What excursions worth visiting in Batumi?


If you relax directly in Batumi, then you are given the opportunity to see not only the city itself with its numerous attractions, but also to make a number of excursion tours in other directions. In the tourist firms of the city there are many options that can attract tourists and their content, as well as the opportunity to face the former ancient history of Georgia. You can buy such vouchers on the street, because almost every step of the Primorsky Boulevard there are so-called "climbers", spreading brochures. It is better to booked in the company's office. For example, one of these companies Tkemali Tour, whose slogan "travel with taste". They also organize their trips not only from Batumi, but also smaller seaside towns. Among those Kobuleti, Gonio, Ureki, Sarpi and others.

From Adjara, in fact, this is the district of Batumi, you can go to Imereti with the center in the city of Kutaisi, Svanetia is the mountainous part of Georgia with a visit to the capital of this area of ​​Zugdidi, or to go to Collid - the area of ​​the ancient Georgia, now it is called Megrelia. It is the last tour directly associated with myths and legends. After all, it was on the territory of the ancient colchis that the famous argonauts were sailed to the Argo in order to obtain a golden rune, which was kept in the Georgian king. And nothing would have come out of argonauts, if it were not for the beauty of the daughter of King Medea. By the way Stella, which marks her figure, is located in the center of Batumi. So it was the Medea and handed over to the leader of Argonauts to Runo, in which he was in love. The story is long, it is excellent in many literary sources. So that's just a journey to Collid and involves the knowledge of all these mythical stories related to the argonauts. As part of the round, which is designed for a full day and costs 99 LAAR per person, it is supposed to inspect the city of Poti, which is also called the sea gates of Georgia, the city of Nocalakyevi, this is the capital of Colchis, the ancient city of Archeopolis, where the Argo ship sailed in the 13th century, and Also a number of monasteries in Salkino, Chkkondidi. The tour price already includes entrance tickets to the sights that will be shown.

If you do not want to leave Batumi far, you can choose a tour called "Mountain Adjara". The cost per person is 35 LAR, is also designed for the whole day and involves a ride to the mining part, where the Ramary Fortress Gonio will be shown, Tamara Tsarica Bridge, a Mahunceti Waterfall, in which water drops from a height of about 40 meters. You will be taken to the wine adjochable house, where it will be possible not only to taste the wines, but also see all the stages of its production, and, of course, to acquire you like Wine.

There is still an overview tour of Batumi as part of the bus tour. It costs 20 LAR. It will be possible from the window of the bus to inspect the main attractions of the city. But it is better to see everything yourself, let him not at one time, but just walking around the city to consider interesting places, which are really a lot here.

To see and feel all, so to speak, Georgian flavor, it is worth visiting a tour called "Georgian feast". There will be toasts, tamada, beautiful songs, dancing, delicious, original Georgian dishes. The cost of 50 LAR and for this money you are all inclusive. The duration of the feast approximately 4 hours. We rested in Georgia from relatives and thought that such a feast was naturally for Georgians, but not so. Therefore, only within the framework of this tour, may be a few for tourists, we saw all that we are associated with Georgia and locals. Maybe in ordinary homes all this is already gradually leaving and people have become different, so we, living in the family, did not felt this color.

The most interesting and cognitive tour was in Imereti, the area of ​​Kutaisi. There are many remarkable places where you will be brought and show. True, in one day, everything is a gallop, so we subsequently went through the same places themselves. For example, a very interesting visit to the two caves, in which dinosaur remains were found. This is the cave Prometheus and Satolio. The last is somewhat less than the first, but no less interesting. Indeed, here you can see not only traces of the stay of these lizards, but also admire the stalagtites and stalagmites. One stagnitis especially big and resembles a heart, it is called "bullish heart." It is necessary to touch him and make a desire. We did not come true, but we need to attract anyone's tourists, that's similar legends are created.

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On the territory of Satalipo there is a pristine Colliysky forest, like a fabulous, as well as an observation deck with a glass bottom. It has been strengthened over the abyss and views of the Kutaisi and the surrounding area. Large and beautiful. If you are traveling with a child under 6 years old, then in the second cave, Prometheus will not allow you. There are special conditions in which the child may feel uncomfortable. Little oxygen, high humidity. The tour of the cave is about 1.5 hours on foot.

Also, in the framework of visiting Imereti, it will be possible to see three temples that are associated with the name of David Builder. This is a temple of Bagrat, in which he crowned and located the temple right in Kutaisi in the mountainous part, the temple of Gelati and Mozymetete, which were built under the leadership of the king. All buildings are dated about 10-11 centuries. The church of Bagrat has recently been completely reconstructed, and earlier it was just wreckage. In Gelati and Mozamet, you should enter from the opposite side from Bagrat, but also from the Kutaisi itself.

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In Gelati, you will see the famous main gates, in the floor of which the tombstone is mounted. David Builder is buried here. He himself commanded to grieve him here that every person entering the territory of Gelati entering the stove with the foot, thereby knew the king that his people alive. But today the main gate has lost their direct purpose. Entrance to the territory of the monastic complex Gelati from the opposite side, the nature itself contributed to this, slightly changing the surface relief. On the territory you can see the excavation, the monks are looking for an old library. The temple itself is built in the traditional architectural design for Georgia.

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You will certainly show the stone, which David the builder himself laid and which he carried on his back. Immediately you can see the pin from the wall, it is not immediately noticeable, it is a sundial. True, only in May, they show the time coinciding with our. In other months it is necessary to make recalculation and there is a special system. Be sure to visit the temple, see its special decoration. Here you can also purchase icons for 5-6 lars. Be sure to pay attention to other buildings. There is a Observatory on the territory of Gelati, immediately in one of the premises once stood the coffin tsaritsa Tamara, who was still not found and the place of its true burial was not established. There is a holy source. In the church for 1 LAR you can buy a 1.5 liter bottle of water with holy water.

After visiting Gelacy, you will be taken to another temple - mozzamet, which is in the translation of the Martheny.

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He was erected in honor of the David brothers and Konstantin, who had resistances to the invaders and were tortured them. The territory, like the temple itself, small, but as in Gelati is some kind of special atmosphere.

After inspection there will be lunch. It is included in the cost of the tour - 90 LAR per person. The tour implies a trip full day.

In addition to historical tours in Batumi, you can buy in Turkey on shopping, the benefit of going 15 minutes, and diving (100 lars), paintball (20 LAR per person), fishing in the open sea (75 LAR for 7 bangs, are offered For the whole yacht). For ladies, a tour called "Culinary Course of Adjara Cuisine" - 49 LAR, duration 5-6 hours. So besides resting at sea, you can find a lot of other entertainment.

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