What excursions should I go to Enpach?


If you spend your vacation at the Korean resort of Eongphan, then there are several options for an active excursion program at once. One of the most popular, undoubtedly, the trip to the diamond mountains is considered. None of the other mountains in Korea do not cause such admiration as Kymgansan. So the name of the diamond mountains in the Korean language sounds. Artists and poets from ancient times challenged their spurs. And their number in this mountain range is more than a hundred. Here you will see with your own eyes more than 12 thousand vertices, dozens of mountain gorges, rocks that have all sizes and shapes, streams with clean water, as well as rich fauna and flora create a unique landscape, which is no analogues anywhere in the world.

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The largest number of ancient legends in Korea is difficult precisely about the highest mountain Komshangan. This Olympus Korean Peninsula is not considered very high. Its highest peaks are at an altitude of only 1,700 meters, but for Korea is a significant vertex. There is a legend that one day the Divine faces have loved after the rain, recreation on the clouds, Kymangan. But they suddenly seemed that this mountain on Earth was eclipsed by even their heavenly ownership. Then the fairies decided to move to Earth. They shifted the bridge from the rainbow directly to the top of Kymangan and went down to Earth. As a gift, the residents of Korea, they endowed them with the ability to seen songs and poems, as well as gracefully dance. People borrowed the habit of carrying bright clothes of the rainbow colors, after which they fell in love with their native land, even stronger than the sun and the sky. Since then, all the Koreans are strictly convinced that there are more beautiful countries of the Coson's homeland on all white light. Please note that this route will be held through the territory of the neighboring state with South Korea. The possibility of such travels to Komgancan appeared in most of the foreigners who come to Korea not so long ago. The first excursion tour of this route went at the end of 1998 and since then these stunning places were able to see hundreds of thousands of tourists with their own eyes.

Trips to Kymgansan are organized on small heights of the Solbonho class or on buses whose path runs through a demilitarized zone that shared two states. The program of this excursion includes a visit to the external and internal areas of diamond mountains. You will be able to test the whole magic power of local geothermal sources, and in the cultural and historical center "Kymgansan", see the view of the famous North Korean circus "Moranbon", which will replace the whole world with its extraordinary acrobatic tricks.

Total tourist companies offer four routes for exploring the unique world of mysterious diamond mountains. External Kymganasan is a sample of courageous greatness, and the inner - has pristine female charm.

We will list particularly interesting objects that will meet you on the route in this excursion.

Waterfall Kurient. The height of this waterfall is 50 meters. He is not only the most beautiful, but one of the most famous in Korea. In the people, he was called the "Waterfall of the Nine Dragons", which was inspired by his bizarre form. The foot of the waterfall is somewhat cleaned in the rocks, the length of each of which is more than ten meters. Their outlines are reminded by the appearance of the dragons spent the flames.

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Ponds Sanphaldam. This place in the diamond mountains has become known, thanks to the legend of the fairy and the woodcutter, who met on the shore of these ponds and built their happiness, despite all the obstacles. Today, these ponds became the center of the pilgrimage of romantics from around the world and are a secluded place for a pleasant, albeit a short rest in this excursion.

Pibon waterfall. He received his second name "Waterfall of a flying phoenix" for his temper. The splashes of this water flow rush immediately in several directions, which resembles the straightening wings of Phoenix birds. Be careful, making photos here. Technique may suffer from humidity.

Rocks Manmulsan. This array is rightfully considered the scenery "number one" in the diamond mountains. In total, there are several tens of thousands of rocks, which their outlines resemble all sorts of animals and fabulous characters. It all depends on what angle you will inspect them. Sometimes enough to go a few steps to the side and the picture is changing radically.

Hot source Komganzana. This healing hot spring is located just 300 meters from the hotel with the same name. There is a legend that his water helps to heal the body, and the soul. It will be pleasant to relax after a long lift in mountain paths.

Pay attention to several conditions that need to be followed by recording this excursion. First of all, the tour must be booked in advance more than 7 days. Moreover, only in travel agencies with certification to work this route. When concluding a travel agreement, you will need to provide two photos and fill in a special questionnaire to visit the object.

As for the payment of the excursion, it is best to do this with a plastic card. Since when paying in cash, there are special rules related to the need to open a deposit in one of the banks approved by the Government. The list is very wide. Details can be clarified when making an excursion in travel agency.

On the eve of the exit you need to confirm your order. This is associated with borderline formalities. Lists to visit are coordinated in advance, and in the case of non-acceptance of someone from tourists, the whole group will not be able to go on a journey. It is necessary to come to the specified place of collection, at least two hours before departure, it has necessarily taking a passport with you. The group leaves at 14 o'clock and the tour lasts three days. Two nights you will spend in hotels along the route. If you choose a land journey through this route, it will pass through Cornia Cavanon Country. If you go to the sea tour, then from Yonpkhen on the bus, you will first take the province of Canvon to the port of Sokcho, from where the excursion will continue on the motor ship.

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