Best time to relax in Matansas


In Matanasas, we and the spouse, we went solely for the sake of sightseeing. Although not. I drove for the sake of cultural development, and the husband hoped to try Cuban rum and cigars. I do not know that men find in this drink. I also do not understand how to understand the taste of Roma, he is so strong that you do not feel anything at all. It is quite another thing, such drinks like wine and champagne, here you can say delicious or not. Well, oh well, because I wanted to tell about Roma, but about the climatic features of Matansas.

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The hottest period, is a segment of time since April and ending with September. From this turn of hot months, you can allocate the most hot - July, August and September. The average daily outdoor temperature, at this time is thirty-one degrees of heat. And it is for this period that the rainy season has to last from May to November.

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In August, the month, there are the largest amount of rainy days that occupy one third of this month. The most comfortable time to relax in Matanzas is our winter, because there is a stable dry weather here and there is no that exhausting heat that pursues tourists in the summer. In the same way, how nice, boast a bronze tan, sitting in the company of friends over the New Year's table and at the same time declare that you light up not in the solarium, but in Matansas. Wind all, this is a hundred percent guarantee!

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For the defers, this period is also the most favorable for rest, the truth I try not to arrange the son of such sharp climatic differences. In the summer, and we rest we rest where heat, but in the winter we rest where Snezhnoye. In the winter, my spouse and I have not repeatedly did not take my son with you at such warm places as Matansas.

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