Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam.


Sculptural images of men rotating in the ecstasy in this village are celebrating everywhere: in the midst of the square, on the streets, in restaurants, on top and behind the windows of trade enterprises. It was Konya for a long period that the capital of Seljuk State, which, moreover, was a global scientific center, so the best scientists and artists of West Asia were invited here.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_1

One of them was the founder of Sufism, the Order of the Dervish and the Humanist destination in Islam Jalaladdin Rumi, or simply - Mevlana. To him, with the help of poetry, music and dance, managed to finely state the peaceful essence of this religion.

The museum of said poet, thewoman and thinker serves as a symbol of the city, the main moral values ​​of which were: faith and freedomiff, love and respect for others. As a tribute to the reverence of this person and created, one can say, the best institution of this kind in Turkey.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_2

Entrance to the territory and exhibition pavilions are free, but is open from nine to eighteen thirty local time. The monastery courtyard begins at a small gauze, where the Muslim tradition is the fountain for washing, as before the usual mosque.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_3

The complex formed by sixteen buildings consists of Semahan, where a prayer rotation (SEMA) occurs, Sadirvana - places for ritual ablutions, libraries, hotels, residential and educational premises. The main structure is the mausoleum, with the remains in sarcophagas, both the Sufi and his relatives, descendants and followers, including Sheikhs and other prominent associates.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_4

A huge room in front of the tomb is richly decorated with paintings, woven along the walls and arches, with sayings from the Quran and works of the philosopher. However, people who are not familiar to Arabic language, it is difficult to understand their meaning, but perception of the beauty of calligraphic letters - the matter is quite affordable.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_5

This follows the hall with tombs covered with carpets, disengaged with the use of cotton, silk, silver and gold threads.

Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_6

SEMIHANE collected musical instruments and clothing belonging to supporters of the exercise, personal belongings of Mevlyani, as well as other items and national robes, mostly located on mannequins.

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Museum of Mevlana in Konie - as the personification of Sufism in Islam. 15156_8

In vain, someone believes that visitors from Russia almost never happening. Every year, this historical monument attends more than a million tourists, percent of twenty-five of them - Russians. These are organized excursions moving in Cappadlock from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and self-sightseeers of exotic lovers on the sights.

We regularly held in December the ceremony, called the "Wedding Night", celebrate the Day of Death Rumi. Thousands of spectators, both Turks and foreigners come to the presentation with the speech of circling dervoles.

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