What should I see in Negrile?


Negril was never a place with a lot of entertainment. In fact, it's just a big village on the shore of an amazingly beautiful beach, where serenity and calm reigns. So going to rest in Negril count on a large number of attractions even is not worth it. However, if it is completely tired of "vegetable" rest, you can try yourself to entertain, visiting the following places:

- Negril Lighthouse.

The main and only manual attraction of the resort. It is largely interesting for the usual resting due to what stunning panoramic views are open from it. And if you suddenly you are a diver, then you are definitely lucky! Behind the Lighthouse is Torgtuga Gallery. These are excellent caves for scuba diving lovers, populated with colorful fish and large sponges.

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Very worthy place to visit. On the territory of more than 150 hectares there are more than 100 types of vegetation, in which more than 300 species of various livelihood live, including reptiles (only crocodiles of 5 species), rare species of birds and butterflies. It should be borne in mind that the entrance to the reserve works with 9 am and up to 6 pm. Getting to him best on a taxi. From the center of Negril to the reserve, it will be no more expensive than 2,000 Jamaican dollars to cost the ride.

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- Maifield waterfall.

Picturesque place with lots of caves and rocks. With the latter, by the way, you can jump into the water and enjoy a massage in a jacuzzi of natural origin. Ideally, getting ready to the waterfall on picnics, then the pastime will be more saturated. It works as well as the reserve with 9 to 6. In addition, there are specially trained comrades, which can teach you to local dances (very specific) or hold a master class for the preparation of Jamaican dishes.

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This is probably all the sights of Negril. A little, I agree. But Negril is not for this and go.

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