Where is the best stay in Beijing?


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, for two decades in the capital, it was impossible to see the hotel in the capital of the hotel - guests of the city here were settled in the guest houses, the so-called Zhaodaiso. These institutions were under the control of various departments and government agencies. Such institutions, actually, in Beijing can be seen today.

From the end of the seventies, with the start of the reform policies and the openness of Dan Xiaopin, the city began to build various tourist objects and hotels - to make the country more attractive for foreign business. In our time, the capital of China takes a large number of visitors, it is an important financial, political and cultural center of the Asian region. Now there is a huge number of hotels, many of which are capable of providing their customers with the highest level service.

The most famous hotel of the Chinese capital is the Beijing Hotel, in state ownership. Other institutions such as Great Wall Sheraton Hotel, Raffles Beijing Hotel, Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, Grand Hyatt At Oriental Plaza, and Peninsula Palace Hotel, under the control of Hong Kong Peninsula Group.

Cheap and very cheap hotels in Beijing

Recently, cheap travelers are hostels around the world grow like mushrooms. In Beijing, they also have: here such inexpensive establishments for an unassuming tourist public are located in the eastern part of the third annular route, as well as in the central part of Beijing, in the old hutunas.

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Nowadays, such cheap establishments are built, specifically focusing on guests from Western countries.

As for hostels, the price for one night in such places is approximately 30 yuan for the usual room and about two hundred for a double room. South of the Qian Men district (he, Chongwen) there is a network of cheapest hotels of this class.

And the most cheapest institutions are located in the Zhaodaisuo area: some of the local hotels access to Europeans is generally closed. But ... For those who speak Chinese well and is determined, the chance of accommodating in a similar institution is still available.

Dear hotels

Hotel class (and cost) is higher located in the center of the capital - especially concentrated such institutions in Dongcheng and Chaoyang regions. If you judge the categories of Western hotels, the prices in Beijing are not so high: in the most expensive hotels with a visitor will take approximately 2500 yuan.

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A four-star hotel in Beijing will cost you from five hundred to a thousand yuan. These institutions are in the center of the city, and in the suburbs. Away from the central part of Beijing can be gained at a hotel with an original design in ancient national spirit. The concentration of such institutions is growing with the approach to the Great Chinese Wall. If you are an amateur of such exotic, you should like it here; However, with evening entertainment there will be a problem - after all, the city center is far away, and from this point of view there will be two options - or even abandon the night walks, or be prepared to spend a certain amount of travel in a taxi.

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