The most interesting places in Astrakhan.


In Astrakhan, I managed to tighten my spouse who promising him that he would definitely see the sturgeon here. My husband is an avid fisherman and in his life it is only interested in two things - beer and of course fishing. Having promised him good fishing and a lot of beer, you can lure him into any point of the globe. I was interested in Astrakhan, attractions and interesting places. I run immediately in advance, and I will say that the sturgeon did not catch the husband, but I received a maximum of positive impressions of acquaintance with this city. I think that a description of how my faithful patiently sat on the banks of the Volga in anticipation of a large catch, few people will be interested, but a description of the most interesting places in Astrakhan, probably commercially travelers who are planning to visit this city in the near future.

Astrakhan Kremlin . I am very ashamed of this confess, but the years of Edak to twenty-five, I was sure of a hundred percent that the Kremlin in Russia is only one, and he is in Moscow on Red Square. The Kremlin, which is located in Astrakhan, was built in the sixteenth century by decree of Ivan the Terrible. The height of the bell tower of this construction is equal to eighty meters, and it knows every resident of the city, because it is clearly seen from any part of Astrakhan. Once, in addition to the bell tower, there was a combat tower, the gate of which was straight in Ostrog. Throughout the time of the existence of the Kremlin, the bell tower was built repeatedly. All of them were constantly rebuilt until the present appeared. The bell tower, which can be seen today, was finally reconstructed in one thousand nine hundred and ninety year. At the moment, there is a museum in the Kremlin building. In an artillery tower, which is more known as the tovitan tower presents an exposition on the history of corporal punishment in Russia. But in the tower, which is called the red gate, visitors can look at the combat guns and learn better than the history of the garrison of those distant and not calm times. In the central building of the Kremlin, there is an ethnographic museum.

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Astrakhan Reserve . Awesome place with indescribable beauty by nature. This reserve was established in one thousand nine hundred and nineteenth year. It is located in the lower reaches of the Volga River delta. The entire territory of the reserve is divided into three parts. The biggest richness is the fauna of birds, which includes, about two hundred eighty species, and seventy two types of them are rare. During his flight, such rarest birds are stopped here, like white cranes, which belong to one of the rarest bird species around the world and they rightly entered the international red book. From mammals, on the territory of the reserve, you can find foxes, wolves, tiny mice and outer. In the protected waters, lives seventy species of fish, including sturgeon, herring, bream, crucian, perch, Beluga, Chernonepinka, Vobla, Sazan, Pike and others. At the initial calculation, which was one thousand nine hundredth of the thirty-seventh year, the flora of the reserve had two hundred and four types of plants, and during the re-inventory in the sixties of the last century, it was possible to identify two hundred seventy-eight species. Among the new species, which up to this point were unusual for this reserve, there are wormwoods of Solonchak and Kermek Gmelin.

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Circus in Astrakhan . As for me, so much better and more interesting to go through the whole family in the Circus than to visit the premiere of the next American militant. In the circus, it hovers some special solemn atmosphere of childhood. I do not know how you have, but in me inside everything enthusiastically freezes right before the pain when the light goes out and the loud music starts to play, which is the beginning of the enchanting action. I want to squeeze into my circus, laugh and clap my best in your hands, but I try to restrain myself, because near the sitting people can not understand me correctly. Yes, I myself would be surprised if thirty-three-year-old aunt would start jumping, squeak and loudly clap. This circus was open enough long ago, namely one thousand eight hundred and eighty-fifth year, and since then it is one of the most beloved places of citizens. In the time of his youth, that is, initially, the circus building was significantly different from what we can see now, since it was built of wood, and instead of the dome, a canvas was stretched. Since the circus was loved by local residents, it is quite natural that the building itself was constantly improved. The last time, overhaul of the circus, was completed in the tenth of April two thousand and ten years, and now he may well claim the title of one of the most well-equipped. Going inside, immediately celebrate the fact that it is selected from with a large charm and sophistication. A huge scene and comfortable chairs are not released from their arms of the viewer, until the end of the presentation. Want to visit the Astrakhan Circus? Then go to Kakhovsky Street, 21.

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Cathedral of Holy Prince Vladimir . This beautiful temple appeared, it is not at all by chance, since its construction was dedicated to the nine hundredth anniversary of the Baptism of Russia. The place for the construction of the cathedral was not chosen for a long time and after a short meeting the City Council, decided to give a wasteland under construction, which was in the central part of the district. The construction was stretched for seven years, since it was conducted on the donations of patrons and citizens. Construction of the Cathedral of Cathedral in one thousand eight hundred and ninety-fifth year, and ended in one thousand nine hundred and second year. The lighting of the temple took place of the fifteenth of July one thousand nine hundred and second year with the participation of the father of John Kronstadt.

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The inner decoration of the cathedral, struck the parishioners with his underlined ancient-Byzantine style, wooden carved iconostasis and exquisite internal painting. One thousand nine hundred seventeenth year, the temple suffered very much from fire strikes, but from complete destruction of him was saved by the phenomenon of God's mother, who went along the edge of the dome for three days. Of course this is a legend, but since people say, she will probably have a share of truth.

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