Rest in Riva Del Garde: Prices


Riva Del Garda is a pearl resort of Italy. There are very few of our tourists and during our rest, I just heard Russian speech a couple of times. Most of the holidaymakers are Italians and Germans. How did this resort like us? Of course, the fact that he is not just cute and cozy, and also because he is an old one. But our main one with his spouse, was to see Lake Garda, which is considered the cleanest lake in Europe. The lake is really impressive, not only with its purity, but also sizes. However, I don't want to write you about the sights of the resort, but about prices in Riva del Garda. Italians attach this town not only with its natural and architectural beauty, and also affordable prices literally on everything.

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Riva del Garda - prices for products in the store

- One kilogram of solid cheese costs from eight to eleven euros. There are varieties of cheese and cheaper, for example, it is quite realistic to meet the price of solid cheese at six and a half euros per kilogram;

- Cheese for gourmets, with mold, stands within ten euros per kilogram. I do not know how you, but I only have from one type of this delicacy, the appetite disappears. About the smell I will keep silent at all;

- one liter of milk, an average of 0.8 euros;

- one dozen chicken eggs, it is one and a half euros, but it's an average because there are eggs and cheaper;

- White bread beer, weighing five hundred grams, worth one euro. Bread varieties are very much, and as you understood that one euro, this is not the final cost of bakery products;

- Apples, Kiwi and bananas, stand one euro per kilogram of vitamins. Apples are more expensive, it all depends directly from the variety. But it does not concern that bananas;

- Potatoes and cauliflower, also stand one euro for Kilo, but the tomatoes are slightly expensive, namely one and a half euros per kilogram;

- chicken fillet in the form of breasts, costs six euros;

- chilled beef, costs eight euros;

- Chilled pork, costs as much as chicken fillet, that is, six euros per kilogram;

- meat minced meat, on average there are five euros;

- a bottle of champagne, you can buy an average of five seven euros, although elite varieties are worth it;

- A bottle of ordinary Italian wine, without any beams there, costs from two to four euros;

- Beer in banks, costs from one to two euros.

By the way, prices for fruits and vegetables depend on the time of year. In the summer, the price is lower. I advise you to search for shops, away from the central part of the town, then there is a high probability that prices will be lower than those I wrote. Lovers save, can make purchases on the market. In the bazaar, the prices are the same as in the store, but here you can bargain, which is actually impossible to do in the same store.

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Riva del Garda - prices in cafe and small restaurants

- Hike first. I ordered: Large Pizza Calcone, a large portion of pasta, dessert, a bottle of red wine and coffee. For all this happiness, I paid forty-two euros;

- Camping second. My order consisted of a large pizza, artichokes, raviolly, bottles of red wine, two desserts and two cups of coffee. Lunch turned out to be glorious and dense. For that I paid fifty-euro;

- Camping Third. Two large portions of pasta with seafood, a bottle of white wine, three different desserts for two and two cups of coffee. The cost of such a dinner was seventy euros;

- Camping fourth. Two first dishes, two fish dishes, one big pizza, one big portion of pasta, two cups of coffee and one bottle of white wine, cost us with her husband at sixty euros;

- Easy snack in the restaurant at the hotel, which consisted of a plate of soup, spinach with garlic and wine glasses, cost me eleven euro;

- You can modestly sit in the evening ordering a glass of wine and a plate of cheese assorted, spending no more than ten euros for it;

- breakfast consisting of omelet with mozzarella and spinach, plus the same cup of fragrant coffee, costs six euros;

- On the outskirts of the town, you can find cozy and inexpensive cafes with delicious and affordable food. So, for example, lunch that consists of three dishes, it can cost such a cozy institution, from eleven to sixteen euros;

I will try to summarize and write prices for the most popular Italian dishes, in the middle value.

- Assorted pizza is a big, costs from six to ten euros;

- Pizza with seafood prepared in a real wood furnace, costs eight euros;

- A very large dish of meat assorted, costs from thirty-four to thirty eight euros. The dish is directly huge and it is quite enough to feed a big and funny company;

- famous for the whole world of Lazagna, stands from five to eight euros. This dish, in the original design, can only be tried in Italy;

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- Home italian wine, you can find either in taverns or in small private shops. I advise you to try this drink, which absorbed the Italian sun, especially since it is fun, relatively cheaps from five to ten euros for one bottle. My husband and I brought home a couple of bottles of home italian wines. One was discovered for the new year, and the second one on our ten-year anniversary of the marital life, which will be in November of this year;

- I advise you to try ham with melon. I never thought, and I could not imagine that these two products could have to be harmoniously combined with each other. It is worth this pleasure, everywhere differently from five and a half euros to eight euros for one portion;

- Assorted fish. We tried him with my spouse in the restaurant and gave for him forty-three euros. This assorted looked like a huge plate with the most incredible gifts of the sea. Of course, we did not master all this, as they ordered before it also the first dish. We tried the fish assortment and in the tavern on the outskirts. All the same big plate with marine gifts, but only the price of this happiness is two times lower;

- In general, any fish or meat dish, stands within ten euros. If you want to take more, I advise you to search for another institution, of course, if you want to save money. And yet, a small advice. Do not be lazy to walk on foot, as in a small zakull, you can find a good place for inexpensively and satisfying snacks.

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