Features of rest in Kuta


Kuta is a resort city in the south of Bali Island. It is located 7 kilometers south-west of Denpasar. Kuta today is a pearl in the crown of Bali from the point of view of the number of tourists. This is one of the most favorite resorts of the island, and the place that is suitable for both families with children and couples, and active tourists.

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This is a typical tourist resort city with cheap food, cheap drinking and night entertainment throughout the week. I noted that Kuta and the family resort, however, still Kuta Youth town for the most part, as it meets all the requirements of people who want to get a cheap beach vacation with parties at night.

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Over the past 40 years, Kuta has turned from a bizarre seaside fishing village with magnificent palm trees on the beaches to a noisy tourist paradise with all conditions even for the most picky tourist. The beach spread out the Golden Arc from the airport in the south throughout the coast north - on tens of kilometers! Also, these are the longest beaches with white small sand on the island! By the way, they opened a cut for the world a couple of Americans who were wheeling on Bali and threw into this fishing village. The place they liked it so much that they decided to build a hotel there, naturally, in the traditional Balinese style, that is, the hotel was a bungalow and pavilion complex. They called their hotel very predictable: "Kuta Beach Hotel".

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A little later, another hotel appeared with the same name - it was opened by American, who took part in the struggle for Indonesia's independence. Moreover, it was very long ago, at the end of the 30s of the last century. In 1942, during the Japanese occupation, these pretty complexes were broken down and are dissent. But after 15 years in Kuta, a new hotel - "Kuta Beach" rose, which was one and only rare tourists over the past 12 years. Although why rare tourists.

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At that time, Kuta was part of the famous "Triangle of the KKK" (Kabul, Kathmandu, Kuta) - the path for which hippie followed - and this course in those years was actively developed. They had a rather tempting life: in September to Afghanistan on Koki plantation, then in Kathmandu and finally on Bali, where the dry season was already reigning in every sense. This single hotel did not save, hippies all the same, too, people do not agree on the sand. In Kuta, at that time, everything was very modest and simple, even electricity was not. So, the first generation of hippie stayed in Denpasar, and the day dragged on the beaches of Cute. The Balinese was cut down and began to take the rooms to tourists, then the cafes and restaurants opened for them, and rushed. By the end of the last century, hotels here were already abuse, and hippies were already changed to the most different more serious and wealthy tourists. So, today Kuta is a large and popular resort from the labyrinth of small streets with private houses, hotels and restaurants.

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On the beaches of Kuta boring does not happen: countless sellers of all sorts of siblings, masseurs, shops with products and drinks of local producers and huts where you can rent boards for surfing. Behind the beach strip, everything becomes decisively continuously: the narrow streets flooded the impatient owners of stores selling everything from cheap clothing of local production to art and crafts. Many note that sellers here are really arrogant, and it becomes for some even a decisive factor in order not to choose Kuta as a place for the next vacation. Another this brisk trade seems quite normal and even very funny phenomenon, and does not bother at all.

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In general, Kuta attracts an amazing diverse people, but most of all, probably Australians who come to soak in hotels with Olinkle - escape from the "cold" Australian winter. In numerous bars and restaurants you will see crowds of Australian customers, well, the fact that most Balinese not only speak English, but also remember typical Australian jokes or a dialect - it has long been normal.

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Here are also those who are accustomed to active holiday and does not need a special luxury -bacpeker so-called. And here the whole crowds of surfers come here. Most tourists will prefer to sit in Kuta immediately not a week, not in danger on the beach, drink cocktails and sunbathing, but still the same tourists make Kuta Base, from where you can then go to other areas - to study the wonderful and amazing Balinese culture. Many attracts the reputation of the cute as a place of low-cost hostels - although it is true and you will actually find very cheap suggestions here, the best of them are filled with tourists in the shortest possible time and in general they seem to be constantly busy. And those that remain, do not always please even the most unpretentious tourists. If you are such a desperate person, which will arrive in Kuta in the evening without a booked hotel or hostel or Gasthus, it would be better for you to approach wherever you have, and the next day find something more suitable and cute to accommodate. Do not spoil your holiday, in the end!

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Also popular, like Kuta, the resorts of Legian and Seminyak (which are further north), but Kuta wins in comfort, although many put Kuta in third place after the above resorts.

Kuta is also known for its Kuta Cowboys - Freelance Alphonsees (although they reject this term, which has already fired tightly behind them) that they work on Kuta Beach.

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So, dear travelers, you should expect obscene offers on the beach from these comrades. But even if you make an extremely unfinished look, these wellms can be very persistent!

In 2010, they even removed the film, "Cowboys in Paradise" (Cowboys in Paradise), in which just the same as they say about these Balinese alphasons.Moreover, the film has attracted the attention of the authorities, and after that the arrests and penalties followed. Another aspect that is mentioned in the film is HIV. It turns out that the Bali media of this terrible disease is 84 times more than in Australia.

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Many interviewed in the film have never been checked for HIV, and in general it is extremely little bother. So, if you plan to relax, do it in Kuta, do it with the mind.

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