in this region is considered a period of time from mid-July to early September. The air temperature often exceeds plus 40, water can reach up to plus 30, and sometimes higher. But despite this, the flow of tourists not only does not decrease, but on the contrary increases and becomes the maximum at this time. Naturally, this cannot but affect prices that increase significantly, and the number of vacant hotel rooms is reduced. Therefore, if you are planning your rest during this period, it is worth taking care of early booking, otherwise you will not be able to find the appropriate option for rest. This also applies to those who are going to come on their own and remove the property to spend their vacation.

The most favorable time for rest is the gap from the tenth of September to the tenth of October. Although the weather on this expense can make their own adjustments, as happened this season, when it was rained several times in September, despite the fact that September is considered one of the drier months. Of course, it will not be possible to predict everything in advance. But, nevertheless, it is not necessary to upset about this score as it comes in a song, nature has no bad weather and every weather grace.

What time is it better to go to rest in Mahmutlar? 15253_4

The air is at the mark plus 30 degrees, and the water in the sea is not less than 26 with a plus sign. The thing is that there is a safe summer or more precisely velvet season. Schoolchildren by that time the classes had already begun that it had a positive effect on silence and peace of rest during rest. Again, speaking tours worth noting that this time of year is suitable for this type of rest, more precisely for this pastime.

For local entrepreneurs, September is considered the most fruitful and profitable month, since it is at this time the most secured tourists come. Especially high rates for this period are leather traders and fur products, as in summer heat selling such things are much more complicated than on the eve of the cold winter. After all, some tourists come from those edges, where at this time is not hot.

The end of the summer season falls at the end of October, but everything again depends on weather conditions. If the weather allows, some hotels operate numbers until November 10 of the month. I do not mean hotels that work all year round, although there are such. Previously, in the winter period, only tourists from Europe rested for the most part, but recently Russian citizens are not less. Of course, it is not necessary to count on a full-fledged beach holiday in Makhmutlar in winter, but they fall out enough warm days when you can sunbathe and even swim in the sea. Water in winter less than 17 degrees never falls and some consider this temperature quite acceptable for swimming.

What time is it better to go to rest in Mahmutlar? 15253_5

Here, perhaps, the overall picture of what the weather can expect you at a particular period of the year, and then it all depends on your opportunities and wishes.

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