Food in Batumi: Prices where to eat?


Batumi, like any other Georgian city, is ready to meet with tourists in terms of food. There are a lot of cafes, restaurants in which you can eat, treat yourself to the dishes of Georgian cuisine, taste the famous Adjara Khachapuri, drink good wine. There are just small laurels on the street, where they sell about 1 Lar Khachapuri, Lobiani (this is a hachapuri with beans), all sorts of cakes, for example, with potatoes, mushrooms, or sweet buns for 0.5-1 LAR, that is, traveling in Batumi Hungry you will not stay. In addition, if you directly live in the city, there are many shopping centers, where it will be possible to buy any products. For example, the basic products that are most often purchased are approximately as in Russia. Potatoes - 1-1.2 Lara (1 LAR = 25 rubles), tomatoes - 1.5-2 Lara, cucumbers are about also, sour cream and Mazongi (something like our prostropsy) - 1.7-2 Lara, melted cheese - 4 Lara. Very expensive sausage and sausages. Therefore, local residents are not particularly talked, but prefer to buy meat on the market. For example, 100 grams of sausages for our money are about 120 rubles, sausages - a kilogram of 9 LAR, which is 225 rubles. As for drinks, the bottle of lemonade or coca-cola will cost 1-1.2 Lara, the bottle of wine in the type "Kinsmarauli" or "Lausan Valley" - 15-18 LAR. For children Sweets - Cupcake - 2-3 Lara, Candy - Lollipops or Chewing Marmalade - 7-8 LAR. For one trip to the store when buying everything you need for dinner, you can spend about 20-30 LAR, that is, from 500 to 750 rubles. Of course, you can eat in a cafe, but after a long stay in Georgia, I personally wanted usual food, so by the expiration of some time we have already prepared themselves, combining our usual dishes with our gastric dishes with Georgian dishes.

If you are planning to visit local uppons, I urgently do not recommend visiting a cafe in the nearby intimacy from the Primorsky Boulevard, which can be found in a very unconventional design. The entrance is decorated in the form of a fragment of a huge barrel and called this Sazandari institutions.

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Why? It is not particularly complaining of visitors. Having come here and seeing a free table, asked the waiters to put it in order, since traces of staying other customers were noticeable. After 5-7 minutes, no one approached us, although the waiters were reminded passing by the waiters, the reaction is zero. As a result, our entire company, including Georgians, got up and left. I didn't even see such a "raining", that's not my hospitality. Although ... maybe it was not lucky.

I really liked the chinkal, in which we went immediately after this institution. It is located on A. Pushkin Street, D.99.

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As soon as we entered us immediately met and spent in a separate room. There are no common halls, and separate small rooms with individual air conditioning and a very comfortable design, in a purely Georgian style. In Khinkali, of course, Hincali ordered. 1 piece costs 0.7 LAR, minimum order - 10 pieces. We were four adults and a child. From adults - two men. We all had enough 2 chinki pieces. They cost 17.5 LAR. Be sure to try Adjara Khachapuri, but unfortunately it is in this chinking, it is not prepared, but they make Imereti Khachapuri, but also very tasty, you can order. It is brought on a plate, in shape it is like pintu, only cheese and cheese filling is over. Cost 10 LAR. Very satisfying dish. Ajarsky Khachapuri is somewhat different. His bake in the form of a boat, and in the center melted cheese and egg. Eating as follows. Remove a piece of bread and make in cheese and egg. Also very tasty. They ate him elsewhere and I can not definitely say what kind of Khachapuri is tastier. Try both. There was a local production lemonade in the order for a bottle of 1.5 Lara, for coffee and tea paid 1 Lara. As for the tips, it is not worth it separately. Tips include the order price and they make up 10% and it is so everywhere. We ordered to us at 36 LAR, and we paid for tiling 39.6 LAR. I wanted to eat any other national dishes, such as Tsatsvi, Kupaat, Shashlik, but there was no longer the rest. Therefore, ordering anything, be sure to consider that most of the Georgian dishes are very satisfying. The choice of dishes is very large.

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If you go to a cafe or restaurant with a child, then you can try local dishes. Just ask for a baby not to pierce them. Peppers add everywhere and to everything, well, of course, with the exception of sweet dishes.

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