The city of Chersonissos is the most youth resort in Greece on Crete Island.


The end of summer is one of the most successful months to visit the resorts of solar Greece. The mood on youth holidays with an abundance of bars, clubs and restaurants off the coast sent us with a friend to the wonderful city of Chersonissos, a resort town in the center of the largest Greek Island Crete. Since it is located quite close to the capital O. Krit - the cities of Heraklion, in which we arrived, then in about half an hour we were already on the threshold of our hotel, the short-lived road from the airport is, of course, plus the location of our holiday destination. The first thing that rushed into the eye during a bus station around the city is a narrow street, on both sides of the souvenir shops, bars and shops with local jewelry. In the city of Chersonissos, there are only two main streets running along the coast parallel to each other. On the first line, along the very shore, the bars and restaurants are completely scattered, and on the second, a little further deep into the city - the so-called second coastline, along which stores and shops and Cheaper hotels. We really liked such a simple structure of the city, as it was impossible to get lost there.

The contingent of vacationers in the resort mainly consists of young girls and guys, resting without parents, age from 16 to 30 years. We are heard in various foreign languages, but most often in German and English. On the first day, when the girlfriend and I went to walk along the coastline, we had a little scared of the local evening atmosphere. The fact is that the street is completely covered with free nightclubs, and workers of these clubs, the so-called clouds, very intrusive, almost underground trembled to these clubs and tried to take free cocktails. We still have time to disappear from the wild clubs of clubs, in whose interests were only to lead more people in our establishment so that tourists leave more money in their bar. Clubs seemed to us with absolutely the same, small, with a bunch of people, there was stuffy and expensive. Foreigners like crazy bought beer (Germans) and tequila (British), and we, the poor Russians were on the pocket of one or two cocktails in the evening, the good of good Greek bartenders all the time treated us with rosters and cocktails for dancing in their bar and Attract male visitors. The nightlife in Chersonissos began with the arrival of darkness, and ended with the first glimpses of the world, until the morning, drunk young people walk through the streets, sang songs and laughed loudly. In the afternoon, it was much calmer - there were mainly people of older age on the streets, and spent their days on well-equipped beaches. It should be noted that unmerced free city beaches in Chersonissos, and you could find yourself to taste anyone - with a sand, rubble or all together. Bars and restaurants in which it was also unmerced to eat tightly in our resort, each had special complex breakfasts, lunches, dinners, divine foods of the gods, Greeks. Elegant cooks, such tasty food I personally did not eat anything else. "Wash the wizard on anyone's dishes Tastes - Seafood, Pizza, Paste, Baking, Grilled Meat! And what they have ice cream !! All products are absolutely natural, grown and produced in Crete. With alcohol, there were also no problems, in any bar or shop you could find yourself to taste any drink. Souvenir and jewelry shops, shops with clothing and shoes were almost not prevailed from the stores. There were no problems with removing money from a card either, ATMs stand on every corner along the central street.

In general, the city of Chersonissos is the perfect resort for those who like to receive all the pleasures from life - walk along the sea, dance and get acquainted in clubs, drink, eat and roll on the beach. In this city, there is absolutely everything for youth recreation, the main thing is to stock money, by the fact that the pleasures in the resorts of European cities are very expensive.

The city of Chersonissos is the most youth resort in Greece on Crete Island. 14768_1

The city of Chersonissos is the most youth resort in Greece on Crete Island. 14768_2

The city of Chersonissos is the most youth resort in Greece on Crete Island. 14768_3

The city of Chersonissos is the most youth resort in Greece on Crete Island. 14768_4

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