Useful information about holiday in Caracas.


The best time for visiting Caracas is the period from December to May, but I would have allocated only two months, it is February and March. Why? Because for these months the smaller share of precipitation falls. In general, in Caracas, the climate is rather wet, but warm, so the colds are not feared even in the rain period. It is quite hot in the daytime, but almost every hotel room has air conditioning. There are air conditioning and in the subway. But before you get to Caracas, you will need to get a visa.

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Citizens of Ukraine should issue a visa at the nearest embassy of Venezuela. It is not so easy to arrange it, because for this you need to get to a personal meeting with the head of the consular department. After the meeting, things are going much faster, as a visa will be issued to the hands for forty-eight hours from the moment of your appeal. Pleasure is paid and will have to lay out one thousand twenty Russian rubles as a visa collection. The visa has its own validity, which is ninety days.

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On the territory of Venezuela, you can import not only foreign, but also local currency. The number of imported and exported money may be unlimited, but if the total amount exceeds the mark of ten thousand dollars, then these funds will have to declare. Without payment of the duty, you can carry with you two hundred cigarettes or twenty-five pieces of cigars, two liters of alcoholic beverages, four vials of perfumery and any personal use of the total value of which does not exceed one thousand dollars. Bans on the importation are standard, that is, it is impossible to import drugs, weapons, seeds, plants, and so on.

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The national currency of the country is Bolivar, who is equal to one hundred Sentimam. The second currency, which is in a free source, is the American dollar, as well as the euro. Exchange money, you can both in the bank and in the exchange office. Venezuela, this is one of the few countries where the exchange rate of currencies in exchange offices is equal to the exchange rate in banks, so there should be no difficulties. I do not advise you to perform currency exchange operations I changed, since there is a fairly big risk to be deceived. In Caracas, you can pay credit cards, almost everywhere. ATMs are available everywhere, but it should be taken into account that they have a limit for sharing money.

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If I started talking about money, then I will give a small tip where exactly the most money can be spent. Sabana Grande Street is a pedestrian street for which transport movement is prohibited. On this street, many shops, shops and souvenir benches. And here there are restaurants and cozy cafes. But I didn't like it most, but the fact that there are small tables for board games everywhere, such as domino and chess.

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By visiting Caracas not for the sake of purchases, but for the sake of cultural impressions that can be obtained from dating local attractions, I advise you to start your excursion with the old part of the city, which is called El Centro.

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There are no problems with transport in Caracas. The most convenient ways of movement are taxi and subway. The metro in the capital of Venezuela is inexpensive, but the ratio of price and quality, it is clearly not valid, because with a spectachable cost of travel, the subway boasts clean cars that are still equipped with air conditioning. Taxi is not a budget way of movement, but when it is very quickly necessary to get somewhere, then the best kind of transport is simply not found. Practically a taxi, equipped with meters, but here are not all taxi drivers use them. Most of the taxi drivers prefers to negotiate the cost of the upcoming trip. It is good and bad at the same time. Be prepared for the fact that if a tourist recognizes you, then you will go to the meter, but you will not carry you on a short road, but for the longest but also loops. In this case, in order to insure itself from unforeseen expenses, it will be better to agree on the cost of the trip.

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The official language in Venezuela is Spanish. In Caracas, my spouse was perfectly understood in English, though only at the hotel, a restaurant and in a bank. As we explained, this is a great luck for us that we understood us, because if we drove a little deep into the country, the knowledge of the English language would be completely useless knowledge.

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Venezuela, is a Catholic country and the culture of the population here is appropriate. It is customary to live in large families, which consist of three generations, and the older generation in the face of grandmothers and grandfathers, takes responsibility about the younger, that is, grandmothers look at the defender and keep a household, while their children are at work earning money In order to be able to contain the whole family. Local women work as well as men, and in this country there are very few housewives. Family traditions are somewhat different from ours. Most of all I liked the feature of local men. The thing is that the family belongs to the very valuable thing, which may be in a person's life, and men are not shy to spend time in a family circle, but on the contrary, they are proud of it and boast how many they managed to spend time for games with children or in conversation with parents. It is very love to get into the light of the whole family, and absolutely no matter where precisely, for example, it can be a simple picnic in the park, going to the neighbors for a cup of tea, or a visit to Sunday Mass. Residents of Venezuela, appreciate every minute, which they managed to spend in the circle of their relatives and close people.

To tourists, in Caracas are rather not bad. Without fanatical delight, but not bad. If you ask what you have to do on the street, do not doubt, you will definitely answer, show and tell. Do not be surprised only to the fact that the locals are somewhat slow, they have such a national peculiarity. Despite the fact that they are slow, in fact, Venezuelan are very solid, and this is especially clearly felt during the business negotiations that they know how to lead at the highest level.

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