What do you need to know going to rest in Heviz?


Locals in Heviz speak exclusively in Hungarian . Personnel in hotels and restaurants makes timid attempts to master English, but very reluctantly. Therefore, with the greatest probability, your chat in hotels, restaurants or shops will look like a pantomime. The most interesting thing is that local talking to you in the Hungarian language so easily and relaxed, as you seem to understand the word from heard. And to understand Hungarian and "defeat" it is simply unreal.

The exception is only Festetich's bathing staff. There are enough those who know English. Moreover, there are even a few women who are completely communicated in Russian. So directly on the lake of the linguistic barriers should not be.

It makes sense to tell about some nuances that can be useful when visiting the Heviz Medicine Thermal Lake.

Let's start in order. Take a large towel, a bathrobe (if desired), replaceable beach shoes (slave), bathing suits. Many people acquire an original color swimming circle.

What do you need to know going to rest in Heviz? 14988_1

All of the above can be purchased directly in the bath. However, more choice and smaller prices you will find on the bazairka, in many small stores and trays in the city of Heviz.

On the territory of the Festetich complex, the services provided can be paid both in cash and bank cards. However, directly in the bathroom, where there is a tray for the sale of bathasings and a small bar / buffet, only cash forints take.

Important ! Do not take silver jewelry on the lake, leave them at the hotel. The water of the thermal lake enters Radon, which "makes" instantly black and silver products instantly. Do not experiment, I personally saw the result of exposure to water on silver ...

So, you went to the complex. After payment at the reception, the selected service will be given a special timer hours. If you acquire any subscription, then leave a deposit in the amount of 1000 forints.

When paying for a one-time visit to the lake, the data "Clock" at exit is left in a special compartment near the turnstile. If you have been paid for a subscription, then the "watches" take with you to the hotel and return only at the end of the subscription.

But let's go in order. At the entrance to the territory of the bathing complex, it is necessary to attach a timer to the turnstile (more precisely, to the blue arrow - you will see). The green arrow will light up, and you go inside. From now on, the time counting begins.

In order to find your locker, you must first attach a timer to a special device in the locker room, on the electronic scoreboard of the number of your locker and the remaining time. After that, find the locker, where and leave your belongings.

In no case accidentally do not leave the timer in the cabinet. This is a whole problem. Also, be sure to close the door, the locker is automatically closed after 30 seconds.

To open the cabinet for clothes, you need to bring the timer to the door. This can be done as much as necessary, but, leaving, always be sure to close.

There are lockers in the locker room (apparently old modification), which are closed with a coin in 100 forints. Pick back your money you can after open your locker's timer.

By the way, the locker room is funny there. Total. In the sense, there is no separation for men and female, everything is in one large room. There are several cabins for dressing up, but the Nechur is usually not much shy and takes off, where there will be ... Exit from the locker room to the corridor leading to the lake, passes through the showers. Though they are divided into men's and women, but are located so that it is worth confused. So it happens that women regularly pass through the men's shower and vice versa. Such is a feature.

At any time you can check the amount of time spent on the lake. For this there are many special reading counters.

Be sure to control the time you spent on the lake. It is also important to do before leaving the bath. If you invested in a set deadline (and this confirms the reader), then you are free to go through the turnstile. Otherwise, it will be necessary to pay the type "fine" from the calculation of 10 forints for each overdue minute.

It should be noted that there are four sections for swimming in the covered part of the Festetich complex. Two with cool water, two - with warm. In the warm sections there are always many people in other almost no one. There is also the opportunity to go through the procedure of underwater massage. Interesting, but the queue is long.

What do you need to know going to rest in Heviz? 14988_2

If desired, you can swim on open water.

As for the correctness of the reception of water procedures in the Lake Heviz, I note the following.

It is categorically not recommended in water more than half an hour. Best of all - 20 minutes. After that, a mandatory break (also at least half an hour). You can relax on the sun beds, eat in a cafe, drink coffee or soft drinks.

The total time that can be carried out in the lake should not exceed 1.5 hours a day. Otherwise, instead of use, you will receive an increased burden on the body. But you came to Heviz for health?

By the way, about loads. Experts are not recommended too actively swimming on the lake, arrange some quick swims. It is also connected with the "active" chemical composition of water, which leads to a large load on the heart. Just does not hurry slowly swim or relax themselves on the circle. This is how it is possible to achieve the maximum effect from being in the medical heviza lake.

What do you need to know going to rest in Heviz? 14988_3

As for the rest. Tea Hungarians do not particularly indulge. Standard 5-8% of the order value - and they are yours. When you come back next time this restaurant, you will absolutely offer you a stack of traditional "plusovitsy" or "apricotes". This is such a local variety of vodka. It is better not to sniff (the smell sharp and nasty). But taste is a very soft and pleasant drink.

To our tourists in Heviz, as well, and in all Hungary, are normally. According to the principle: if only they paid money!

Girls also go here alone is absolutely safe.

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