Season relaxing in Jokyakarta. When is it better to go to Jokyakarta on vacation?


In Jokyakarta, as in all Indonesia, the tropical climate and two different seasons are dry and wet. Despite this separation, throughout the year in the city is hot and wet (despite the fact that the season is called "dry", and I'm silent about the wet. The lowest registered temperature is 21 ° C (in the summer months). These are the problems, yes?

Wet season

During the season of rains, that is, from October to June, the average temperature in Djokyakarta ranges from 22 ° C to 31 ° C, but, of course, it is always closer to the thirty. Strong rains fall on the city at this time of year. In December and January, the average precipitation is 350 mm (however, the closer to the summer, the precipitation is less - in June 80 mm). These are the most wet months and clearly not the perfect time to visit Jokyakarta. And in January, much less sunshine is not more than three hours a day. Actually, this is the low season, when prices for hotels below, and the people are less.

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Dry season

Dry season in Jokyakarta, as I already noted, stretches from July to September. Temperature - from 25 ° C, but not more than 33 ° C. As a rule, from 26 ° C to 29 ° C. At this time of the season, the precipitation is much smaller (20-30 mm per month), therefore these months are considered a high season. August is the dry month of the year, September is also very dry. And then on increasing. Vouchers will cost more expensive, prices for residence are also higher, tourists in the city are also more. Nevertheless, this is a great time in order to visit the city and enjoy the tropical warmth.

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What clothes to take in Jokyakarta

If you went to Jokyakart during the rainy season (October - April), it is important to take spare pairs of shoes and clothes, as well as the umbrella or some kind of protection from rain, like a raincoat or at least raincoat. However, all these things can be bought directly in the city, there is this good in bulk and is inexpensive. The precipitate can be unpredictable. As for the dry season - do not forget the hats, sunscreen (with long sleeves) and sunscreen.

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Floods are there, but not so terrible, as in Jakarta (well, when they go too hard, you will have to spank in the ankle or knee in the water). Another thing - Jokyakarta is always waiting for village streams, or lahara. Approximately 70 million cubic meters of volcanic material are settled annually on the slopes of the Volcano Merapy, and heavy rains in the wet season can cause avalanche.

Season relaxing in Jokyakarta. When is it better to go to Jokyakarta on vacation? 14740_4

Lahar (from Indonesian "Lahar", that is, mud lava) is a mud stream consisting of a mixture of water and volcanic ashes, pumice and rocks. This lagar arises when the split volcanic material mixes with cool water of crater lakes, rivers, glaciers or rain water. And it all starts to crawl off the slopes, and very quickly, since the masses are very movable. This stream is deadly, because its consistency, viscosity and density is approximately the same as the concrete (that is, when it rolls, it is very powerful, and how to stop - everything will freeze and hello. Larker can destroy any design on the way - 100 kilometers per hour, is joking?

Again, this Lahar quickly loses its strength when it follows from the channel, so that the smallest huts may resist. The distance to which Lahar can move, more than 300 kilometers.

Season relaxing in Jokyakarta. When is it better to go to Jokyakarta on vacation? 14740_5

However, this phenomenon is not an annual and rare generally. You can not worry. In the risk group there are residents of settlements next to Mount Galingguong. It is about 5 hours from Jokyakarta to the West. Nevertheless, for example, last year in the wet season, the city administration announced a combat readiness since the beginning of December until the end of February - in case of flooding and these lahars.

Season relaxing in Jokyakarta. When is it better to go to Jokyakarta on vacation? 14740_6

One of the last terrible laehares occurred after the eruption of the Merapy Volcano in October-November 2010. One thread entered the river bed, which flows through the business district of Jokyakarta, from Sleman to Bantul Regency. The banks of the river are quite tightly populated, and in those days the inhabitants of those areas suffered the greatest losses. Tamanan, located downstream of the river, never experienced pyroclastic (that is, formed at volcanic eruptions) floods before.

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Nevertheless, these pyroclastic floods have even benefited society, since the active mining of sand began on the shores - economic value! But this is later, because unpreparedness to such phenomena just bold settlements along the coast were victims. This situation is exacerbated by the illegal dump of waste, which blocked the flow of water. Volcanic material still lies on the banks of the river, all since 2010. Therefore, in the coming due to the rainy season, the government has been preparing for possible natural hysterias.

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By the way, landslides in the Kebumen area (half an hour from Jokyakarta), Purvorezo (50 minutes drive from the city) and Vanzamegar (2 hours drive from the city northwest) In December 2013, the death of six people, while the storm in Temandongguong destroyed dozens of homes.

Volcanic ash

We will not talk about what it is active. That volcanoes can bring real - ashes. For example, in February of this year, volcanic ashes from Mount Kelud in Eastern Java delayed at Jokyakata and thereby increased the air temperature - it was up to 36 degrees a few days. It was hot because the volcanic ashes is hygroscopic, and it is absorbed by water in the air.

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As a result, the air is as it were, and the air temperature has increased. This ash is rather dangerous to human health. Yes, and in general it is uncomfortable to live when not a fig is visible, and the ashes piles lie on the streets, on the roofs of trees and in the crowns of trees.

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First of all, those who have problems with breathing paths suffer. More than one and a half thousand people appealed to hospitals with complaints of breathing, somewhere a person is 200- on problems with eyes and as many as much as the throat. This is not counting 50 people who were involved in road traffic accidents due to limited visibility. And it is almost a couple of days! But thank God, as a result, it shed rains over the city, and everyone was saved. However, it should be aware that such trouble can happen in a long-suffering Jokyakarta.

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In general, pah-pah, let your trip cost without such phenomena. But from sin, it would be better to go to the glorious Jokyakarta in the dry season. Yes, just more expensive, but at least safer.

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