Should I go to Bled?


To the question, is it worth going to the lake Bled, there may be only one answer: be sure!

After all, no wonder of Bled is considered a business card of Slovenia. The most famous Slovenian lake part-time is the most luxurious and fashionable resort. Hotels and apartments on the lake are built in such a way that the windows offer a magnificent view either on the lake itself, or to the surrounding mountains.

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It is worth going here both lovers of outdoor activities and those who prefer a relaxing rest and long-leisurely walks (although the second type of travelers is still more glanced by the neighboring lake Bohin). It is worth going here to families with children, and newlyweds, and the resort level will delight even developmental tourists.

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It is worth riding the amateur of winter sports: the neighborhood of Bleda is famous for their ski slopes, and you can get to them on the so-called "ski bus", there is here and an indoor ice hall where you can go skating (on the lake to do, this is unfortunately It will not work because it freezes not every year - the "fault" to the thermal sources). In the vicinity of Bled, you can go hunting, on the lake - fishing and rowing, children can feed from swans and ducks, which is simply an unreal amount on this lake. There are also fields for golf, and numerous walking routes, in the summer you can even swim on specially equipped beaches (the last for me, however, it seemed unlikely - somehow the windy and freshly, even at the hottest season).

In a word, each on Lake Bled will find a lesson for himself and at any time of the year.

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One of the minuses (however, I will not say that it is so significant) - is the high cost of the resort itself. However, all Slovenia does not apply to inexpensive countries, but it can be seen very well on the flare.

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