Rest in Beijing: Useful Information


Communication services

Postal services can be used directly in your hotel, and more - send a parcel from any post office in Beijing. By appropriate services, you can use most of these contacts, as well as in express companies that organize sending parcels. In addition, some shopping institutions provide an opportunity for international shipment of their products acquired.

You can call the satellite telephone from any large hotel of the international network, but this pleasure will fly to you in a penny. If you want to save on touch, call from the postal or telegraph office or use a payphone at the hotel (to pay a conversation in the last case you will need to buy a telephone card).

The international telephone code of China "86", the code of the city of Beijing - "10". For example, if you call this city from Moscow, then score "8-10-86-10", then the subscriber number. If you call, on the contrary, from the Chinese capital to Russia, type the code of the country "007", then the city code (if it is Moscow, then "495", if Peter - "812", Yekaterinburg - "343"), and then directly called the called Subscriber.

China's chief operators of China are "China Unicom" and "China Mobile". If you do not have the opportunity to use roaming service in this country, then buy a local SIM card - it will cost you a hundred yuan. When you call the Chinese mobile number, the city code is not needed. Local conversation on the phone costs three Jiao per minute, international - 4.8 yuan.

Here are some useful rooms and addresses that it is better to be aware during your stay in Beijing:

Fire service phone - "119"; Police - "110"; Ambulance - "120"; Help with transport catastrophes - "122"; International Reference Service - "108";

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The Public Security Office of Gunanju is located at Beijing, 85, Bachitszydazie. It opens on weekdays at 08:30, it works until 17:00, on Saturdays - until 11:00. Their contact number: "525-54-86".

You can also contact CHINA International Travel Service (CITS). This office is located 103 Fuxingmennei Dajie. You can call on the phone "(86-106) 01-11-22."

Now - useful information about Embassy of the Russian Federation . You can call there by contact number: +86 (10) 65 32 13 81; You can also use email to communicate: [email protected]. The embassy works from 09:00 to 13:00, then from 14:00 to 18:00.

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How to act in critical situations

With a passport or credit card Contact the police, and then (in the case of a passport) to the consulate. When the credit card is lost, it is necessary to block it immediately.

Under the loss of personal belongings In any institution, it is not necessary to immediately think that "everything is lost." The fact that visitors are randomly left in the bar or restaurant, develops in the utility room, and if you return for a forgotten thing, it will be returned to you immediately.

In the case when you suddenly There is no money left You can transfer the Western Union system. Representative offices of this office are available on the central mail and in some of the banks. The time that this financial transaction occupies is small - you will be with money after ten to fifteen minutes. If you want, on the contrary, send funds, you will need to provide the necessary information about the recipient - its full name, address, preferably also - telephone number. With you, you should have a passport and a certificate confirming the exchange of currency in the amount of the amount you wish to send. At the same time, you should have money with a reserve - for payment of the Commission. If you intend to translate more than five hundred dollars, you will be asked about the special recipient's signs or ask the control question. After you make all the papers, you will be given the Money Transfer Control Number code (abbreviated MTCN), which you will need to report to someone you send tools to get them.

Now about health. When, If during the trip to Beijing you get sick , first of all, contact your local pharmacy. You can help you choose the necessary medicine and without appeal to the hospital - of course, if the situation is not heavy. Otherwise, it is necessary to go to some solid therapeutic institution, in the emergency department. It is there, because in this case you will not need to be recorded in advance, and also because help should have free. In very critical cases, call "120".

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