What should I buy in South Korea?


Seoul and other major cities in the Republic of Korea offer tourists all sorts of features for shopping. Here at your service department stores and large shopping centers, Duty-Free shops, specialized shopping areas. But if you want to feel the vigorous rhythm of local life, we certainly go to the local markets existing throughout the country. Basically, they trade all those goods on which this province of the country specializes in the production.

As a rule, large shopping centers in the country work from 10 am to 20 hours daily. The minor stores and shops are usually open early in the morning and work until late evening. Everywhere there are shops of everyday demand that work around the clock. The largest Seoul Markets of Namdemun and Tontemoun are becoming trading platforms for wholesalers, but you can buy some goods and retail there.

What should I buy in South Korea? 15210_1

What is the most popular shopping objects in Korea? First of all, it's clothing. The Korean textile industry today is becoming increasingly popular with its goods from tourists from around the world. It acquired this fame due to the high quality of products and relatively affordable prices. It is in Korea today on orders of several major fashion houses sew clothes, many samples can be purchased in shopping centers in the cities of the country. Local fashion designers are trying to keep up and offer their less expensive products, but in a very wide range. You can order yourself a suit or dress in a local atelier and you will be saved in just three or four days. The price will be at times lower than in the case of purchasing a finished product in the store. The most popular places for those who want to buy something from the clothes are fashion street in Mundzondon and fashionable clothing shopping center in Kurpendane.

Sportswear and all sorts of accessories for active sports are also popular in Korea. Sports shoes made in Korea deserved recognition worldwide. Here you can buy good samples at affordable prices. Please note on football and baseball accessories, climbing fixtures, as well as rackets for tennis and badminton. This is only a small list of popular purchases from this series. The best place for such purchases in Korea with the widest range is the Kukche market in Busan.

Many are sent to the south of the Korean Peninsula for leather and fur products. Some of this list produced here are highly appreciated in the global market. Coats and jackets made of excellent soft leather and a variety of tops in the world's world are presented here in a wide range. If you arrive in the country from October to February, then you will have the opportunity to make good purchases at discounted prices. Pay attention to the belts, a large selection of bags and a purse of different models. The best place to buy products from fur and leather - Markets Namdemun and Tontemun.

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Few people know, but Korea is considered to be homey amethysts, the color of which is represented here by many shades of violet. You will find here models from exquisitely pale to captivated-deep colors. A real masterpiece in a general row, smoky topaz is allocated here. In graceful rims of gold, these stones turn into unique, but at the same time not very expensive products: rings, suspension, earrings and bracelets. The same can be said about the famous Korean white jade. A very wide range of jewelry made in Korea with stones produced in the same country. Very popular among tourists products with ruby. The most profitable purchases can be made in jewelry stores on Chonno Street and in the area of ​​Yeggidon, in the center of jewelry in Cannam. And in the province of North Chella, you will definitely like the center for the sale of jewelry in Iry.

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The antiques market in the Changanphan area has long gained popularity among old lovers. Here you are waiting for wooden chests, handmade furniture, the famous white porcelain of the Coson Dynasty period, as well as a blunt-nephite celadon period of the dynasty of the Core. True, it should be remembered that the ages of which exceed the age of which exceeds 50 years, is prohibited. If you have doubts about the purchased goods purchased, seek advice on the management of antiques by calling 032-740-2921 (in Korean or English).

Undoubtedly, a gift for the whole world ginseng is considered to be a gift number 1 from Korea. This Korean plant is recognized as the best allocating in the world and in the world. It is believed that it has the greatest efficiency in the form of an elixir that restores the stock of vitality and energy. It is proved by medicine that it takes toxins from the human body, improves digestion, supports the tone and increases the mood. A wide sale in the markets are offered both fresh and dried, unwritten ginseng roots, as well as its concentrated extracts. Among the places to acquire such products, I recommend Kendon medicinal plants market, the Normamun market, as well as markets in Kyman and Tag.

Korean traditional alcoholic beverages can be divided into several types. This is Yakchu (peeled liqueur), SOCE (distilled liquor), Thakchu (thick crude liqueur), as well as medicinal wines and wine from fruit. Perhaps the most popular can be called Munbaju - Apple Wine. It can be purchased in any containers, including in souvenir-gift packaging. I also recommend trying Tonguja (Wine from Azalea) and Ginseng Wine. As for the tea tradition, here to traditional kinds of tea can be attributed: ginseng tea, tea Czanbush (toning), as well as tea from ginger. Be sure to try and buy with you Sikh - a sweet drink from rice malt and judgesugva - a drink that resembles a punch with cinnamon aroma. All Korean teas are sold in stores in the form of tea bags, powder or simply in the leaves. The largest range is on the Namdemun market. Here you can not only purchase you liked the varieties of tea, but also to pre-taste them on free tea ceremonies in the shops themselves.

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