Rest in Kuta: What do you need to know?


To begin with, it is worth noting that flying to Bali, and in particular, in Kuta is not afraid on its own. Even one girl. Kuta-resort with an extremely developed infrastructure, with a whole bunch of hotels, restaurants and bars. About what is the nightlife of Cute, I will write later. And now I would like to note what danger is waiting for cute ladies on the beach. These are the so-called Cute Cowboys (Kuta Cowboys). These gigalo with a bronze tanning rose no higher than 170 cm can be found on the most crowded beaches of Cute. But instead of riding horseback and famously get a pistol from a holster (after all), they are looking for women's beaches, whose expense could be reached.

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These local boys, of course, are not looking for love, but they behave very believable, flashes to the thick layer of flattery and compliments on the intentional women melted on the hot Balinese Balinese. It is said that Kuta is just still exudes the smell of debauchery and a holiday. And after all, the truth is the perfect place to arrange a hedonistic vacation. Incredible sunsets, snow-white beaches, gentle waves, heat, bars filled with hot alcohol with semi-digit tourists distributing the pheromones to the maximum.

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That is why for some foreign women who come to Kuta, so easily forget about all their prohibitions and obligations, when a young, beautiful Indonesian young man breathes her ear and broadcast that she is the most beautiful woman he ever seen in Life. Women are easy to deceive, so they are glad to be under this obvious flattery, and some of them loses their heads that they take bronze handsome as boyfriends and lovers home to Australia, USA, Europe or from where they came there. Women seeking passion, fully given to boys, who, alas, we need only money and gifts. Some "couples" even marry, and women stay to live on Bali, being twisted love waves.

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But partnerships most often last long, after all, the cowboys often harde the girlfriends at the same time, and simply, they cannot give themselves entirely to one woman, even albeit very rich. All of them are not enough! One survey showed that among the already Japanese tourists. For some reason, cowboys are adherent to them. Cowboys, as a rule, prefer women older, as it is believed that they have more accumulated money, and the time is free, and they are more emotionally vulnerable.

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In general, both members of this love scam seem quite happy, in most cases women, as a rule, are not stupid to realize that they are required of them. But some proportion of naive women a hundred percent is confident that these tanned boys have real - such relationships are tragic and sad. So, girls, be careful.

Yes, everything has changed in Kuta: Typically, foreign men are looking for consolation in the arms of flexible young Asian girls, well, on Bali gender roles as if changed in places. So Kutu (and Bali, too) even nicknamed "" The main place of female sex tourism. " Interesting!

About this phenomenon even removed the documentary called "Cowboys in Paradise" ("Cowboys in Paradise"), which is worth viewing before departure to Bali themes, who flies without a boyfriend or husband. In this film you will learn about it thoroughly hidden, but, alas, already the well-known secret of Paradise - Bali.

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In the film you will see the life of a typical cowboy, from the first first steps on the beach before the heartbreaking ending of such a meaningless life. In the end, the myth of the paradise is destroyed, and the viewer is discouraged and a little upset.

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Well, yes, we distracted from these jungle boys. Not all Balinese are. Balinese are generally the best and good and friendly people in Southeast Asia, so many speak. They are inquisitive, smile and incredibly polite, and they are always ready to help. All their life is associated with family and religion, and this forms their lives and many of its aspects that do not change over the centuries.

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But, unfortunately, a big influx of tourists on Bali made many Balinese with agile, dodgy and annoying - I am talking about those who directly work in the field of tourism and trade. How else to put something tourist how to pay attention? Someone calls Kuta disgusting tourist ghetto exclusively because of this. Yes, tourism really brings a very good income to Balinese, but upset that they become such. Why exactly on Bali?

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The Balians have long been spoken in English for a long time, and those who work in tourism own them masterfully, and even know how to ridiculously joke and parry Australian jokes (after all, almost half of the tourists on the island are Australian). So, if you speak English, the language barrier will not definitely.

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However, if you wish to penetrate the spirit of the wonderful island of Bali and expect a lot of culture, temples and quiet wild beaches, "then you are clearly not in Kut. Kuta is a mess, Kuta -This-lost paradise, these are excellent opportunities wrapped in bright and nobody you need. What religion and spirituality can we talk about when stickers on bumper and t-shirts with inscriptions "Up the Bum No Babys" or "What part of deep throat don't you understand?" (Can I not translate?) Sold on every corner?

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Well, well, during the day, but what is happening with the onset of twilight ... The streets are filled with screaming drunken vacationers who will not think twice before throwing the beer passing around the zooak. The girl one will not be in itself. Some beautiful beaches of Kuta are littered with garbage, and nobody cleans them, so they swim on such beaches - exactly what to make a water dump.

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No, of course, there are very clean, very quiet beaches, do not be discouraged! If it were not for a reminder that on Bali, nevertheless, there are temples and general tourism here, allegedly, culturally oriented for the most part, then Kuta would be an accurate copy of Cancun or even Las Vegas. For some reason, this two cities do not disappoint: after all, they seemed to have grown specifically for such purposes. But for Bali for some reason, a little offensive.

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But oh well, we will not further thicken the paint. In addition to the obvious nasty aspects of Cute, there is still cool. Although, if you want to avoid it, it is better to go to a cute seminist or a discreet North Legian. Well, or in Kut, just do not expect a lot from her.

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