Rest in Goa: Tips and recommendations


For some reason, many India causes a single-type reaction: no, we will not go there, they can be poisoned, getting sick with malaria and in general to suffer unknown from what. But Goa, nevertheless, it is a more prosperous and safe part of India, where it is unlikely to bite the malaria mosquito. And so that rest on the ocean was not overshadowed by trouble, you should only follow the elementary security measures - maybe a little more than in another country.

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Vaccinations do not at all, if you are going to spend time exclusively in Goa, without traveling deep into the country. Just do not drink water from under the tap and do not clean her teeth, often use disinfecting sprays and napkins, do not drink drinks with ice, do not buy ice cream on the street, do not buy cut fruits, prefers to the fact that in the peel and wash them with bottled water. Carefully treat the place where you plan to eat. Do not buy food on the streets - yes, the aromas are delightful, but elementary hygiene is hardly observed here.

On the beach

Absolutely standard rules on any reservoir: not to swim (besides the rescuers on the beaches of Goa you will not find), drunk in the water do not climb, long under the open sun is not sitting (in my opinion, in India so strong sun, that sunbathing is better under the umbrellas - The tan will still be intense), use sunscreen creams with a protection factor from 25, cover the head and drinking water as much as possible.


If they decided to move on a staff on a rented moped, then the first thing to remember: the movement here is left-hand, and the turn signals forget to use, warning any action by signal to clasons. Be sure to put on yourself with a helmet - in addition to protecting health, helmet will also save your money when meeting with the police. If before that was not the experience of driving on two-wheeled technology, it is better to ride without a passenger. Renting a moped, be sure to check the brakes. And, yes, sit behind the wheel only in sober form.


Goa does not apply to the most criminogenic places on the globe, but of the elementary safety rules, of course, should be remembered. Do not leave things unattended, leaving your hotel room or rented house. Close all windows and doors, do not leave things on the balconies. By the way, in addition to people, the monkey can be drowned in Goa. I, for example, one little passing tried to pull money - they don't exchange glasses and decorations now, so the Council is one - do not throw your things where it fell, even if there are no people around.

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With fraud and deception, things are more complicated. Not because the Indians are in the root of dishonest people, but simply because it is so accepted in many tourist regions: to consider tourists with a bag with money, from which it is simply necessary to rechout at least a piece. The most popular methods of "selection" of money from vacationers include:

- Accounting. Check the delivery received in stores and taxi, accounts in cervical or cafe, if you buy several goods in one place, recalculate the total amount. Specify an error, the difference is returned without problems, no one will turn to you and transmit with you;

- Payment of sun beds at the neck. In general, if you buy something in a beach cafe called Shake, Lyzhak you have free for a whole day. But particularly thoughtful cervical workers may suggest paying the sun bed additionally;

- The overestimated cost of the goods. In India, the MRP sticker is made on the goods produced by the industry - the maximum retail price, selling more than this price is prohibited, but nevertheless, many are trying. What to say about the goods on which MRP stickers are not: the price here can be overestimated and 10 times. Therefore, do not strive to make purchases on the first day, look around, find out prices. By the way, if you will actively offer drums on the beach or something like that, then know: the price for it is overestimated several times, you simply "diluted."

- Fraud when renting a moped or bike. When lease, it is necessary to carefully examine the moped for damage. This is necessary in the presence of the master of technology. Just perfectly take a picture of all damage. All this is done so that the unfinished owner did not make you pay for the repair of the moped damaged.

- Weling gasoline. Everything is very simple here: the counter after the previous seasoning may not be cleaned, so gasoline pour less, and pay more. The Council is the same as in the previous paragraph: see more attentively, check everything.

In principle, neither me nor my acquaintances never tried to deceive in India. On the contrary, the locals always helped and suggested. What, probably, once again proves that the fear of the eye is great and not every waiter, the seller or taxi driver is a potential fraudster.

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For some reason, many represent themselves Goa - as a resort, where absolutely everything is available. In the number and prohibited drugs. So, it's not at all. The only difference from Russia is that there is legally selling Bhang - the leaves and inflorescences of cannabis. Everything else is banned, the purchase is fraught with imprisonment. Much here and sellers of informants who will gladly give you the police, and this is either an acquaintance with an Indian prison, or a huge bribe. In general, do you need it?

Another point that worries especially girls traveling in India: how to dress and how safe here is. India, of course, not the Emirates and is not Egypt, I calmly walked in short skirts, and in decolted outfits - it's hot. Nobody spoke or a word and did not mow. And the German and English tetcheki spent time on the beaches of Toples - and no one also paid attention to it. But, probably, in everything you need a measure, and it is not necessary to completely shook even in such a liberal country. About personal security: Indians are completely non-aggressive, and here a greater risk goes from drunk vacationers, although, naturally, it all depends on the behavior of the girl itself.

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