How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car.


Iceland, very interesting, unusual and at the same time a strange country.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_1

Despite its impressive dimensions, the population is just a meager. And it is mainly concentrated in cities. Even the capital - Reykjavik, impressions, according to Russian standards, a small county town.

I have long dreamed to go there. What for? Iceland is a country not suitable for recreation of the main contingent of Russian tourists. Our holiday is associated with chic hotels and hot beaches. Here, if there are beaches, then their permanent inhabitants of thick-skinned sea seals. Architectural tourism is still common, capture itself against the background of architecture monuments, antiquities and modernity. And there is no such thing. Even the capital does not have any special monuments of antiquity. And already, again something built, usually not impressively. But ... Iceland will be interested in those who love the north, his scanty, but distinctive nature, who understands the beauty of sobes and flowering tundra, expanses, covered with volcanic ash ...

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_2

The trip was organized on their own, the benefit, the open "Schengen" was, so there was no problems with a visa. From the Internet, car cards were downloaded, pieces 30, updated the navigator and smartphone. This is not unnecessary. For the smartphone, the cheapest SIM card will be required. As for the main evil, money, rummbled on the Internet, came to an amazing conclusion: the turnover of cash in Iceland is almost completely absent. Looking ahead, I will say that the Icelandic crown, and even more so little things, Aruuru, like money, did not hold in their hands. They score 100 crowns and 50 Aruur in the village store, and there they were no longer money there, but a national souvenir. All calculations are conducted in non-cash form: the mastercart and visa completely replace the purse. But we are Russians, captured and the euro and a few dollars - did not take advantage.

I do not know, but now, and we are to the international airport of Iceland Keflavik, I had to get a docking flight with a landing in Copenhagen. In total, the flight took more than 14 hours. At the airport, the Simka bought (autotourists, do not forget!), To rent a car (how to take, and what should I have, read in the internet for a long time). Why at the airport? To, trite to relax from the flight, you need to get to Reykjavik, find a hotel. And a taxi is surprisingly expensive here. To the rental took Suzuki five-year, about 80 euros per day, it is possible and cheaper, Spark for 40, but it will not rest in it in the case of anything. Yes, and cliens higher, there are good roads, and there are soil "directions" and gravel king-ops. So, especially do not save. And it is necessary to insurance 15E, from the objects flying out from under the wheels, the same gravel.

From the airport to Reykjavik, the road takes no more than 30 minutes, it is slow, seeing the "lunar landscape" outside the car,

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_3

Paying attention to everything, stopping to hold a handful of volcanic ash in the hands, which, as it turned out everywhere and in a variety. Entered the capital. Feeling from meeting her, look above. The main and first task is to find a decent and inexpensive hotel. Further, for convenience, I will talk about prices, translating E, USD, IR in our relatives, familiar rubles. I will say right away, Iceland is unusual for an expensive country. It was not interested in locally about their income, but with our pension, here you will live quite well here. And then? Next - diet to harmony of birch!

The first stop at the Hotel "Discwort" in the north-east of the city. Fully decent hotel without all sorts of stars. The room has two one-time beds, a table, etc. For a day, we appreciate about 3,000 rubles, this cost includes parking and breakfast. Very arranged that our things will be in the room until the evening. We wanted to visit the thermal complex "Blue Laguna", perhaps the only place suitable for swimming people who are not engaged in "molding". This source is 20 minutes from the city. Beautiful parking is included in the price of the visit. On the street +14, water +34.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_4

So all year round. This source is well advertised in the internet and in Europe. Water with salts, blue clay from the bottom - allegedly healing, no worse than the mud of the Dead Sea. I do not know about the heabalities, but the tone and mood raises.

It is not possible to identify all Iceland along and across 12 days planned by us.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_5

Their length of more than 14,000 km. Our goal was - an eastern part to the north and south of Reykjavik. A good track mainly goes along the coast. If you want to turn deep into the island, kilometers of 20-30, to the nearest town, the road is quite balanced. Further, they went "directions" marked on maps like roads.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_6

But the primer, or a crumbling dump, even in Russia is not perceived by a full road. Here I need a less large car with a relatively high clearance.

About fuel. There are two types: AI-95 and diesel. Cost: we have 95 about 30 rubles per liter, here 67-70. The refueling is also unusual for us. I have never seen at the refueling of people, except customers refueling. Payment on the card. I waited for the first a couple of times, who would help us to figure out. Then - nothing complicated. Insert the map, the screen offers either a certain amount or a complete tank. You choose the second, authorizes 25,000 kroons, it is about 6500 rubles, the full tank is poured, the residue immediately returns to your card. Missed, they took a diesel gun, paying - came together, boldly put the gun back, the money is not wrinkled.

Food for a car trailer. In restaurants - invoice. In the store take bread - 100-150 rubles, yogurts and cheese for a day - 200 rubles, a one-time grill with a kilogram piece of pickled meat, 400 rubles, plus different culinary trivia. The result is two satisfied days for 1000 rubles. Modest lunch in the restaurant is about one and a half. Feel the difference...

The police car saw once at the entrance to the tunnel. There was empty, without police owners. Chambers of tracking noticed only in tunnels and on significant intersections. Movement here is calm, moving away from large cities, you can drive 10-20 minutes without having met the oncoming machine.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_7

It is good, and relaxes. And this is already bad, looking at the empty road to the landscape, by reality, led the counter of the oncoming bus. Even on an empty road, it is not necessary to be distracted on the beauty of this magic country.

How to relax in Iceland inexpensively? Traveling on a rented car. 15132_8

It will be nice if my memories and tips come up to someone.

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