The most interesting places in Vladivostok.


Beautiful city, but I would not want to live in it. Why? Because of weather features. There is no summer as such in Vladivostok. Rather it is, but very short. The best weather, here is in August and September. Winter is accompanied by strong winds, low snow and low temperatures. But not about the weather I wanted to tell you, but about urban attractions. Vladivostok is a very interesting city. Arriving here, you definitely do not regret, because there are so many interesting places here that even a week you can hardly see them. In view of this, I want to focus on the most memorable interests.

Marine Station . He is a business card of Vladivostok. In total, in the entire history of the existence of Vladivostok, there were two marine stations here. At the beginning, one thousand eight hundred and sixties, in this very place, the stunion of Schununa "Aleut" was located. Sailors of this schooner was laid by a view, which later became Aleutskaya Street. At the end of the nineteenth century, at the site of the station, built one of the first stone marins. On this pier took, sent and produced customs clearance of commercial cargo. And yet, this pier has become one of the first parking of Russian courts. The port that can be seen today in Vladivostok has sixteen berths, the total length of which is two thousand four hundred meters, and two of these berths are cargo-passenger. Due to the fact that the port never freeze and it can be called non-freezing, navigation here is valid all year round. The port can boast that its trading partners are more than twenty countries. The sea station is located in close proximity to the railway station, because it separates them from each other in fifty meters. The place between these stations is also quite interesting, since the longest railway track, connecting the west with the East, ends here. To be as accurate as possible, then the length of this railway track is nine thousand two hundred eighty-eight kilometers.

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Monument to the fighters for the power of the Councils in the Far East . The monument is installed in the heart of the city on Svena Street. The opening of the monument, and very solemn, took place twenty-ninth of April one thousand nine hundred and sixty-first year. The author of the monument, there are Teta A.I. Monumental design, visually can be divided into three parts. The first, it is the main one - a fighter holding a banner in its right hand, and in his left hand, there is a combat signaling pipe. Two other parts can be called secondary, as they have a kind of multifigure complexes. The monument is installed in such a way that he looks towards the sea with its front part, such a turn can be called a victory symbol over Japanese interventions. The main part of the monument, that is, the sculpture of the fighter described above is installed on a high pedestal. On the left side of the sculpture of the fighter, there is a figure complex, which depicts a machine gunner, head of the partisan movement, a worker and a soldier, who just returned from the front. The whole sculptural composition, events one thousand nine hundred and twenty-second year are dedicated, namely, the liberation of partisans from the Japanese interventionists. On the right side of the sculpture of the fighter, there is a sculptural complex depicting a soldier, the Robby Bolshevik and the Baltic sailor. At the feet of soldiers and workers there was a double-headed eagle, which is a symbol of the officer autocracy. Behind each sculptural composition, a female figure is installed. The playground on which the monument is installed is made of marble, the pedestal is made of red granite, and the sculptural composition itself, cast from bronze.

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Admiral Fokina Street . The first name is its, the street received in honor of the signing of the Beijing Treaty in one thousand eight hundred and sixth year. Later, she was renamed the trade, but much more would be more correct to call it Chinese, because it was implemented mainly by the products of Chinese production. One thousand nine hundred and six hundred and fourth year, the street was renamed Admiral Vitaly Alekseevich Fokina, who for a long time commanded the Pacific Fleet. One thousand nine hundred and ninety-first year, many streets of Vladivostok, they returned their historical names, but this decided not to touch. Walk along this street, love both tourists and locals. Among the local population, this street is more famous as "Vladivostok Arbat". It is really pleasant to walk, because it paved by a parallery, and has many ancient well-groomed buildings. And here there are many shops and cozy coffee shops, where you can enjoy a cup of magnificent fragrant coffee. Arbat, this street was not at all in vain, since it is very similar to Moscow. On the street there are fountains, flower beds, benches and even lanterns in the Gothic style "under ancient". However, the main highlight of this street, there is something from any point, you can see the sea. She leads, straight on the embankment of the city, at which there are the only Far Eastern Dolphinarium, the Maritime Museum and the Oceanarium.

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Vladivostok Gum . Past of this magnificent building, it is simply impossible to pass. I admit honestly, I didn't even immediately realize that it was a store. This is a luxurious building, is the most valuable monument of the architecture of the city. One thousand eight hundred sixty-fourth year from Hamburg to Vladivostok, two enterprising Germans arrived - Gustav Albers and Gustav Kunst. They immediately realized that this city is very promising and only one year later, entrepreneurs opened the first store in Vladivostok, in which you could buy sugar, matches, fabrics, tea, candles, vodka and even weapons.

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The affairs of entrepreneurs went very well, and after that Vladivostok officially appropriated the status of a military port, they began to flourish at all. The Germans decided to expand and build a reliable stone building for their activities. Their idea, helped to implement Architect Georg Junghendel, who submitted to citizens in one thousand eight hundred eighty-fourth year, is a great structure.

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