What to bring from India?


Almost all travelers are tormented by questions - what kind of gift to bring your familiar or relatives? In India, it is very difficult to find unusual things, but there are still good gifts here. It does not have to be over expensive or rare things - it is enough that they will be useful and from a pure heart. This state is proud of its finest and gentle silk, and its cost is 5-7 times cheaper than in Moscow. So, a segment of a good fabric will appreciate every woman. But, it does not have to be just a cloth - can already ready - scarf, shawl or sari.

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Even in India, it is well treated with leather products. So - can be brought from the overseas country a leather wallet, bag or case for something. Do not forget that this state is the homeland of spices and seasonings. They are sold in banks, small vouces and boxes, look very beautifully, as they are crossed by multi-colored layers. In addition to spices - you can find fragrant dried herbs and collect small bags. They will become not just an ornament, for example, a bag with branches of lavender perfectly refreshes the air and prevents the appearance of moths. Such a present will delight every hostess. Another edible gift is a real Indian tea, here it is dozens of options. There are red, and pink, and white and classic black. You can buy separately, but you can mix. Tea merchants offer to make up their drink and mix several types of tea, dried fruit and candied. Such a gift will become universal and will like everything. After all, how nice when a person will think every morning about you, when brewing and drinking tea.

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