Why is it worth going to Riva del Garda?


The common view is that absolutely everyone sleeps and see - how to spend their long-awaited vacation on the seashore, to put it mildly, incorrectly. There are people - and there are a lot of them - who are very loved, for example, lakes. And if there is a desire to combine this attachment with love for one of the most charming countries of the world - Italy - then you are a direct path to the resort from the Italian lake: Riva del Garda.

Why is it worth going to Riva del Garda? 14717_1

Shine, and the way to keep such a capricious attention of the spoiled tourists is very difficult. Even in Italy itself, the competition is very strong: there you have a luxurious architecture, and all the delights of the Motherland of world music, and high-class sea resorts, and skiing, which dispersed on the south side of such popular Alps. Nevertheless, Riva del Garda continues not to hold a very considerable number of vacationers. First and, perhaps, the main difference from the rest of local resorts is the perfect ratio of "price-quality of rest" . No words - the legendary Rome, Shakespeare Verona or Sports Milan are worthy of admiration and detailed study. But sometimes you just want to give a rest of the soul in a relaxed lake stroit ... while having the opportunity to enjoy communication with such a living, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow with an Italian culture. The town of Riva del Garda meets both these requests. He rests on the shores of the largest lake in the country - Garda, and the road here, for example, from Milan's airport will take literally a couple of hours. In itself, the natural miracle, which is Lake Garda, is already a worthy place of rest, but the city itself becomes delightful to it in the eyes of foreign guests. Being quite tightly populated (more than 16 thousand people constantly live here), he is called, covered with dust of centuries. After catching through the narrow stony streets between old buildings, it is quite possible to make an idea of ​​all Italy - as if the sky was reflected in the rainy drop. What is worth, for example, only the castle-fortress with all the details that rely on it - a steep moat and a sentigious tower with a dizzying staircase. Fortresses - scary to say! - exceeded 800 years ... Riva del Garda is often called "Milic", and the best recommendation was the fact that Italians themselves seek from all over the country exactly here - to restore both spiritual and physical forces . By the way, the ancient traditions, the antiquity of the history and the abundance of archaic monuments of culture do not at all make it stale and boring. There is a considerable number of shopping and entertainment centers, pubs, restaurants in the city, so it does not happen.

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Lakey beaches perform their relaxing task no worse than sea or ocean. True, here they are only two, but it is enough. Many holidaymakers willingly enjoy a proposal to ride boats on a mirror water surface, and thanks to a fairly large depth (350 m), windsurfers feel excellent. It is not surprising that European-level competitions on this water view of sports are traditionally held on these waters. According to the European standards, the purity of water in Garda is also estimated - the most. Due to its size and location among the Alpine Mountain Cruks, the lake is rather reminiscent of the sea bay than bounded by the water. For swimming, she, by the way, is sufficiently comfortable: almost all the summer months its temperature is holding at +19. The air warms up to +29 into the top of the summer, and in the winter the thermometer is not lowered below +4.

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You need to go here with kids. And not only because of the perfectly preserved lush nature. Almost near the resort there is a sort of tale in reality - "Gardaland". The amusement park occupies a large territory, representing a virtually a grand gaming center. Yes, and various aquatic fun on the lake itself, children will also appreciate. The resort has long chosen family tourists from different countries, especially the Dutch and Germans. Therefore, sometimes those who dream of silence on vacation, the minuses include a multi-haired children's noise in hotels corridors. At the same time, it is only confirmation that the resort takes into account the amenities for young guests. For example, the 4-star Grand Hotel Liberty is conveniently located within walking distance from the lake: literally five minutes - and you and you are already on the beach. Luxury and comfort - business card of this hotel. An indoor and outdoor pools, a spa, fitness center, a Turkish bath, a playground for children are open for visiting its territory. In the morning, early you can not walk with the baby to the restaurant, but just order food to the room. Family guests are nanny for a child, laundry service, etc. Some hotels offer cribs. Considered and special requests - there are rooms for newlyweds. Riva del Garda satisfies the most different tastes and manner to die, because to choose from what and family guests, and those who travel alone - from hotels with an extensive number foundation to separate villas.

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