Public transport in Ottawa


Urban transport in the Canadian capital Ottawa is buses, O-Train Light Railway, Taxi, Bicycle Rental and Water Types of Messages.


O-TRAIN Local Railway Railway is managed by OC Transpo. The branch here is only one, there are five stations on it, and its length is eight kilometers. Found this transport subsystem in 2001. She goes around the city in the north-south direction, the Greenboro and Baivey regions are communicated with it. The interval of trains is fifteen minutes. It is convenient to use this light metro because its stations are located very close to the bus terminals.

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For travel on the subway O-Train pay 3.4 Canadian dollar. You can purchase a ticket in an automatic station. Children up to eleven years - fare is free. There is also a separate bus transit ticket, which can be obtained from the driver in exchange for the bus pass - by such a ticket you can transfer to another bus or on the lobeshelter subway for one and a half hours.

Local authorities have big plans for the development of the city railway - in Ottawa, they plan to build another branch, which will provide transport links between the airport and the central part of the city and with the Western and Eastern regions of the capital of Canada.


Like a city legal subway, a network of bus passenger traffic is also managed by the OC Transpo Municipal Transport Office. Buses of Red and White Coloring ride around the city. Using a transit travel, you can transfer to the Log Train Metro trains and back.

The bus transport in Ottawa is three species: a regular flight, "peak" (used to ensure the unloading of passenger traffic at rush hour), as well as express buses, with which the message is provided between the Canadian capital and suburbs.

City bus stops on demand - but only on equipped stops. To signal the driver of the stop, use the appropriate button in the cabin or pull the yellow wire that stretches along the windows. A text and voice alert works in buses. Transportation is on the lines of the schedule - you can familiarize yourself with it at many stops.

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A bus ticket costs a half Canadian dollar. Such travel is implemented at train stations and in small grocery trading establishments. An adult man for travel on the bus should have two tickets with him, a child from six to eleven years old is required by one ticket. For children under six years old do not need to pay. The passage can be bought directly in transport, but it will come out more expensive to you - such for an adult passenger will cost 3.4 CAD, and for a child - 1.8. In addition, drivers are still not allowed to give out - this is due to safety requirements when driving on the road. When entering transport, by the way, there is an inscription warning about it.

Bus passengers provide drivers tickets or pay for travel, and they themselves receive transit tickets for which they can translate on buses from other lines in Ottawa and the nearby city of Gatino. The number of transfers is unlimited, but the period of action of the transit ticket is limited - one and a half hours. This refers to the restriction of the last time of transplant, and not the total duration of the trip.

The bus lines of the Canadian capital are combined with Gatino lines. Some buses move along the lines of Also to this city, and some buses from Gatino, in turn, come to Ottawa. You can transplane from the lines of one city on the line of another, but this right gives only a transit ticket.

People with disabilities can take advantage of the special division of the Ottawa public transport, called PARATRANSPO.

About local stations

Train Station Ottawa is a major terminal, the main transport hub of the Canadian capital. The modern structure of the station dated 1966, projected his architect John Parkin. In 2000, the building was honored to be listed in the list of five hundred of the best buildings of the country.

The distance to the city from the station is four kilometers. Previously, the station was in the central part of the city, next to the parliament, but in our time the situation is different (the situation has changed when the general reconstruction was conducted in Ottawa).

Central Bus Station In Ottawa, the main bus terminal of the city is located in its central part, at the corner between ul. Kent Street and Catherine Street. From here, intercity vehicles goes to Toronto, Montreal and other settlements. Mainly, Flights from the transport company Greyhound Canada are serviced here, incl. Flights to United States of America.

Taxi service

In Ottawa, there are no problems with the choice of the office providing such a service. In the city you will not find unlicensed transport; There are also clear rates for travel. The price is contained, of course, depending on the length of the route and time spent on the road. When landing into the car, pay approximately 2.25 Canadian bucks, plus for each km - about a dollar. A minute of waiting will cost you in 0.37 CAD. For luggage you do not need to pay.

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Here are taxi firms operating in the Canadian capital: Blue Line Taxi, Capital Taxi, Executive Cabs, Shuttle Jet Services and Dj's Taxi.

Water types of transport

Water types of transport in the capital of Canada are river cruise ships, River Taxi Ottawa - Gatino and a pleasure boat that go through the Ridea channel in the summer. You can dwell on the prices and schedule of movement - Capital Cruises Ottawa, Waterway Cruises and Ontario.

Bike rent

In Ottawa and Gatino, starting from 2011, the service of hourly rental of bike transportation, called BIXI. In total, lovers of such a way of movement are twenty-five rental points and two and a half hundred and actually large. Rental locations are mainly located in the center of Ottawa. In the city there are special cycomarsworthy near the rivers of Ottawa and Rido and the Rido Channel.

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