What is worth viewing in Veliky Novgorod?


Veliky Novgorod is the oldest city in Russia, since the first mention of it is dated eight hundred fifty-ninth year, and the exact date of its foundation to this afraid remains a mystery. It was in this city that the first Russian books were written, and it was here that unique first birchy diplomas were found. And this is a city museum. Here there is all the soul wishes - parks, lakes, forests of the river and of course many historical monuments. Will we and my spouse could miss such wealth? In order to inspect all the interesting places of this city, it is necessary to allocate for at least ten days of your holidays. I will now try to describe the most interesting of the most interesting sights of Veliky Novgorod, which must be viewed in the first of all.

Sophia Cathedral . This cathedral is one of the most prominent monuments of architecture of the times of ancient Russia. Initially, this cathedral was a princely temple, since he was erected by the order of Prince Vladimir, who was the son of Yaroslav Wise. The temple was built for five years, and if it was more accurate, then the construction of one thousand forty-fifth year began, and it was completed in one thousand and fifties. By the princely temple, the cathedral was not too long, since already in the thirties of the twelfth century, he turned into the main temple of the Novgorod Team. The image of the temple is monumental and massive, and it matches its as many as five domes. The central structure, from three sides, is surrounded by wide two-storey galleries. Inside the temple, three iconostasis are installed. Icons in the Cathedral are very much, and among them, such as Eupiimia the Great, Savva Sanctified, the icon of the Mother of God "sign", the Great Anthony, Tikhvin Icon of the Virgin. In addition to the icons, the remains of the six saints are constantly in the temple - the princes of Mstislav and Fedor, Princess Irina and her son Vladimir, Archbishops Nikita and John. Cathedral, has its legend. In one thousand five hundred, the seventist Ivan Grozny, residents of this city were destroyed. So, by Novgorod, the dove flew past this time, which was tired and sat down to relax on the cross the crown dome of the cathedral. Resting and looking around, the pigeon saw this terrible side and literally, francated from horror. After some time, one of the monks was the Virgin, who told him that it was not a simple dove, as he was sent in order to console the city, and until he flies off the cross, the city will be under his vigilant security. In the times of the Great Patriotic War, the Cross with the Pigeon was taken out of the Spaniards who fought on the side of the Germans, and return it to their former place, managed only in two thousand and fourth year.

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Monument "Millennia of Russia" . It is located on the territory of the city Kremlin. Since the monument is dedicated to a thousand years anniversary since the reasons of the Russian state, it is quite understandable to have the fact that it was established in one thousand eight hundred sixty second year. This is a rather monumental structure, apparently and form, resembles a bell on which the figures of almost all kings of Russian, great commander, prominent Russian leaders, monks and writers are located. In total, on this monument, there is one hundred and twenty-nine figures of outstanding people who each at one time left the imprint in the history of the state. The monument is crowned with a ball of power, and an angel rises on it, who in his hand holds a cross and near him on his lap, standing a woman who is a symbol of Russia.

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Sofia belfry . You can admire it in the Novgorod Kremlin. The first mention of the Sofia belfry, is dated one thousand four hundred thirty-seventh year. According to the report from the chronicle, the strongest flood has happened, which washed the Kremlin wall and wrapped the belfry. According to some researchers, it was originally this belfry was directly on the wall of the Kremlin, or was located close to it. Two years after these deplorable events, a new belfry was built, but she was constantly rebuilt. In the middle of the sixteenth century, it was somewhat modernized by building six pillars, which formed five spans and bells were installed in them. In those distant times, Sofia Knevs were heard at a distance of fifty miles, and they were famous for their amazing melodiousness. These bells and their amazing sound, forever settled in the heart of the outstanding composer Sergei Rakhmaninov, who by the way was born in these parts.

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Since then, the bells managed to bother with their tragic history, which happened to them in August one thousand nine hundred and forty-first year. In those days, the bells wanted to save by evacuation and shifting them on the barge to a safer place, but on the Bed in that very barge on which they were, the German bomb came. The bells were sank, but two of them, and the biggest, but they managed to save and bury. Due to the fact that the city was constantly fired and the sounds of the shots were very rarely walked, the bells itself suffered very much, and had more than a planning look. It was restored pretty quickly, because in one thousand nine hundred and forty-eighth year, the Sofia belfry looked in the same way as in the seventeenth century. The bells who managed to survive, and who were buried, returned to their rightful place, but only for the ring they were no longer suitable. Today, these bells have not been going anywhere, they are still in their place, the truth set them around the bells on a special foundation. I can not convey to you with words, then feeling when you touch them with your palm. First, the sensations are quite natural, because under the palm cold metal, but when it heats away from the heat of the human body, then as if it comes to life. The fact that old bells are unsuitable for the extraction of melodic sounds from them is not to upset the guests of the city, because new bells installed in the bells, which they call no worse than the previous, every day twice a day, in the morning and evenings. Be sure to enjoy their ringing. Believe me, the sensations are just indescribable!

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