What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi?


Kusadasi is a rather popular and widely known resort in Turkey, so going to rest in this place with the choice of currency, you will not have any problems, since US dollars, euro, pounds of the United Kingdom and some other currencies can be used to calculate goods and services. , including Russian rubles. About local currency, that is, the Turkish lies do not have to speak at all, since it is when calculating the lyrics, one can achieve maximum cash savings.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi? 15214_1

As a rule, prices for goods and services are oriented on American dollars or euros,

What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi? 15214_2

But this does not mean that the calculation will be, than either, is difficult, since the transfer is made on the rate from dollars, on the currency you are going to pay. As for the main world currencies, the course will be non-mean, that is, such that acts throughout the world, at the moment. And if we talk about Russian rubles, or for example, the Ukrainian hryvnia, most likely, he will be a little overpriced in your favor. As you yourself understand, this is due to the instability of data currencies on the stock exchange, for this reason it is not particularly surprised. I can bring one simple example that I watched literally the other day. In a handbag store, tourists were calculated by rubles, from the calculation of forty-five rubles per dollar, and when the Bank's employee came the next day and said that they take rubles at the rate of fifty rubles per dollar, the seller was simply shocked because the bag was leather and Not really cheap. Once again, seeing these tourists, the seller began demanding surcharge to compensate the difference in price, but tourists explained that this is not their fault that the course grows and technically refused. True on the way back and apparently regretted the seller, stretching some amount of money, although by and large could not do this, do not really do what currency shakes can occur in the world. There are many such examples and we ourselves have become more witnessed.

Recently, with the exchange of currency, problems are becoming less and less, since it is not necessary to search for banks or exchange points now. ATMs of some banks are exchanged for dollars, euros or other currencies, on Turkish lira. So, for example, the devices of the 3D of the Bank provide such a service, and not only this bank.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi? 15214_3

All that is required of you is to omit the monetary bill in the relevant banknotes of the receiver and the amount in Turkish lies will be displayed on the screen. If this amount suits you, then you click on the confirmation button, and you are issued relying money. If the course does not suit you, then when you press the failure you return your banknote. It is quite convenient and is not much labor, not to mention the fact that you do not need to seek the exchanger or stand in the queue. The course, by the way, is quite good, what I have repeatedly convinced. At least it was more profitable to change money in an ATM than the streets changed, which operate in a particular exchanger and periodically bypass shops with a proposal for currency exchange.

Among other things, almost everywhere can be calculated by a bank card, which is also very convenient way. Of course, not in all stores sellers from this are delighted, since all the cash operations carried out using the banking terminal pass through the tax system and are subject to taxes, at least you do not lose some of the funds, cashing money, removing them from the card. There is no difference in which currency is on your card account. The terminal recalculates from any currency to the one that was specified for the calculation. SMS to the phone about cash flow, comes almost instantly, where you can make sure that you were removed exactly as it was necessary. For owners, more precisely, Sberbank Customers of Russia and owners of this bank's cards also have their own plus.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi? 15214_4

Turkish Denise Bank collaborates with this Russian bank and, when using ATM, Deniz Bank is not removed by additional commission.

Why did I spoke about the profitability of the use of Turkish lira? First of all, it is convenient when using public transport, where the passage to pay in local currency is much cheaper.

What money is best to take with you to rest in Kusadasi? 15214_5

In supermarkets and pharmacies, prices are also indicated for the most part in the lyters and many sellers, using this, they are doing well on tourists, understating the course. And if you have a trip, beyond the resort area, then there all the prices will be listed only in local currency, and in some cases it will not be possible to pay another currency. That is why with it is always better to have some amount in Turkish lies.

Perhaps this is all the information that you can come in handy in terms of using one or another currency, going on holiday in Kusadasi. I hope that it will be useful to you, actually for this purpose I wanted to tell about it.

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