Useful information about rest in the Maldives.


You can only talk about Maldives in an excellent tone. Traveling around the world, in Soviet times, according to professional affairs, and now, with the goal of rest and cognitive tourism, I will say honestly, it's hard to pick up the best corner of the "earthly paradise".

Useful information about rest in the Maldives. 15063_1

Was there only once, rested with his wife on the atoll nunu, beach vacation, diving among coral thickets, sea walks on the neighboring atoll - unforgettable! But now I would like to tell about the country as a whole. I think that for our followers there is here something interesting.

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Before the trip, they got acquainted with the country of the future rest. Officially, Maldives are called the Maldives Republic, with the capital of Male, located on the atoll of the same name. Interestingly, the capital is at the same time the only city of the republic, and its only trading port. An international airport is located in the next nearby island, the name is in honor of Ibrahim Nasira, but more famous as Male airport, or Hulule.

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All tourists arrive here, those who are through the air. By water - in the port of Male. Everything. There are simply no other ways here. Shuttle service for hotels is organized either on boats or on small airplanes or hydrosaples.

Maldives - a country having some features for visiting her tourists. Big Plus - This does not require a visa, enough tourist voucher and declared money from the minimum norm - 25s per person. This rule applies to the period of stay up to 30 days. If more - I do not know, I was not interested. Next: I recommend that you carefully read the memo to the tourist on the Internet. I neglected this, which played quite unpleasant, although not a criminal joke. Maldives - Muslim country with its strict rules and customs. Alcohol is served, or you can only buy in hotels. Prices are appropriate. Therefore, for recreation, a little "caught" in Duty Free. What was my surprise when they were offered to watch the manual lay on arrival. Officially purchased alcohol had to pass into a special "storage chamber", and get back, for transport to Moscow. Bake ... selectively can take to view laptops and flash drives, will be brought to the hotel in a couple of days. But if there are some erotic materials, get ready for great trouble. The same applies to drugs. The same Corvalol contains some barbiturates who are considered almost drugs. So, stock certificate of the doctor will be calmer.

Well, here all the obstacles are passed, all formalities are observed. You officially stepped on the Earth of the Maldives Republic. We continue to get acquainted with the country.

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It is located in the Equatorial Waters of the Indian Ocean, here is warm - always! Complete summer. Of the 100% of the country, dryness is about 1%. Twenty relatively large atolls and about 2,000 coral islets. There are no mountains or hills, nor natural lakes. The biggest height is 3 meters above the ocean, and instead of the depths of the lakes - pools in hotels. It is noteworthy that mostly one hotel is located on one atoll. Exceptions If there is, I do not know about them.

Rest here is designed for three main categories. The first is divers.

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The underwater world is beautiful and rich. Paradise for dive lovers. Fish, just hand,

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From multicolored trivia, to the rods and sharks, which do not pose a danger to a tourist. The second is the couples in love, which is absolutely nobody needs.

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But they are sometimes distracted from each other to do the first. And the third - seekers absolutely relaxed relaxing in the entourage of tropical paradise.

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For all three categories, about me a fixed feature: in any weather, whatever the sun - the sand is not burning, but warm, gentle.

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Useful information about rest in the Maldives. 15063_10

In terms of shopping, Maldives are not the most attractive country. Sell ​​here in stores in hotels mainly souvenir products. Of course, there are T-shirts, T-shirts, local crafts made of wood, jewelry from Sri Lanka, quality dubious. But products from corals, ocean shells, exotic animals, all this can be bought, absolutely not disturbing laws. Simply, you need to save all checks, all will not be superfluous. It is also interesting to bring, like a traditional souvenir Thudu Kuna, art mats woven from the fiber palm trees, jaw sharks, and much more. In short, shopping in memory of the country, no more. Look at the price tags and pay, there is a bad tone. Bargaining is apparently and welcome.

About money. In the Maldives, it is quite possible to pay the local currency - Maldives Rouffae at 1USD, is approximately 13 ruffy. True, officially exchange currency for the local is possible only at the airport and the Male atoll, in the capital of the country. The only ATM, which will make money from the international account, is in Male, opposite the HSBS bank. But this is hardly relevant. Cash dollars are accepted for payment at the official rate everywhere. In hotels, you can pay for cards, such as American Express, Visa and Master Card, some are also taken by Diners Club and JCB cards.

Food in hotels at the highest level. Here are really restaurants, with all the accessories inherent in them. Starch white tablecloths, twisted polite and warning waiters. Kitchen, both local and European. Meat - only beef and lamb, naturally, no pork.

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Chickens, pigeons, fish, shrimps and lobsters. Fruits and vegetables, as well, and everything else, brings from Sri Lanka. But, everything in the menu is enough.

Summing up memories, I can say:

Useful information about rest in the Maldives. 15063_12

A decent country worth a fabulous holiday, decent attention of the Russian tourist.

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