What should I see in Caracas?


Such a number of restaurants, restaurants, cafes and simple snacks, as in Caracas, I have never met anywhere. Probably, local entrepreneurs are very worried about that tourists would not die with hunger in this huge metropolis. The city is very fume, but interesting places here is enough. Before the trip, I was looking for information as about the city itself and about the situation in it. Many sources argued that in Caracas a high level of crime, because of which we almost abandoned the trip. The information turned out to be false since I did not see the robbers, bandits, mafia or robbers. Surely, as in any major city, there are pocket thefts here, but we did not meet such small thieves. But I did not want to write about this, but about local attractions. Interesting places can be examined both as part of the excursion group and independently. My wife and I have not been using a guide for a long time, since to discover new cities on our own, much more exciting. So, what can I see in Caracas?

Park Este. . This is a cozy oasis in a huge and noisy megalopolis. I liked the fact that the entrance to the park is free, that is, free. Este Park has been running from five in the morning to five pm every day, except Sunday. The full name of the Park Este, sounds like - GENERALISIMO FRANCISCO DE MIRANDA Park. He received his name, in honor of Generalissimus and the National Hero - Francisco de Miranda. By its area, this park is the largest in the region. For all the time of its existence, the park was repeatedly renamed, and he received his present name in two thousand and second year. In addition to the fact that the park is an emerald pearl of Caracas, with a large number of green spaces, there are also quite curious buildings, such as planetarium and library. In addition, on the territory of Park Este there is a zoo, a volleyball court, a tennis court, a picturesque lake with a boat station and several small, but very cozy cafes.

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Caricuao Zoological Park. . The opening of the park took place of the thirty-first of July one thousand nine hundred seventy-seventh year. The park is very curious and I strongly recommend visiting it in mandatory. The total area of ​​the park is six hundred and thirty hectares. All this huge area is divided into seven parts. Each part of this Park is a natural habitat for very rare animal species. There is a part, called "Monkey Forest", and as you understand, all conditions have been created here for a comfortable habitat of a wide variety of primates. There is a zone - lagoon. In the lagoon you can see the ducks, herds, turtles, flamingos and stunning black swans. In the African part, among the collapsies of colonial times, you can watch the life of buffaloes, deer, ostriches, elephants and hippopots. South African plain Pottin Parrots, admires the predators of the Feline, crocodiles and man-felts. You can walk on the park freely and even allowed to feed goats, ducks and sheep.

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Library Pedro Horses . His work, the library began in one thousand nine hundred and seventy second year in San Bernardino. Four years later, namely one thousand nine hundred and seventy-sixth year, the Spanish Humanist Pedro Horses, presented the library of his personal collection of books from seventy-five thousand copies. November seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and eighty third, the library has changed its location in the present and as a sign of gratitude, was renamed in honor of Pedro Horses. The entire library fund, consists not only of printed, but also from electronic resources. The library has a self-service system, that is, each visitor has the ability to search, decode and select the desired information. The time of the library on weekdays, begins with seven in the morning and ends only at ten o'clock in the evening. On Saturdays, the library doors open at nine o'clock in the morning, and close at five o'clock in the evening. Sunday is a working day, though abbreviated. Working hours on Sundays begins with nine in the morning and ends at an hour of the day. The library, there is a study that does not only work around the clock, but also equipped with all the most necessary, such as things such as televisions, computers, DVD and VHS players, multimedia and audiovisual resources.

Planetarium Humboldt . There is this planetarium in Este Park, which I wrote above. It can be safely called one of the most unique places in this country, because here, with the help of the most modern equipment, the study of astronomical bodies is carried out and such an interesting science as astronautics are taught. In the planetarium, there is a special department where research is conducted in the field of hydrography. From one thousand nine hundred and sixty-third years in the walls of the planetarium, a service is working, which is engaged in the study of the exact sciences. His name, the planetarium received in honor of Alexander von Humboldt, who became famous as a researcher and traveler. They built a planetarium in one thousand nine hundred sixty the first year. Due to the fact that the leadership of the planetarium acquired a powerful projector, new opportunities were opened before scientists in the development of such romantic science as astronomy. The planetarium building is noteworthy the fact that it is crowned by the dome covered with special plates, which, if necessary, travel around to the sides, and the starry sky opens with the observers in all its glory.

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Theater Ayakucho. . This theater is the second for the Starting theater in this country, since it was open to the nineteenth of December one thousand nine hundred and twenty-fifth year. In the twenties of the last century, this theater was a pearl center of public and cultural life of residents of the city. Above the design of the structure, the architect Alexandro Chating worked. The theater facade is made in symmetric design and the most visual manner demonstrates French academism. From the fifteenth of April one thousand nine hundred and ninety-fourth year, the theater is a historical national monument.

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