What time is it better to go to the rest in Tabarca?


To admire the sea scenery in Tabarke, can be infinitely long. The charm of this resort, add emerald hills with richest vegetation and crystal clear air, which you want to breathe all your remaining life. You know, from such a paradise corner, I do not want to leave at all back to the noisy and dusty megalopolis. Local diving, so generally deserves separately written history, since such beauty in the underwater kingdom, I have never seen anywhere else.

What time is it better to go to the rest in Tabarca? 14822_1

What time is it better to go to the rest in Tabarca? 14822_2

There is no rainy season in Tabarca and so you can plan your trip almost for any month, but if you want to go home with a beautiful to the bronze tanta, then it is best to go here, of course in the summer. The hottest period begins from July of the month and ends, only in September. The average daily air temperature in August, which is the hottest month, is almost thirty-two degrees.

What time is it better to go to the rest in Tabarca? 14822_3

Planning a trip with children? Then keep the course at the end of September and the beginning of October. There is no crazy heat at this time, and the driver is exactly what the baby rolls through and you will not be afraid that your bloodstream can be cold. The temperature of the water in September is to twenty five degrees of heat, and the water temperature in October, is twenty-four degrees.

What time is it better to go to the rest in Tabarca? 14822_4

Of course, you can go to rest with Karapuza and in June. The sun in June is affectionate and not aggressive, the air temperature is twenty-six degrees, but the driver for swimming is clearly cool because it time for this time he has time to warm up only to twenty-one degrees, and this is a low temperature for swimming.

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