Where to go on Tenerife and what to see?


Options for an independent excursion program on the Canary Islands are a lot. As a rule, tourists stop at the largest island of Tenerife Archipelago and already from there are carrying out ribs on other islands. Tenerife is really the most "promoted" island of this resort area. It is on this island that the highest peak of Canar - Tadeid Volcano (3718 meters) is located. Tenerife is called a double-mounted island due to the contrast between its green northern part and an almost deserted southern territory resembling an externally typical African savanna. High ridges do not give to penetrate here. Tourists are going on Tenerife all year round - swim, sunbathing, surfing, dive, watch whales, climbing volcanoes and light in nightclubs. Tenerife is ocean subtropics.

Where to go on Tenerife and what to see? 15119_1

The average temperature of August +24 degrees, January +18 degrees. In the mountains is always cooler. The water temperature does not fall below +20 degrees. The wet season lasts from December to March. And from May to September, on the contrary, it does not happen rain. Wind are tangible: cool ocean from the northwest and dry African.

To get from Tenerife to other Islands of the Archipelago of the Canary Islands is the easiest all over the ferry. Transportation is carried out by different transport companies. Ferries go to the Grand Canary several times a day, to other islands - less often. In any case, it is better to check in advance with the schedule. And at the same time clarify the port of arrival. On some islands there are several of them.

If you decide to go to Gomer Island, then you can visit the Garagonai National Park located on it, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. He takes most of the island. In the laurel forests here live famous authentic unbelievable canas. Those who are familiar to us more than their bright color, in fact - the result of selection. The main attraction of Homere - Silbo, the language of the whistle. Aborigines, hunters and shepherds, successfully used them in mountainous areas, because in the gorges, the sound is heard over a few kilometers. Today, Silbador whistles are arranged demonstrations for tourists who come to Homer, as a rule, with a one-day excursion.

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The next island that you can visit on Canar is a Fuerteventura. Scientists consider this second largest island of the archipelago the most ancient. There is evidence that it arose about 20 million years ago. It is not by chance that one of the symbols of the chest, which you immediately notice on arrival on the island are windmills. The name itself (in Spanish FUERTE - "Strong", Viento - "Wind") says that in addition to excellent beaches, all the conditions for any kinds of sailing sports are waiting for you. Here you can work out with the instructor and rent all the necessary gear.

Gran Canaria Island today competes with Tenerife in a variety of landscapes. Almost half of the territory of the Grand Canaria occupy various biosphere reserves. In the capital of the island of Las Palmos and in the south of its territory you are waiting for all conditions for a luxurious holiday. But if you decide to come to this island for a few days and stay in one of the coastal hotels, you need to be prepared for the fact that the price level for accommodation here will be slightly higher than the average on the Canarians. The resort area here is considered more fashionable. And rest here mainly wealthy tourists from Europe.

Where to go on Tenerife and what to see? 15119_3

Traveling to the island of Palma will have to taste to lovers of rural tourism and tracking. The center of the mountainous palm tree is a huge clawholder coldir to the Taburient. Island is very green (palm trees and dragons are dominated here). The climate and soil are favorable for agriculture: here are filmed two or three crops per year of potatoes and other vegetables. Local grapes are grown here, from which wine is made, famous for its unique taste characteristics far beyond the island. If you want to take something from the Canary Islands in memory of yourself and for a gift to friends, then it will be best to buy wine on Palma.

Lanzarote Island is the territory of the Canary Islands to the African continent. Arriving on an excursion here, you will see a landscape that is a cluster of volcanoes. Lunar landscapes and ashes covered with black and oxide slopes can be explored only with an experienced guide. One of the main attractions of Lanzarote is the EL Diablo restaurant, built on the project of the famous architect Cesar Manrique. Devilsky dishes are prepared here on volcanic heat. The temperature under the top layer of land reaches several hundred degrees.

Where to go on Tenerife and what to see? 15119_4

Finally, on the smallest island of the archipelago Yerro beaches a little (with the exception of the El Golfo Bay), around which most hotels are concentrated). But on the rocks there are unique natural pools with a warm ocean water. And it is here that the best diving on Canary, for which thousands of tourists from all over the world are rushing here every year.

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